
MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)

A prodigy born with a godly quirk and forced into being a hero and living a life he despises, all for the sake of his parents. OP MC from the beginning, NO HAREM so please just don't ask. QUIRK: Hand Of God(Ope-Ope No Mi) The Art and original series don't belong to me. If you own anything here and would like it removed I'll gladly comply. Story cross-posted on scribble hub under the same title and profile name. Update Schedule: Every Weekday

keanu_eugene · Anime und Comics
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331 Chs

CHAPTER 108(Terminal Pt-2)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (30+ chapters ahead)


"Mmmm," Law groans as he finally wakes up. He takes a deep breath before he opens his eye, his entire body stiff and aching. Every small movement sends a jolt of pain through him.

Opening his eye he sees a plain white ceiling with the light off, the room was lit up by the moonlight with a small lamp in the corner of his eye.

"Where the hell..." he mutters, slowly coming to his senses and trying to get up, only to drop back into the bed, the pain of simply sitting up was too much for him.

Feeling around the bed he notices he's in a hospital gown with a thin sheet tossed over him. And raising a hand to his face he doesn't feel his visor or body glove, just an eyepatch over his empty left eye socket.

"You're at UA," Nezu's voice comes from his left, and he turns his head to see the principal sitting on a chair beside his bed.

Horizon just turns to face the ceiling and closes his eye. "How long was I out?"

"10 Days, you began waking up a few minutes ago and Recovery Girl thought it best that I was the only one here when that happened," Nezu says.

"The body glove, the visor, my face..."

"I've trusted her with big secrets before, some that even you don't know. And I brought you here because having only her see is much better than all of Central Hospital where the others were sent."

Horizon sighs and tries to relax, focusing on his own body, "what happened?"

"Well, tell me what's the last thing you remember?"

"Mmm, Kurogiri warped him away before I blacked out."

"So you don't remember walking back to camp on two broken legs like a zombie, and constantly muttering All For One?" Nezu asks.

'Fuck, I guess they know about him already,' Horizon realizes.

"Everything after he left and I blacked out is gone, the next thing is waking up here right now."

"I see, and your Quirk?" Nezu holds his breath, already knowing what the simulations said if All For One got Law's monstrous Quirk.

"He tried to take it, but I've still got it," Law says. "What did I miss when we were fighting?"

"The newly formed League Of Villains: Vanguard Action Squad attacked the others, you dealt with one of them, Mustard."

"The gas kid?"

"Yes, some of the others were quite dangerous, but thankfully some of our students and the present Pro Heroes were also capable enough. We suffered some losses but, things would have been much worse had you not fought One For All."


"Kaminari, Koda, Sato, Pony, and Kinoko," Nezu says in a sad and small voice. "Mandalay and Vlad are still in the intensive care center at Central Hospital, most of the others have been released already."

"Fuck, and I'm guessing the press is all over this," Law says.

"As expected, but we failed to protect our students. Regardless of the fact that dozens of students from other courses have been killed or taken and turned into Nomu, UA is held to a higher standard by the public and itself."


Nezu sighs, "but, the commission wants to suspend all Hero Courses until these villains are apprehended or at least weakened."

"So they want to surrender for a while?"

"Sadly yes, but the police already have an investigation underway and are preparing a counterattack, but considering who the ringleader is---"

"They want me on the team, of course."

"All Might should be enough, it's not like he hasn't beaten All For One before, but better safe than sorry."

"True, what state was my body in?" Law asks. "I'll give my full report later, but right now, I need a full self-check-up."

"You were already unconscious when the ambulances arrived. They thankfully scanned your body before trying to remove the body glove. If they removed it your guts would have fallen to the floor.

Whatever All For One used shredded most of your skin and popped your left eyeball. It also caused most of your internal organs to rupture and bleed out. Not to mention the dozen lacerations in your brain.

You were beyond saving..."

"Yet here I am, how?"

"Your body began trying to fix itself, at least make itself stable," Nezu says. "But every time we tried to drive away you'd start failing again. I had a temporary camp set up before you were stable enough to be brought here. Also, one of the medics tried to remove your mask and you unconsciously broke his arm...were you also asleep for that?"

"Yes, but he really should have known better."

Nezu just shakes his head. "I had you brought to recovery girl for her to take care of the rest."

"Thanks, guess that explains why I feel like I got stuffed into a blender," Law mutters.

"It seems you aren't invincible after all..."

"I never said I was, I'm perfect, not invincible," he says that as if it makes the most sense in the world.

"How does that even work?" Nezu asks.

"I'm perfect, because I'm their son, and that's all I ever needed to be to be perfect. But I was never under any delusion of being invincible, not when Star and Stripe exists...but I definitely never expected to get my ass beat by anyone else..."

"The more I learn the less sense you make," Nezu shakes his head. "Will you be able to heal yourself from here?"

"Yeah, I can handle it."

"I'll have your new equipment in my office when you're ready. I really am glad you're alright, or at least you will be, if you get back into form before we confront the villains please tell me, we need all the powerful people that we can get."

"Yeah, but first things first, right?" Law asks, knowing that he wasn't going to help them take down All For One. "Besides, if I managed to take him down, All Might and a dozen Pros should be enough, especially since he'll be weaker now. I should have beaten him bad enough that he had to dump some Quirks at least, and maybe he won't be able to self-heal."

"Ohhh, I'll be sure to inform them of that, but for now let's keep this all confidential."

"Naturally. I'll let you know when I figure myself out, or when I need something," Law opens his eye and turn his head to look at Nezu, now noticing his disheveled fur and droopy eyes.

Clearly, he's been beyond stressed out over this entire situation.

"You can relax now, I'm back," Law says.

Nezu manages to smile at that, "you're the last point we have toward keeping the Hero Course open for the new semester, the public is lacking faith in UA's defenses...but when word about your fight comes out, they'll have unshakable faith in you, after all, you did fight the worlds most powerful villain..."

"Yeah, I've just got to train a lot harder... it's not as lonely as I expected at the top, so I just need to hit a whole other level."

"I expect nothing less from you," Nezu takes Law's phone out of his pocket and puts it on the bedside table. "Keep this on you in case anything happens."

After talking for a few more minutes Nezu leaves to go coordinate the strike against the villains, finally leaving Law to properly assess himself.


Law barely manages to make a room 10 meters wide.

And he immediately feels like his brain is in a vice, quickly being crushed.

The Room shrinks to 5 meters and the pain diminishes greatly.

"Shit," he mutters, lifting a hand to his nose, feeling a trickle of blood flowing down to his lips as he forces himself to sit up. Moving his hand to his ear he feels blood flowing down the side of his head.

Placing his hand over his chest he focuses on himself, "Scan," he gets the new map of his body, a completely warped and twisted genetic code.

Noticing the genes wanting to adapt and bind he looks deeper, seeing the conflict as all the Quirks fight for his brainpower and cellular space. Ripping his body and mind apart as they fight for dominance.


Fight to be second to Hand Of God.

"I really won't survive a month...I won't die but I'll go fucking braindead, he really did kill me," Law mutters, the realization slowly dawning on him that his days were limited.

"I need to solve this before I do anything else," Law reaches for his phone and immediately begins doing some research, and it only takes him a few minutes to get everything he needed from the Hero Network Quirk Database.

"I must have subconsciously blocked incompatible Quirks, just like I automatically detect things that I eat that can't be processed.

Energy Saver...if this is the same Quirk he gave me I only need 1/8th of the energy, food, and sleep I'd usually need to function.

So that should make me a lot more economical with my energy use for Hand of God.

Energy Dynamo...so my cells just produce more energy from the same input. So my base reserve is increased and my stamina comes back faster. Oh, this is gonna be fun...

Energy Enhancer...the energy I produce is more 'refined'? What the fuck does that even mean?"

Law looks down at his body and focuses on himself once more.

"Feels like I can just hold a lot more while the others increase production and efficiency...plus its a lot more easy to draw out. Ok, that's great," he continues his research.

"And the last one he mentioned, Life Force... doubles life span at the cost of athletics, so this is the piece of shit that has my body feeling sore and stiff...guess that's the first one to get sorted.

Not like I needed help with my lifespan anyway," Law scoffs. "As if I'm some pathetic moral..."

After a few more minutes of research, Law decides it's time to get out of bed, but before that he calls Nezu.

"Nezu...is my scalpel in your office?"

"All your things are here, aside from the new sword, Hatsume is still working on that."

"That's fine, I just need the scalpel, I've slept enough, it's time to get back to work..."