
Rise of Merlin

"It is indeed broken." An Elder strode forward, "Not before the test but after her test."

Everyone looked at the elder.

"I was the one who brought it and I know what condition it was at." The elder gave a death glare to the teen, "From today I will take her under my wing and if anyone of you dares to insult her you shall suffer my wrath." Rain clouds started appearing near the castle, and soon, in seconds, the clouds surrounded the castle, and thunder started pouring out.

The elder walked forward, and the unconscious Merlin started to fly in the air. "When Ra wakes up, tell him to meet me."

The elder walks out of the huge room with Merlin while everyone started talking among themselves.

"Why is Great Grandpa Equirrion showing so much care on a worthless maid?"

"Shush, you aren't supposed to be talking things like that now."

"Seems like our household will give rise to a new sage or even greater."

"You mean like our ancestor?"

"Yes, he was given the title 'Grand Sage' a level higher than our Great Grandpa."

"What affinity do you think she is attuned the most with?"

"I dunno... I guess it would be water or earth, the useless elements."

"Hey, they aren't useless!"




After an hour or so, Merlin wakes up in a luxurious room.

'Where am I?' Merlin curiously got out of the bed and saw 10 maids standing at the corner.

'Why are maids here? Is this household's maid camp?' Merlin strode towards them.

"I see you have woke up child." A old voice said.

Merlin turned around and saw an old man with white born in golf and black robes,

'Thats... great-grandpa!' Merlin kneeled in front of the old man.

"Stand up Merlin, someone who could surpass me has no need to bow down to me." The old man said.

Merlin, who heard this, was confused. 'Surpass you? What do you mean?'

"Young Merlin, from today I shall pass all the knowledge of mine to you, and I hope you will make our house Equirrion proud."

Merlin couldn't understand what was happening.

"You seem to not understand what I am saying." The old man bent down a little and tapped her shoulders. "First, stand up and I will explain clearly."

Merlin did as she was told.


After sometime->

"So, I have the talent in magic so much as you?" Merlin asked with glittering eyes.

"HAHAHA No young Merlin, you have talent even greater than me. Now after yours stands your father's." The old man looked at Merlin with grandchildren's love.

"Then... will you teach me?" Merlin was like someone on drugs and was super pumped up.

"Well, I will and for today-" The old man conjured a book and gave to Merlin, "I want you to read this and understand and if possible explain it to me by day after tomorrow."

Merlin received the book with glittering eyes, then a thought struck her. "What about mommy?"

"I will relieve her from her maid duties and she will be the official wife of your father from today." The old man said, stroking his beard. "And you will only be able to visit her during bedtime."

Saying that the old man walked out of the room,

'I shall make her be someone the world could depend on, unlike my idiot descendants! All ways trying to make a profit and neglecting human values...' "Tch"


Merlin opened the book curiously and started reading it. She understood the simple things in the book and was amazed by the things written in it.

The day soon comes to an end for everyone, except for Melin, who was trying to cast a basic water element spell 'Water Blade'.

Merlin started imagining a blade made of water and also the transmutation circle of the spell. Merlin calmly gathered the mana and formed a transmutation circle, Merlin, who saw this was in the heavens.

'Impossible!' Grandpa Equirron was observing Merlin after one of his crafts detected mana fluctuations. 'She formed a basic mana circle on her first try and... she didn't overload the circle with mana. This level of control and sensitivity...'

"Water Blade!" Merlin yelled as a water blade formed and dashed at high speed cutting through her room's wall and even forward. 'I-I... what do I do!?' Merlin jumped on her bed and covered herself with blankets.

'Well, I have never seen a child cast 'Water Blade' at that level... Let's console her.' Grandpa Equirron walked towards Merlin's room and saw her shivering under blankets.

"Young Merlin." Grandpa Equirron walked forward and stood beside her. "You don't have to worry about the accident. After all, it's your first time HAHAHA!"

"Really?" Merlin asked with teary eyes.

To which he nodded.


Soon days, months and years pass by as Merlin reached the age of 14. Which when reached the age was considered as Adults.

Oki, who was reliving Merlin's memories, was fascinated by everything. He had no clue that he watched 9 years of Merlin's everyday activities.

He noticed Merlin was a super genius Mage and a master swordsman, and none in the Equirron family was a match for her, and her sword style 'Astrea', unlike the Equirron sword style that was passed down, was no inferior.

This sword style was something Merlin invented herself.

Merlin was a master at every thing she took. She mastered almost every single weapon.

Oki also observed that Merlin had an affinity with nature, and even dangerous magic and mythic beasts would kneel and ask her to play with them or rub their bellies, which Merlin did.

Oki also learnt many of Merlin's theories, and his admiration for her went even above Tony Stark's. He saw how Merlin invented tens of lost magic and its spells.

This gave Oki many ideas for the future. But, one thing that he was mesmerised about was the applications of space magic by Merlin. This was what he was interested in the most.

Soon the years pass as Oki saw Merlin becoming the strongest adventurer, and one thing he noticed that Merlin was different from other mages was that Merlin was super fit. She was also the first to ever become a Magic Swordsman.

Oki saw many Mythical, magic beasts and Demonic beasts and spirits during Merlin's rise of 'Strongest Adventurer'. He also saw how Merlin tamed an entire nest of Wyrms and a lot of dragons. He was amazed by such beasts and always wondered if he could do things like what Merlin had done.

When Merlin reached the age of 25, she took the position of king Einsfos advisor and bodyguard of Einsofs kingdom.

Oki saw how Merlin weeded out negativity and changed society and reforms, how Merlin prevented many wars, and time passed on, and after 10 years of being the king's advisor, Oki saw the rise of a demon lord.

He saw how Merlin single-handedly annihilated the strongest division of Demon Lords Army by a single snap, also the fight between Merlin and the Demon Lord Krohs.

The fight between them destroyed Mountains, Cities... and nature due to the ridiculous consumption of mana by both of them. After 3 days of continuous fighting, Merlin took Kroh's head and was hailed as a hero.

Years pass by as Oki soon saw the event that gave Merlin her trauma.

At the age of 40, Merlin drank drugged pond water. The drug was no ordinary drug as Merlin was completely resistant to many poisons and drugs, but unfortunately, she wasn't for this one.

Soon the people who drugged her captured her and also injected the drug in regular doses to not let Merlin escape. Oki was burning with anger when he saw this. He soon saw that Einsof's ruler was the one who made the decision.

Oki saw how Merlin was molested by the kingdom and dragged naked in the streets as the army announced her as a murder who murdered kids and tried to assassinate the king.

He saw the war between Einsfos's kingdom and Equirron household, and after 10 more years of war, the victor was Einsfo's kingdom, and the Equirron household was completely wiped out.

Which broke down Merlin even more, and she subconsciously summoned nests of magical beasts the day she heard the news. Merlin completely burned down the kingdom and made sure that King Einsfos would be in a time loop where he would be killed again and again and the tume loop would make sure that the king won't be used to the pain.

More than 100 years passed, and Oki saw how Merlin saved and destroyed kingdoms, households, and monsters.

She was hailed as a 'Grand Sage' and 'The Goddess of Balance and Purity'.

And at the age of 220, Merlin's soul left her body.

Oki then saw darkness for a minute around him, and after that, he saw Merlin transmigrated into a new world.


A/N- I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I just wanted to describe things that Merlin did and her life and not go into details and remember that Oki had re-lived Merlin's life and some changes will occur to him.

Next Chapter: The one who wanted to help others.


Yes, then:

888power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (0/888)