
Friday, in the life-2

They would have Art History right after homeroom, followed by Mathematics with Ectoplasm, and then English with Present Mic.

Then they would have two hours of free study under Snipe, who was a heroic teacher meaning they would move out to a training ground and could focus on their homework, or train with their quirks, though usually everyone just did quirk training.

Snipe was a great teacher because he could spot weaknesses, and help them correct it, he could also change the bullets he fired to rubber ones, helping people learn how to dodge things even when in the middle of training.

Aizawa sighed as his warning seemed to go over everyone's head as he grabbed his book and left the room, only for Midnight to appear from the back of the room with a smile. ''Hello everyone!, I am your Art History teacher!''

As Midnight walked to the front of the class with a sway in her walk, most of the class focused directly on her ass, while a few others tried their best to be respectful.

Once she was up to the podium she smiled as she turned, setting her books down. ''Please open your books to page 15, we will be learning about how to use Microanalysis to find small details in the art.''

As everyone pulled out their books and started to turn pages, Midnight continued with her award-winning smile. ''Does anyone have questions as to why you would be learning this, in a hero course?''

Ida's hand was up immediately, causing her to release a sultry giggle as she leaned forward onto the podium, causing her bust to press together.

''Why do you think tall dark and handsome?'' Midnight asked, causing Ida to blush and politely turn his head.

Only to have a whip suddenly around his throat, pulling him to attention as he turned to look at her again, his hands on the whip as he tried to pull it off.

Momo threw her hand up and said out loud. ''Because Art History is about finding the history of art, while also understanding some of the smaller meanings! It might seem a bit weird, but think about it.''

Everyone turned to look at Momo, including Midnight as she held her whip on Ida, he wasn't choking, but his cheeks were bright red.

''Microanalysis makes us look at art, and pick out the small details, pulling them to the front to take notice of them, as a Hero, finding such small details, and able to pull attention to them is great practice, since that sometimes Heroes can be helping the police in an investigation, and noticing that small detail, that seems insignificant, could actually be the single piece of evidence that solves an entire case.''

Midnight smiled as her whip suddenly unraveled from around Ida's neck and with a crack she pulled it back into her hand. ''Great Analysis Yaoyorozu! Anything else to add, anyone?''

Justin's hand went up. Midnight smiled at him. ''Hello Justin, one of my favorite little P.I.'s What do you have to add?''

''If Ida had used some abilities of Microanalysis, he would've noticed how you clearly, but discreetly were reaching for your whip, as a Hero you have to be able to notice someone trying to arm themselves and be ready to quickly react to any situation due to it. You also showed that when Ida turned away, missing those small details. It could've led to an attack on him, or worse.''

Ida's brows lifted, feeling more deeply understanding of the small ways such a thing helped them, as he leaned down and began to write in his notebook.

Midnight blew Justin a kiss, who caught it and put it to his heart causing her to burst into lovely giggles before she tightened her whip in her hands with a soft snap.

''Now! Let's begin class, and while reading and understanding the literature we're about to Microanalysis. Watch out for the small details!''

The class continued on easily, with Midnight occasionally using her whip or... Other charms to distract the class and hit someone, it wasn't hard, it was like a gentle slap across the wrist, hand, or shoulder to show them they failed.

Midnight had a vendetta against Justin however, because when her whip cracked out towards him it startled the class because it was much louder, and they actually felt the wind as the whip lashed out, only for Justin to tilt his head.

Midnight continued to smile, but for only a moment, people felt like she wanted to murder Justin for some reason... Did Justin have a past with Midnight?

As everyone finished class up and Midnight said her goodbye, she stopped by Justin's desk, leaning down low so she could wrap her arms around him, hugging him tightly and kissing his temple. Everyone getting a great view of her ass before she stood and practically skipped out of the room.

Everyone turned to look at Justin, questions written all over their face, only Uraraka didn't seem to mind, focusing on the homework they had been given by midnight, seeing if she couldn't knock it our before the next class.

Mina called from across the room, her hands excitedly slapping at her desk.

''Justin! Tell us why you seem so close to Midnight!''

Justin chuckled, shaking his head. ''Midnight? She's a good friend of mine, since I was an Orphan, I was looking for ways to make money to keep myself afloat, it was because of her that I was actually able to become a 'Civilian Consultant.' Because of my skills and senses.''

Kirishima watched Justin with stars in his eyes, as did the other guys as they realized that Justin just kept providing cool things, like some messiah.

''The P.I. thing is a joke since after I turned 16, I was able to start working ''Officially'' at something, so during my off time, I opened up a Private Investigation office.''

Sero had a hand on his chin, a classic thinking man pose as he leaned back in his chair. ''Actually, now that I think about it... Isn't your name Justin Heller?''

Tsu suddenly stood up after slamming her hands gently onto her desk to get everyone's attention. ''Heller's Investigation Agency Kero! My mom's a Lawyer that works with them often!''

''GOD DAMNIT MAN!" Kaminari slammed his fist onto the table, tears streaking down his cheeks. ''He's got a Milf, AND HE'S A COOL ASS P.I.!''


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