
Akira (Self Proclaimed #1 Fan)

Bullet woke up, feeling pain all over his body. He laid there and groaned. Recovery Girl looked up and smiled, "You're awake." the wall next to the door exploded and Mei walked in holding a massive machine!

She laughed at the ceiling "BEHOLD! MY PRECIOUS DEMOLITION BABY! I'M HERE TO PICK UP MY DOG, I HAVE A TICKET! AHAHAH!" Recovery Girl sighed and Bullet said "Ah…" Mei dragged the giant gun-like thing, running to Bullet, "YOU OKAY?!" Bullet smiled and nodded, Mei bubbled with laughter, "Great! That's great! Hahaha!"

She leaned over his bed and pressed her face on his, saying "I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO HAVE TO MAKE A TIME MACHINE TO SAVE YOU! AHAHAHAH! I'LL DO IT!" she came in real close and said seriously "I really will make one. Then you will become immortal, you think I'm joking? I'm serious, okay? You'll be my cute dog forever and ever, you understand?"

Bullet closed his eyes and nodded, she leaned back and shouted "HAHAH! MY HEART! IT'LL BURST!" Before leaning back and pulling at the bandages on his mouth. She pulled the bandages off in that area and saw the scarred cut at the far right of his lips.

She touched it and seemed to be sad. Bullet looked at her and smiled gently, struggling to speak before finally saying "Bullet win! Mei happy?" Mei froze and looked at him, wiping her eyes "Idiot! Be happy for yourself!" before laughing.

Bullet just smiled and Mei held his face, saying "Remember? Surprise? Huge!" Bullet was shocked "FORGOT!" Mei laughed "HAHAH! NOT ME!" before saying seriously, "Huge surprise. Okay? Close eyes." Bullet looked suspicious and she shouted while laughing "CLOSE YOUR EYES WHEN YOU'RE TOLD YOU DOG! AHAHAHA! GOD I LOVE YOUR EMPTY SKULL!"

Bullet sighed and closed his eyes. Mei said "Okay! No move! Ready?" Bullet nodded and said "Wh-" before his eyes widened! Mei leaned over and pulled on his head, kissing his lips! Bullet closed his eyes and enjoyed it before Mei let him go.

Bullet stared at the ceiling with unfocused eyes. Mei's face was more pink than her hair and she licked her lips, looking embarrassed. She suddenly laughed "AHAHHA! YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YOU?! THAT WAS THE BIG SURPRISE! HAHAHAHA! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE KISSED BY THE CREATOR OF ALL MACHINES!?"

Bullet opened his mouth and said shakily "Vive la france…" Mei slapped her forehead and burst out laughing, "THIS ISN'T THE REVOLUTION! HAHAHA!" before turning to Recovery Girl, asking "When can he leave?" Recovery Girl looked at her teasingly, replying "When his legal guardian comes to pick him up."

Mei was shocked "Parents?! WOW!" she turned to Bullet and handed him a pitch black phone, saying "Make! For you!" then took out his mask, showing him the repaired version. The missing part was black and the cut from Momo was stitched back together.

Mei said "Same Material! But it took so long to find because I don't use shit synthetic materials! Ahahaha!" Bullet struggled to lift his arm but Mei tucked the mask in his hand, smiling "Help."

Bullet looked at her and teared up, saying "Thank you." Mei wiped his tears and smiled widely "No thanks! No need!" she held his cheeks and said honestly "You're amazing." Bullet just smiled shyly and didn't say anything.

Was this…


Suddenly, Aizawa walked in and looked at the hole in the wall. He turned to Mei and said "Get out." Mei snorted at him, saying "HAHA! NO! I'M WAITING FOR HIS PARENTS!" Bullet was shocked! Waiting? For the proposal?!

Aizawa replied flatly "He doesn't have any. I take care of him." before ignoring Mei's shocked look as he turned to Recovery Girl, getting some information from her.

Mei turned to Bullet to see him blushing in a daze. She shook him and laughing "You no family!? Why no say?!" Bullet was startled and replied "You no ask?" Mei froze and laughed "AHA!" Before shaking him, "I ask now!"

Bullet explained "Bullet, no quirk!" Mei nodded and Bullet went on, "No quirk, see Doctor. Doctor say No quirk ever! Parents cry. Then throw Bullet on street in trash. Forget him. Leave, never see again." he smiled kindly, "Bullet hope okay."

Mei froze from head to toe and she couldn't even laugh anymore. Her mind put the pieces together in an instant. He was always getting lost as though he had never been in buildings before, he can't read, write, or speak…

She thought he was severely neglected because of his Quirklessness, she was going to give his parents a piece of her mind! Turns out it was far worse! No wonder his personality split so bad! This is severe trauma!

What's more, she was even more shocked by how kind Bullet still was, even the Mask wanted to be a hero! No matter how brutal he was, he wasn't a villain! But this cute guy… This guy told her that his parents threw him on the street for not having a Quirk then in the same breath said that he hoped they were doing okay!

Her hands shook and tears spilled from her eyes.


She hugged him and cried, "Bullet too kind. Mei sad." Bullet was shocked and said gently "No tears. Why sad?" he wiped her tears and she looked at him while sniffling, he smiled kindly, "Mei happy. Say words Bullet no understand. Cute! Bullet like. A lot!"

Mei smiled slightly and pulled on his face, kissing him again.

Aizawa sighed as he heard Bullet explain that he hoped his parents were okay but now he was stunned! Recovery Girl waved, "This is the second time." He asked in shock, "You're keeping count?!" Recovery girl just chuckled, "This is the springtime of youth. Not to mention, this might heal both of them. Mentally speaking."

Aizawa ignored the two behind him, holding out a chart, frowning "As for physically…" Recovery Girl sighed and said the truth, "He's lost some pain receptors on his arms, there's nerve damage… He'll be fine for now, but if he continues like this, he will die, Aizawa… At best, you're looking at brief periods of movement with crutches over to long term wheelchair use. That's all if he even keeps his limbs intact!"

She looked over at the two, adding "Maybe… This isn't so bad for either of them. If he loses a limb…" Recovery Girl sighed and shook her head. Aizawa frowned slightly and handed back the chart, saying "Thanks, Granny Chiyo." Recovery Girl waved at him, saying "No problem, have some candy."

Aizawa looked at the gift bag of gummy chili peppers in his hand with confusion. Then turned to the three gummy bears for him. He sighed to himself and said "Bullet, let's go home."

A little bit later

Mei was pushing a wheelchair and Aizawa walked next to them, frowning to himself. All this damage just to stay at school! It was simply unreasonable! If he didn't have to win, Midnight would've stopped the matches way earlier, before they ever even damaged themselves so seriously!

However, Midnight didn't! The reason was simple. If she stops a fight and give Bullet a win then people would complain and Nezu could have a reason to deny the victory and expel him! Clearly, this wasn't going to slide.

So they let the matches get far more dangerous than they should've… You know, even for him, damage stacks up… He has a Quirk to even the odds but Bullet has nothing but his fists and his skills!

Aizawa was sure that even if All-Might turned evil, Bullet would still step up and fight him! No matter how much stronger All-Might is!

Aizawa was deeply proud of Bullet, not only for his performance… But what he said at the end. This was a true hero!

He didn't understand what sort of backwards reasoning Nezu was thinking that made him do this. This was completely unfair!

Every injury Bullet gets will stay with him! Eventually… One of them will be the last!

Aizawa truly hoped that day would never come.

Just as they were leaving, a girl was standing outside, looking around. She saw Bullet and ran over, laughing "MY HERO! HAHAHA!" Mei was on guard and Aizawa rolled his eyes.

Bullet looked at the girl before saying in shock "Robot girl!" Akira nodded and replied happily "You remember me?! I'm Akira!" Bullet smiled happily, "Akira!" before adding "You cheer, Bullet hear you!" Akira blushed with excitement and she grabbed his hand, saying "You were so cool today! You're my hero for real! Look!"

She showed him her twitter and Bullet was shocked "Number 1 Fan! Is you?!" Akira nodded and Bullet said excitedly "You add Bullet on phone. Bullet not know how use!" Akira's brain exploded and she shrieked "OKAY!" she grabbed his phone and turned it on, putting in her number before texting herself.

She handed his phone back before bubbling with excitement. She leaned over and kissed his cheek, smiling happily "Thank you for saving my life." Bullet smiled kindly as Mei gripped the wheelchair tight.

Aizawa watched everything without a word.

Bullet nodded, "Hero?" Akira scratched her head, looking awkward, "Failed… Went to school in another city." Bullet tilted his head and Mei said "No UA, other school. No hero."

Bullet was shocked and said "Why no hero?! You good! Get points after Bullet help!" Akira looked embarrassed and said "I… I… I didn't think I deserved it. You helped me so much and made me overcome my fear.. I felt ashamed." Mei translated to Bullet language and he struggled, his arm shivering but still reaching out and grabbing her hand.

Akira looked up and Bullet smiled gently "Akira. Hero. No fear…" he struggled before saying, "No fear in festival, cheer for Bullet! Everyone else hate Bullet, but you still cheer! Not Hero? Big joke! You Bullet hero too!"

Akira froze and stared at Bullet in shock, tears spilling from her eyes. She wiped them and smiled "Yo-You're so great, Bullet!" Bullet smiled and gave her a thumbs up, a star twinkling at the corner, Mei was going to steal it but it wasn't a good time…

Bullet felt intense pain in parts of his arm as he pulled through, saying "No Fear." Akira laughed and mimicked him like the number 1 fan she was, "No fear!" she sniffled and Bullet patted her hand, laughing "No hero, okay too! Bullet sidekick! Hahaha!" Akira smiled uncontrollably and wiped her eyes, nodding while laughing "Yeah! Haha!"

She sniffed and grabbed his face, kissing his forehead quickly before backing off, smiling "Bye, my hero~!" as she waved and smiled sweetly, walking off.

Mei was grinding her teeth and Aizawa shook his head, saying "You should go home too…" before changing his words, "We'll walk you home." Mei moved Bullet's wheelchair, saying "AHHA! I'M GOING TO YOUR HOUSE!" Aizawa was stunned and replied "No, you're not."

Mei laughed at the sky, "YES I AM! I DECIDE WHERE I GO! NOT YOU! HAHAHA!"