
The Semi-Unofficial Training

I haven't decided on a hero name, and I couldn't land on a hero name no matter how hard I try and rack my brains. So could you please choose a name that fits MC, though I did think of using two names ... but I had kicked them aside for now.

Your Opinions- ( It would be nice if I could decide on a name in a week)


Well, many might have read in the previous chapters how Oki was doing things like a Lil kid. Well, he had to as he is a kid and should act like one and many have asked me what is wrong with him in chapter 5, well his mind was not working properly or more properly his mind was clouded by the last wish/will of Ex-Oki. He has broken from it in chapter 5.


It has been almost a year and a half since my transmigration. The time I spent maybe was the best of my two lives or will always be. My self-training, the 'Unofficial training' as I call it, has become famous in the Orphanage.

Though it looked childish, I am and wanted others to know that I am a child and not possessed by an adult (well, I was never a proper adult in my previous life), though I read books out of my age.

Kids always come near me and try o talk to me as Ex-Oki was popular among everyone, which is also why many caretakers look at me with affection in their eyes.

Well, too bad, though, I had Ex-Oki's body and memories. I was a loner in my previous life, so the results were kind of worse. Worse, in a sense, I didn't even reach 1/100th of Ex-Oki's level in befriending and reading the situation. Sometimes I wanted to follow the way how Ex-Oki does, and it doesn't go the right way.

Well, that is the simplest way I can describe it. It somehow feels awkward. You know how to do things, but you have a consciousness of your own, and this consciousness doesn't allow it to happen that way as it was used to its own ways of doing.

I remember Ex-Oki saying like ' LET'S GOOO!!!'

And If I tried the same, I give the same effect, but there will always be differences. It is like how an original is always different from a clone. No matter how many things you do, it will always be different in one way or the other. If there was a perfect clone, then both the original and the clone would fight for the original position, and if you have seen the movies, anime or read any manga and light novels, well, it is always the original who wins.

Just like that, my mind is original with the memories of the clone. So my mind will always do things that I am more comfortable with than the dormant mind which has been erased from existence.

" 18...19....20!!!" Just like that, I completed my daily workout.

I have been saving up my TP for something good. There were some excellent weapons, suits, armour... etc. But there was one thing in the skills shop which I promised myself never to use. So what is this thing, you may ask?

Well, don't worry, for I am here. This 'thing' is nothing but a gambling shop. You could exchange 120,000 TP and get any random skill, just a skill. I did explore the shop quite a bit these days.

There were some new things I found in the shop.

1- You can't buy body upgrades and Quirks.

2- There are some robot's in the stores if you need help.

3- Earning TP depends on my determination to train, the hard work I have put and finally, the duration of the work or training.

I found out that 'TP' can also be earned by playing games, reading books, thinking, drawing and many more. But the daily average I make has been at 25-28 TP, and earning more is hard.

' I hope grandma will train me better than AllMight... Wait? That came out wrong. Why would I ask for better training than AllMight? Obviously for my betterment... but currently, whenever I see AllMight with grandma, I can see that he trembles as if his body is suffering a 9.5 Magnitude Earthquake.'

' So if I asked for better training than AllMight, would my body suffer from a 10 Magnitude earthquake?'

" I have... depression."

" Oh! So young Oki has depression, I see. "

Ok, that creeps me out. How did she get behind me without my 'Instinct' being detected? I always know some info ( Sense ) about her or any other person sneaking up on me. But she bypassed my quirk.

' Did she use her quirk? Is this her quirk? '

" Well, never mind Oki, I am here to tell you something."



" You see, Oki, I have never seen a kid mature as fast as you did in my entire life."

" I see... so I am mature, huh." I thought of joking things, but she had a serious face.

" Oki what would you do if you get a quirk like AllMight's ?"

" I wouldn't want it," I replied with a blank face. If it is OneForAll I wouldn't want that quirk even in my dreams. Sure it is 'OverPowered' and such but... I don't want some souls in my body.

And a future eyeless freak coming after me is not something I want. ( AllForOne hasn't fought AllMight and got his scar skin cover his eyes) Holding a power like OneForAll is a big responsibility and I don't want to have such a big responsibility. The only person who can carry such a huge boulder has to be a big fan of AllMight and a person who knows the value of power.

I do know the value of power, but OneForAll is completely different. It is a monstrosity that is passed from one generation to another with the only purpose of being to cultivate the quirk and defeat AllForOne.

" Why don't you want a quirk? You are quirkless and it has been proved by doctors last year. You just can think at a higher speed than a normal person and it is no quirk!!!"

She was sad and it seems she wants me to take the next mantle of OneForAll. She cares for me and she wants me to have power but...' No.'

" Grandma, having a quirk as strong as AllMight would be cool indeed but... I want to be me, I want to do things on my own, having a power borrowed from someone would have something needed to be done in return and it is more like a big favour needed to be given, and I don't want to give others a favour."

I thought of an excuse to decline and made a good reason... I guess.

The next reason I don't want OneForAll is that I have a quirk, though it can't be erased or taken away the system mentions it as a quirk for a reason, as it is still a quirk and OneForAll is something that should be given to a quirkless, if a person with a quirk inherits OneForAll they won't live much, their lifespan gets drained away.

I don't want to lose my life span, if there was a sacrificing guy with powers of Endeavour, AllForOne can be taken down easily.

( OneForAll also increases not only physical capabilities but also their quirk, as AllMight said in Season 2 to Midoriya when Midoriya doubts himself if he is a worthy person to inherit OneForAll and if Todoroki should have inherited this power. AllMight says that Todoroki will have a huge spike in his quirk and physical capabilities, and he says as if Todoroki would be unstoppable and now imagine the same thing with Endeavour or Dabi. )

" I see... well the other reason I am here is that I am here to inform you about the training I promised and you pestering me every week for, will start in two months and prepare yourself. I don't want you to quit and if you quit the training I will make sure you will never become a hero in your entire life..."

Grandma stood up and walked away and I saw her palms bleeding and I can tell that she dug her nails into plans and the wrists were pale and her whole body was trembling.

' I guess my half-ass answer didn't make her happy... who would be and she seems like she gives more priority than any other child in Orphanage.'

" Training is close huh... Hope I can get some, body upgrades... something like stamina regeneration (Higher) would be nice. "

"" Stamina regeneration higher?""

' Why do these two have to always have to be near me when I speak about system thing ?'

" Nothing Sister Akane and Sister Akako... I was hoping if there was someone who can regenerate others stamina at a higher speed..."

They stared at me.





"" Well we don't know anyone.""

" I see... well goodbye sisters!!!"

I ran away from them.

' Training huh... Hope I could have an easy life after I become a hero, I want glory, fame, money and respect. I won't risk my life... well I have to that's the job of the hero, but if my life or another of course I would save myself unless the other person is my soulmate.'

I remember the promise I made to myself-

{ I will be one of the best of the best }

Well, whatever it was just a promise I made when I was high on emotions.

(A/N- If only he knew he will be the bane of all the Villains in the future.)

" Training in two months huh... well seems to be after my birthday."


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments.

(Next chapter- Days before the Start of training)


Yes, then:

150 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (80/150)