In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.
Bullet fell from the 5th floor and giggled strangely, cracking his neck at an unnatural angle, "Ah ah ah~ Spinner and Twice killed by the same person~ Who's next? I need to know! The suspense is KILLING me~" before grinning evilly, shooting out his knives into the wall, pulling himself around, saying "Oh~ Himikoooooo~ My sweet little devil~ Won't you die for me? Pwease?"
Himiko turned and grinned eerily "You must be the other Bullet, right?" Bullet licked his lips, flashing his sharp canines, "I really love you, Himiko. That's why you gotta die… I need to taste your blood, you know?"
Himiko giggled and they both seemed to disappear.
They clashed knives upside down in the air as Himiko giggled strangely, "I know~ But I don't want yours, freak~! Bullet is the one I want." Bullet leaned his head back, grinning eerily, "That's too bad, a cute little number like yourself doesn't want me…" he slashed out, laughing "WHAT CAN I SAY? I'M HEARTBROKEN! AHAHAHAH!"
He shot out his knives and disappeared as Himiko bounced the knives off and twisted, blocking two knives from from and back.
She was tackled off the floor and Bullet bit into her shoulder like a wild animal. Himiko raised her knives, giggling as Bullet stopped, saying softly "Himiko…" she froze and Bullet cackled "STUPID BITCH!" as he stabbed her in the shoulder, riding her to the ground, laughing wildly.
Just before they hit the ground Bullet cracked his neck and roared "GET OUT!" as he wrapped up Himiko and twisted, smashing into the ground.
Himiko was tossed off him as he writhed, "Run!" Himiko was dumbfounded and asked "Are you okay?!" Bullet jerked and arched his back on the ground, screaming incoherently.
He flipped over and laughed crazily, one hand was pulling down the mask while the other was tearing it off as he said "RUN/STAY!" Himiko held her knives, shaking. She shouted "Hey! Lady!"
Midnight stopped as a knife shot out, stabbing the villain in front of her in the head. She turned around and Himiko waved, shouting "Help him!" Midnight looked at Bullet and frowned, running over as she said "Keep him busy, girl."
Himiko pulled the knife out of her shoulder and charged at Bullet, stabbing at him.
He tore the mask slightly, revealing a manic look in his eye as he slashed out, clashing knives with Himiko, sparks flying.
Midnight waved her arms, tearing the cloth of her costume.
Bullet said quickly "Nemuri! Don…" as he swayed, muttering "Run… Quickly… Tell everyone…" Midnight froze and slapped Bullet, shouting "GET OUT! EVERYONE OUT NOW! HURRY!"
Mt. Lady scooped all the heroes up and ran out as a massive ice wall exploded from the ground, sending her flying!
Bullet leaned over before tearing his mask off his face, ripping it in half! He looked up and laughed, "Oh god! Finally! The light! Yum-yum-yummy~!" he leaned back and grinned crazily, "Are you offering your lives to the cause?"
Everyone froze as an unbelievable bloodlust radiated from Bullet's body.
He dropped the knives on the ground and tilted his neck as his grin widened, "Don't worry… It'll only hurt really, really bad." before he disappeared like a ghost.
A head flew up suddenly as Bullet appeared on a headless guy, pouring the blood all over himself like a deviant "Ugh! Is this freedom? All your Liberation ideas were all for me? I'm so flattered, honestly… I just… might…"
His grin turned sadistic and he pulled on his face, "I just might kill again~!" as he flashed through the crowd, swinging his arms, the cloth snapping knives back and forth as Bullet cackled wildly, crushing throats with his knuckledusters, stabbing people with his knives at the same time.
He was a one man killing machine!
A sword slid across his chest and he cackled, "That's what the armor is for, retard! Ahahah!" before grabbing that guy's head and shoving his thumbs into his eye sockets, splattering blood all over his own face, grinning sadistically.
Bullet threw him up as a guy with scythes for arms, chopped him in half!
Bullet licked the blood off his face and grinned, "Don't you know?" he charged at the guy, pulling his knives back and slipping through the scythe swipes, slashing his knives out, severing the guy's arms, "Sharing is caring~!"
Bullet grabbed the scythes and kissed them, crossing them in front of him with a wild look, giggling "I seem to have you all surrounded~ Hehe~!" as he stood in the middle of hundreds of villains.
He giggled and shivered on the spot, "You have the right to remain silent… Anything you say can be used against you in the afterlife! HEHEHEHAHAHAHAH!" before swinging his new scythes wildly, chopping people up.
He cackled, "Maskless is so tasteless, call me Knull! Blood God is fine too!" as he flickered.
Crossed Scythes appeared in front of a guy's neck as he heard a whisper "Ah… You should really watch your head… Sometimes it just…" Bullet swung out, spinning the scythes around him as he grinned, leaning his head back, admiring his work "Sometimes it just falls right off, ya silly goose~"
He threw out his knives and chopped with the scythes, laughing with blood dripping from his face, his expression was pure ecstasy!
Bullet shivered as he chopped an arm off, licking his lips, "This must be heaven." he jumped up and stabbed his scythes into the mountain of ice, climbing up, cackling "Femboy~ I'm coming for yoooou~ Don't worry, I'm a licensed professional! A gender change is a very simple procedure! HAHAHAHA!"
Geten glared at him, waving his hand as an ice dragon swooped towards Bullet, who jumped off and slammed the scythes into the dragon head, laughing wildly.
He held the scythes out before spinning wildly.
Geten was shocked as the scythes stabbed into the dragon quickly, shooting Bullet like a wheel all the way up the long dragon right to him!
Bullet jumped out and grinned wildly, slashing out at Geten, saying "Come on, Femboy. Stop flirting and kill me! AHAHAHA!"