In this world, Quirks run rampant and the unfortunate Quirkless people get left behind, tossed aside in exchange for fame and power, meant to claw and scrape for any hope of survival! One boy will fight against the world to prove that everyone can be a hero no matter the way you were born! The Quirkless Hero who grew up fighting for food, a real hero amongst a sea of fakes! He may not be the strongest hero, but he will inspire an entire generation! 18+ Gore, Blood, Violence, etc. You know the drill by now.
Aizawa's eyes twitched and Mirio laughed "Don't worry, I'm the main act!" he shouted "The outlook's looking…" while leaning over and cupping his ear, only to get no response.
Nejire sat on Momo's desk, watching the dream as Mirio straightened back out, laughing "GRIM! THE ANSWER IS GRIM! AHAHA! WELL, THAT DIDN'T GO OVER SO WELL! AHAHAH!"
Then he got serious, saying "A lot of you seem to be saying 'who cares', one of you is even asleep. That's so crazy, I've never seen it before. You must be wondering why Third Years are here to teach you about a Work Studies Program that you don't even have to do, right? You all got your Licenses as First years… Hmph!"
The atmosphere got serious as he continued "I guess this year's first years are real go-getters. And since our talk isn't going to well… I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON! AHAHA!"
Bullet's dream bubble popped and he looked up in a daze, "Fight?" Mirio pointed at his nose, "HAHA! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! I WANT TO FIGHT YOU THE MOST!" Bullet was dumbfounded, turning to Momo before being shocked another girl was staring at him!
He turned back to see a gloomy guy glancing at him as well.
Bullet said in shock, "New classmate?!" Izuku covered his head in embarrassment as Jiro fell off her seat laughing.
Aizawa shouted angrily "Third Year!" Bullet waved his finger and chuckled, "Big joke?" he pointed at Mirio, adding "This guy, stronger than Pro." everyone was shocked and Aizawa nodded, "This is Third Year, top top. Number 1. Mirio Togata."
Bullet shook his head, saying smugly "You funny. Third Year so strong, Bullet no believe. Pro in school uniform." He got up and walked away, chuckling "Strange dream." Mirio smirked and punched out in an instant but Bullet leaned forward, swinging his leg back at the same time, stopping at Mirio's neck.
The class was dazed, they blinked and it was over!
Mirio's eyes sparkled and he laughed "HAHA! AWESOME! Go get changed, I can't wait!"
A bit later
Everyone was in their gym uniform, standing around at Gym Gamma.
Izuku said "I'm first!" as he charged at Mirio, kicking through him and sliding behind Mirio on the ground.
Izuku was shocked as everyone's attacks went through Mirio, muttering "Phasing?!"
Mirio's pants fell down and Jiro shrieked "AHHH! A PERVERT!"
Bullet watched from the back, wondering.
He walked over and punched Mirio, going through him but Bullet just stood inside Mirio, seeing his organs.
Bullet said "Wow! Magical!" as he looked around, saying "Healthy!"
Aizawa was dumbfounded and Mirio slipped into the ground appearing somewhere else as he said with a laugh "STOP LOOKING AT MY ORGANS! AHAH! THAT'S PRIVATE!" but he was currently naked!
Nejire fell over laughing and rolling on the ground, "HE STOOD INSIDE OF HIM! AHAHHA! DOESN'T HE KNOW SOMEONE'S ORGANS IS A VERY PRIVATE THING?!"
Bullet was stunned and suddenly punched in the chin, flying up into the air as Mirio shot out of the ground.
The class was stunned and said in disbelief, "He hit Bullet!?" they faintly felt a despair… AIzawa frowned slightly… Bullet landed on the ground and said "Hey! Why stop?" they looked at him and he smiled, "haha! Sooner or later, all stronger than Bullet? This strong now, see world, not so strong. Fight! Why despair? So silly."
They woke up and were a bit scared of their own thoughts before attacking Mirio on their own.
Mirio was stunned, these little guys were tenacious!
Not only that but one of them was firing actual live ammunition at him!
Shoto slapped out a fire tornado and Mirio disappeared, stomping Shoto's face into the ground. He dove into the ground and flipped behind Momo, smashing his heel on her head.
Then he dove back and disappeared.
Izuku shouted "He's got a phasing Quirk! Watch behind you!" everyone was alert and looked around before Eijiro rolled on the ground, Mirio showed half his face, before disappearing again.
Time passed slowly as the class was dismantled.
Bullet, Izuku, and Jiro were left.
Izuku said "Jiro, the ground." Jiro plugged her ear jacks into the ground and made it vibrate but Mirio appeared behind her, Bullet flew over Jiro's shoulder and stomped on Mirio, shooting right through him.
Mirio took down Jiro and laughed, "Good plan! But you don't know how my Quirk works! Ahaha!" Izuku suddenly punched him in the face and passed through, muttering "When he talks he's not phasing… So maybe when he's holding his breath? But the warping is phasing through the ground so…"
Izuku turned around, kicking out as Mirio appeared, grinning as he punched through Izuku's head. Bullet threw out his cloth and pulled Izuku back as Mirio punched at him.
Bullet caught Izuku, saying "Bullet think… Technique very strong." Izuku let out a breath and frowned, "Mhm. He's like a real Pro!" Bullet muttered "You make dust." Izuku punched the ground and Mirio laughed, sinking into the ground.
He punched at Izuku, who jumped back quickly, kicking up, dispersing the dust.
Mirio looked at him and smiled.
Suddenly, he was punched in the cheek and sent flying!
Nejire and Tamaki were stunned, shouting "Wha? Who?!"
Mirio touched his cheek and smirked "That's the one! It really is difficult to catch!"
Bullet was gone. Izuku charged at Mirio, who dodged his blows while being alert to Bullet, trying to find him. Izuku suddenly sped up and punched at Mirio's stomach, landing a blow.
Mirio slid back and slipped into the ground, shooting through Izuku and elbowing him in the face!
Izuku went rolling back but Mirio was axe-kicked into the ground!
Bullet rolled off and looked at Mirio with shock! This guy…
Mirio held his arm over his head and smirked "Hey hey hey! You're really good at that! I almost-" he sunk into the ground and Bullet jumped forward, only for Mirio to show up in front of him, finishing "Lost you! Aha!"
Bullet's head shot up and his eyes blurred before he fell to the ground, thinking 'Strong…'
Mirio put his pants on and smiled "Cool! Really had me on the ropes for a sec there!" he was really happy. These guys were surprisingly awesome! Team work between the whole class could use some work but these two guys were in sync.
Or rather, that one-armed guy adapted to the other guy in an instant.
He was a bit shocked inwardly, asking "Aizawa sensei… Are you sure he doesn't have a Quirk? Hah?" he rubbed his cheek, feeling it ache a bit. Aizawa nodded and Mirio was really shocked, "This kid, so awesome! Your class is really good! Look!"
He pointed at them all, laughing "They're all glaring at me unconscious!"