In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.
All-Might disappeared and Shigaraki said in excitement "Look alive, Nomu! The final boss is here!" All-Might incapacitated all the villains in an instant, flashing around before putting the 5 Monster Hunter party, Tsuyu, and Aizawa, down a bit away.
All-Might gave them a thumbs up, but Izuku said quickly "All-Might! It regenerates, you be careful! We just blew a hole in it and look!" as he pointed over, All-Might was shocked, at the recovering hole in Nomu's body.
He looked at them and said in shock "You all did that!?" The 5 nodded and All-Might grinned, "OKAY, Heroes. Let me handle the rest!" as he shot towards Nomu, shouting "CAROLINA SMASH!"
Bullet held up Aizawa, looking at him, saying "Ah!" extremely angry! He put Aizawa down, getting an idea, before saying to Shoto, "Treat." as he pointed at Shoto's belt. Shoto nodded and Izuku asked "Where are you going?" Bullet grinded his teeth, spitting out one word "Weapon!" before jumping away, adding "Kill. Hands."
Eijiro suddenly realized he was covered in blood and vomited on the ground, Izuku was pretty much fine while Katsuki and Shoto didn't seem to care at all. Shoto took care of Aizawa, saying "Tsuyu, can you help me?" Tsuyu swallowed and nodded.
Izuku hesitated before saying, "You don't have to be afraid, Tsuyu… he saved you didn't he?" Tsuyu shook her head and didn't answer, not liking Bullet one bit, extremely afraid of him.
Maybe she would never like him…
Eijiro wiped his lips and looked at Katsuki, whispering "But that guy is really strong, man!" Katsuki grinded his teeth and said "I know! That damn bastard is only worthwhile when his mask is on! It pisses me off!" Izuku watched All-Might fight while muttering "Bullet is really used to fighting, I really want to know why… If I can find out then maybe we can get a better understanding of him…"
Shoto was silent as Izuku added, "He seems to have two personalities… The one we're usually with is kind, self-conscious, and happy but the Mask seems to be a fighting maniac, aggressive, cold, and willing to kill." He looked at Katsuki and asked "How do you think we should handle him if he loses control?"
Katsuki flared up, "WE!? Fuck off, Deku! You damn nerd, who's we?! If he goes out of control, I'll put him down!" Eijiro touched his nose and smiled, "Count me in!" Shoto looked up and squinted slightly "Me too."
Izuku froze and turned back, "I think you guys just want to fight him, right…"
As Izuku decided to record Bullet in his hero booklet, swapping his Quirk for his Dual Personality, Bullet ran to find Momo.
He found her smashing a villain over the head with a pipe.
Having made an amp for Jiro to blast her soundwaves in.
Bullet landed in front of her, picking her up with Jiro and throwing Binding cloth around Denki and Fumikage, jumping away as he said "Need Weapon." Momo shouted angrily "I'm not your personal warehouse!"
The Mask sighed, "Wish! That would be easy. Bullet like other girl, but Mask think you better." Momo glared at him and said "Forget it! I won't like you in a million years!" Mask nodded and chuckled "Mask know. Mask pretty useless. But Mask need help, only you."
He brought them all to another area with the tail guy that Mask forgot the name of… He put them down saying to Momo, "Aizawa out. Broke arms. Mask kill responsible. Need Gun. Like Lady Nagant."
Momo's eyes widened at the information, "You want a sniper rifle?!" Bullet nodded, "Ah! Quick! Escape. All-Might fight. Help!" Momo grit her teeth and said "You owe me!" Mask nodded, "Marry you if want." Momo glared at him angrily, opening the school jacket, revealing herself.
Bullet grabbed the barrel sticking out of her chest, pulling out a sniper rifle and then taking out a box of bullets. He slapped her shoulder, nodding "Whatever want. Mask give you. Even kill someone. Mask do." before he jumped away, leaving Momo there with the rest.
She buttoned Bullet's jacket and blow out smoke from her nose, "That asshole! If he wasn't so good at fighting, I would've beat him myself!" The rest looked at her and looked away.
Jiro rolled her eyes, saying "I dunno, maybe you two fit?" Momo hit her in the head with a stick, saying "Never! I like someone else!" Jiro was instantly interested, smirking "Oh yeah? Who's that?"
Fumikage was stunned, saying "Maybe later is a better time?" the tail guy nodded, "I agree." Denki recovered and said "Ojiro is right, we can gossip after! Come on, ladies." Momo snorted and Jiro pulled out a sword from her leg, unable to help herself, "Is it Bakugo?"
Momo was horrified, "Gross!" A voice said "I don't think he's gross!" everyone jumped and saw a pair of boots and floating gloves, Jiro held her chest, "Damn Toru, you scared me!" Momo said suspiciously, "Not gross?" Fumikage exploded "CAN WE PLEASE! THE VILLAINS!"
Bullet came to the battlefield where All-Might was. He jumped to a higher vantage point and loaded the rifle.
Knuckleduster used one of these all the time.
Bullet aimed down the scope before freezing as he stared in awe!
All-Might punched Nomu hundreds of times a second, blowing away everyone, not letting anyone get close!
All-Might grinned "He said your Quirk was only shock absorption, not nullification! That means there's a limit to what you can take, right!?" Nomu's body doubled in size as All-Might continued punching crazily!
All-Might coughed up blood, "So you were made to fight me, big guy?! If you can really withstand me firing at 100% of my power, then I'll have to go beyond that and force you to surrender!"
All-Might pushed Nomu back before punching him away and chasing after him, shouting "A Real Hero will always find a way for Justice to be served!" as he smashed Nomu into the air before jumping off the ground, shatting the floor as he shot towards Nomu, grabbing his arm and roaring, slamming him back into the ground!
The entire facility shook as the ground was blasted into a crater!
Bullet's mouth was wide open in shock as All-Might landed on the ground and spoke loudly, "Now for a lesson! You may have heard these words before, but I'll teach you what they really mean!" Nomu couldn't even fight back at all!
He clenched a fist and shouted "GO BEYOND!" as he punched forward with all his strength, roaring "PLUS! ULTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" his fist connected with Nomu and blew up his body like a balloon before sending him blasting through the air!
Nomu shot out like a missile, smashing through the roof of the Facility, sending him shooting into the sky and disappearing!
Bullet stared at the hole with wide eyes, his jaw hanging open.
He came back to his senses as Shigaraki charged at All-Might, going through a portal. He aimed at Shigaraki's head and pulled the trigger in an instant!
A loud BANG sounded and Shigaraki had his head pulled back in an instant!
The hand on his face exploded into a mess of flesh as Shigaraki turned and glared at Bullet, who loaded another shot, aiming at his face.
Izuku suddenly appeared, punching at Kurogiri's neck brace, making Bullet hold his finger.
Bullet looked through the scope, seeing Shigaraki reach through Kurogiri at Izuku's face. Bullet let out a breath and his body calmed down, pulling the trigger.
Two bullets hit Shigaraki's hand and it was mangled in an instant!
Shigaraki fell back and grabbed his hand, screaming in pain!
Bullet loaded another shot and aimed at his head this time, pulling the trigger immediately as Shigaraki was sucked into the portal but also to the side by Thirteen, making Bullet's shot miss.
He frowned and loaded another shot quickly, shooting through the portal and reloading, firing again! He went to shoot a third time but was suddenly pressed down by Midnight and Present Mic as Snipe held a gun on Bullet's head, not knowing the situation.
Bullet glared at the disappearing portal, saying "Escape!" Present Mic sweat a bit "Where did you get a sniper?!" Midnight looked at the corpses and bit her lips, "Oh boy…"
Bullet raised his hands, saying "Stole. Villain bring." The sniper rifle and knife were taken from Bullet's hands and revealed his mangled left hand. Present Mic shouted "Medic." before looking over Bullet and said quietly "Don't say anything, okay? Where's Aizawa?"
Bullet took his mask off and teared up instantly, pointing ahead. Present Mic looked over and his pupils shrank! He shivered in rage and rushed out, shouting "Shota!" Midnight held Bullet and sighed, hugging him, rubbing his back, saying "It's alright… Come here, sleep for a bit." Bullet slowly fell asleep in Midnight's arms and she moved him to her back, holding him there as she walked over to Aizawa.
Present Mic listened to Aizawa's heartbeat and let out a breath of relief. He turned to Midnight, seeing Bullet asleep and sighed "Probably for the best."