
MHA: Justin Heller

Justin Heller, a boy entering the hero course of the prestigious U.A. Justin is a Transmigrator, having arrived in the body of a younger version of himself, however with the memories of his previous life? He doesn't know that much honestly of the storyline of MHA What he does know, is he was given the 'Quirk' of 'Biomass Manipulation.' which, allowed him to manipulate his biomass. It was a strange quirk to others, Justin knew exactly what it was from. Prototype, more specifically prototype 2, as it matched the name he had. Not knowing who his parents were, or if he even had 'Parents' Justin was an Orphan, his super human-like abilities able to easily find him a job in construction that allowed him to help pay for his living, it is actually through this he already knew a good friend of his, Ochaco Uraraka

BeaulenSmith · Anime und Comics
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Fat Stacks-Class 1-A

(To those wondering, and for those who use the mobile app anyway, so the new PC thing doesn't bother them, I'm going to be moving to Scribble hub under the account BeauSmith, an account I've already had for a while now. It was actually where I originally thought about starting to write. My novels will start appearing after I finish switching everything I need. But I will continue to post the stories here as well for those who don't want to move.)

The thing about smashing out work for an entire month, crashing with someone else, and eating their food?

A lot of cash.

The month had been a blur of work, destressing with Fate, eating, shitting, sleeping, then repeating.

Thankfully, as a hunk of Biomass, sex appeal, and dreams. Justin wasn't bothered by the stress he was putting himself through, though his team did need to start switching out between each other. There is only so many gun fights or quirk brawls they can get into every day before they need a break.

Man must suck not being able to just tank bullets, the only real thing that could do damage to Justin was Anti Tank rifles, or a .50.

.50's hurt.

Thankfully, whereas his normal biomass couldn't just tank .50's, his shields could. Hardened biomass that could even act as a weapon if used properly, the fuckers were heavy too.

But, the month was done and he was many times richer than he possibly needed to be as an eighteen-year-old with free time on his hand, but.

On the other hand, he could also give all his money to Nezu, and have the smart furry villain invest in property, and or anything else he saw fit to invest in, and turn that money, into many more stacks, which is exactly what he did.

''Dollar bills ya'll.''

Justin made a face, staring at the Mouse as he thumbed through all the cash. ''Never say that again P.''

''To hip hoppity?'' Nezu asked, a smile growing across his face.

''You know? Fuck you, damn mouse, rat thing. I hope your tea grows cold because something keeps getting in your way so you can never drink it hot, even after reheating it three times in a row now.''

Nezu gripped at his chest, breathing hard. ''...He always knows exactly how to strike back.''

''Alright, well you have fun turning my money, into more money, I need to go to class now to prepare myself for all the hotties.'' Justin waved his fingers before he walked out of the principles office, able to hear the creepy laughter from down the hallway.

He wasn't the first to class, quite a few had already entered. When he saw a short green-haired mop of hair he grinned as he slapped Izuku across the back. ''How it is my small green-haired friend?''

''J-Justin! I wanted to thank you for helping me in the practical! The advice you ga-... I guess it was Uraraka that gave the advice, but your advice helped me nevertheless!''

''No problem Green Gladi-''


There was a solid cracking sound as Bakugo was tossed to the ground, his head steaming as Justin just straight up head butt him to the ground.

''Listen here Dick-cheese, you're not at the top of the pecking order anymore. Keep your voice down.''

''Justin, stop picking on the pomeranian.'' A slug said from the floor outside, slowly wiggling his way in before he rose and flopped over the teacher's podium, using it to keep himself up.

''I'm your Homeroom teacher, put on your training outfits and meet me out in the training field.''

The man then fell back onto the ground, slowly sliding away.

Justin watched him slither away slowly, as did the whole class really. A few whispering between each other as Justin suddenly felt a shove as he turned to look at Uraraka in a drop kick position, floating in the air since she activated her quirk before she fell.

''Justin! Stop immediately trying to make enemies every time you enter a new place!''

He grabbed her ankle, pulling her towards him until he could get his hand on her face, starting to shake her back and forth causing a few laughs to break out in class. ''Enemies my ass, all it was a friendly greeting between bros, real bros headbutt each other in greeting!''

''HELL YEAH!" Roared a redhead at the back of the class, he raised a hand to point at Justin from across the room. ''My name is Eijiro Kirishima, we're friends now! You want to go out to get Tacos after school!?''

Justin raised both hands, pointing towards Kirishima, releasing Uraraka in the process as she floated in a slow circle, slightly dizzy now because of Justin.

''Tacos after school? Count me in my funny new red-headed bro, why don't we just invite the whole class? I'l-''

''I'LL PAY!" A dark-haired beauty suddenly said, breathing a bit hard as she found a reason to spend money and make new friends in a single go.

Everyone seemed interested enough to go, Midoriya watched Justin from the sidelines, amazed at how he was able to make friends with everyone so quickly, and how he was able to silence Bakugo so quickly as well.

Everyone went through introductions, Justin already making a small group of Broships between himself, Kirishima, Sero, Ojiro, Kaminari, and Sato.

Ida and Hot and Spicy would take some time, but it's hard to say no to someone like Justin.

The boys left the classroom first to let the girls change, no one really noticed that a set of clothes had already been neatly folded onto a desk.

A side note from Justin, miss invisible had a fat ass, and also seemed to have no qualms about getting naked in front of an entire classroom, not that anyone... Mostly everyone could see her that is.

Justin was able to see her due to his Hunter Instinct, a still strange ability he didn't quite understand, it lead him to people he needed or locations he should take an interest in, it also worked slightly like a spider-sense, a warning of danger. It also allowed him to see invisible people as if they were normal, just slightly transparent unless he focused.

One of the few powers he had he couldn't make head or tails of, Nezu and he both had a few ideas, but it required a lot more testing to determine its activation factor.

After everyone got changed they headed out into the field.

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