Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Welcome to previous readers who have read the Gamer Path series thus far. This would be No.4 of Gamer Path, starting with a new MC after the previous one. The story tells of this path that opens to the world of heroes, vigilantes, or villains. The danger is constant, always filled with those in power doing as they please. How will the blank soul named Ren Yuki handle this new world with no personal memories of his other life other than general knowledge of this new world being this world GAMER filled with people with superpowers? "Time to go beyond... PLUS ULTRA!"
Chapter 87: Camping Trip Arc (2)
~Ren Y. POV~
[Day 1, The Beast Forest, Nagano, Japan]
Being tossed into the air at such a height, I soon felt my power return when Aizawa blinked. I was annoyed, but I suppose I have to do this the old-fashioned way it is then.
Using my halo rings of my [Attract and Repel], managing to fly my way around, I landed safely, with everyone else groaning from being tossed to the ground. That was when Mandalay spoke up in an optimistic tone, "This is our private territory, so feel free to use your Quirks! You've got 3 hours to reach the facility on foot! Make it through The Beast's Forest!!"
Helping anyone stuck on the ground or dirt over them, Kaminari spoke up in an annoyed tone, being tossed, "Seriously? It's like a name straight out of Dragon Quest… Couldn't you have portal us down or to the site by chance Class Rep?"
I chuckled playfully, explaining to Kaminari as I helped Kinoko up from the ground, "Nope. Teachers' orders, and are you guys okay?"
Helping Jiro up next, she mutters in an annoyed tone about Aizawa-Sensei gritting her teeth expressing her annoyance, "Thanks. Why do we keep falling for Aizawa's little tricks?"
That was when we all heard the steps of a strange creature. Everyone momentarily froze, seeing a monster earth beast golem coming towards us as Sero and Denki exclaimed, "AN ACTUAL BEAST?!!"
Me, Bakugo, Shoto, and Ida reacted accordingly, taking down the Earth Golem pronto. With each of us using our respective move sets, we easily destroy the beast golem…
Something tells me it might be a while before we would reach back to the camp they said. I hate my homeroom teacher pulling this crap…
~Third POV~
[Day 1, The Beast Forest, Rest Stop, Nagano, Japan]
Meanwhile, with the adults looking up above, Mandalay asks in a concerned tone for the students, "Don't you think you've got them on a pretty crazy schedule, Eraser? And especially on the boy losing his access to his Quirk?"
Aizawa began to discuss with the Wild, Wild Pussycat members in a stoic tone, gazing at them working together, "No worries, he should have it back. We're hoping we get an entire second semester's worth of knowledge in them here. Doing that is going to take an intense amount of work. But the rewards will be worth it. They'll get permits to use their Quirks if there's ever an emergency. And provisional licenses that will allow them to work as heroes. Most importantly, with all the villainous activity we've been tracking… they need to be able to defend themselves."
Pixie-Bob gasped, seeing how the students were managing through The Beast Forest, with Aizawa asking her, "I trust that I can count on you, Pixie-Bob."
Pixie-Bob jumps in excitement, observing the young heroes through her visors, a bit of drool off her mouth, "You can leave this to me! Oh, wow, my fur's standing on end!"
Taking their leave Mandalay spoke trying to get Kota the child's attention, "Time to move, Kota."
He stared at the heroes in training with disdain in his eyes muttering harshly, "Ridiculous."
~Ren Y. POV~
[Day 1, The Beast Forest, Nagano, Japan]
Hmm… with everyone here moving forward to the location sight from Mandalay it would take us way more time passing lunchtime. I think it's about time I start using that Quirk for just the situation.
That was when I heard Kendo praised us in a happy tone defeating the golem, "You guys took that beast down in seconds!"
Sero piggybacked praising us for our attack instantly as I took out a single white hair strand from my [Sub-Space], "It was awesome."
The hair strand I'm holding is Tomura's as Kirishima noticed asking what I'm doing in a curious tone, "Huh? Hey Class Rep, what are you doing?"
Noticing the attention on me, I spoke in a confident tone, responding with an answer, "Easy. I'm copying a Quirk I've been meaning to copy for a while now. Good time as any test this new Quirk out."
[The host found the Quirk [Decay] and traces of the original Quirk [Overhaul]?]
[Skill: [Overhaul] copied!]
Heh. About time I gained this Quirk been prolonging it long enough.
Skill List.
<Overhaul > (Active) Lv.-
PP Cost: Varies
Description: [Overhaul] gives the user the ability to disassemble and then reassemble matter with their bare hands in any configuration he desires, effectively giving him full control over the matter. When used on a person, the user can heal any injuries or ailments they once had by reconstructing them to a biologically perfect state. However, this Quirk only works on a Target, not anything connecting to the target.
That was when the sounds of rumbling could be heard, gaining our attention. The Beast Golem growled, standing up with Kaminari muttering in a disheartened tone, "Hey, come on! Don't you think this is a little unfair?"
Our eyes remained vigilant of Pixie-Bob's Golems as Mina asked out loud, "What now? Do we run?"
Kinoko asked, standing near her friend group in a frightened tone darting the forest, "Not good. If we don't make it to the camp fast enough, then we won't get anything to eat."
Momo curtly nods her head, agreeing with Kinoko's assumption in a determined tone all eyes now on me, "She's right! We have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route."
Understanding the dire situation, I smiled, placing my hand down on the ground as I spoke in a confident tone, gazing at the land ahead, "All right. Let's go, Class A! I'll carve us a path to victory and lunchtime! Time to show off what this new Quirk can do…!!"
Using the new powers of [Overhaul], the whole surrounding began to break down and reassemble differently according to my intent, stunning my classmates. Soon, what was once a forest portion of The Beast Forest turned into a straight slick corridor pathway in mind.
Kaminari spoke up in an excited tone seeing my new Quirk [Overhaul] in action, "Holy shit man…!! You rearranged the pathway easily for us! Way to go!!"
I smirked but soon focused my senses as I spoke up in a serious tone, alerting my classmates, "I hear three Golems up ahead and two flanking at each side. Jiro status report!"
Quickly on the ground plugging her earphone jacks she informs the group in a stoic tone, "So seven total. They're coming!"
One of the Golems comes from the sky, leaving Sero to deal with it. He soon asked for Kirishima and Kendo to provide support. This is gonna take a while there's gotta be an easier way for us to clear this in time and get to lunch – oh…
I could do that. Call my clones.
Having the chance to have multiple versions of me I checked the number of times I can summon them. They should've increased since my last level-ups.
Skill List.
<Cloning > (Active/Passive) Lv.-
Description: This was [Clones] now refined as [Cloning] a skill that allows the user the ability to summon an identical clone by consuming the user's energy through binary fission. The user can create up to 1 EXACT clone at a time with the binary fission every 10 levels.
The user is also able to dispel his clones willingly if he needs to, as all clones act as extensions of the user's real body, like a hive mind, but cannot exceed the limit the user can summon the Clones. Number of clones that can be summoned per day: 4.
Smirking at this, I began to summon my four clones since I didn't need my clones during Summer Break. It would've been useful if I had one during the I-Island Incident if I had another backup but that was on me for not having one.
Having an extra pair of hands to help, they all nodded as they began to take care of creating a path for us using the [Overhaul] Quirk reassembling the platform for us. My classmates took notice as Momo asked in a curious tone, "Class Rep, are your clones going to make a path for us to follow?"
I nodded my head as I helped my classmates bobbing my head speaking in a confident tone, "Yeah! It would be too much energy wasted if I continued at the pace I was going. But I can guarantee we make it if I put my complete focus on building us a path all I need from everyone is to watch my back!"
Seeing my clones and I continue to be busy creating a path Shoto nodded his head announcing to everyone in a stoic tone, "You heard the Class Rep! Everyone provides covering fire from the golems while he builds our path!"
An explosion from Bakugo destroying the Golem attempting to harm me spoke up in his usual angry tone, "DIE!!! You better hurry up, thief!! No one separates me from my well-deserved lunchtime!!"
I laughed at his bold words. But that's something I can agree with the wild Pomeranian having everyone cover my back as I build us a path clear to the destination, creating the shortest path possible.
~Third POV~
[Later, The Beast Forest, Nagano, Japan]
Approximately only 2 hours and 45 minutes have passed with the adults and Kota waited for Class 1-A to appear by their estimates. They were about to begin making lunch when they heard a rumble from the entrance of The Beast Forest.
What happened was the entrance soon became flat dissembled and reassembled into a different platform in front of them. What was a pile of trees was simply a single path with Ren being brought over by his clones looking equally exhausted.
Not only that, the members of Class 1-A also arrived, with some being helped by Ren's clones for support as Mandalay said in an impressed tone, "Oh? You guys barely made it ahead of time. Pretty impressive of you kids to make it under 3 hours with having 15 minutes to spare."
Ren's clones vanished as he grudgingly got up, clearly exhausted as he spoke, bluntly open about his thoughts, "It'll only take 3 hours, you say… I call BS right there…"
Kirishima moaned out loud in a tired tone, "So hungry… gonna die…"
Mandalay chuckled at the student's impressive method, complimenting in a kind tone, "I'm sorry, but that's how quickly we would've made it."
Ren could only scoff hearing that as he spoke out loud in an annoyed tone, "Damn. Flaunting the power gap in our faces…?"
Pixie-Bob merely chuckled in a catlike fashion at his compliment, licking her lips at the four, who did a splendid job lewdly, "Mew, mew, mew… we thought it'd take you longer. And you dealt with my [Earth Beast] pretty easily too. Not bad especially you four. I'm guessing your past experiences allowed you to act without hesitation and you're their Class Rep… you managed to literally create a path for them to victory. I like a man who can take charge and show results."
Pixie-Bob soon began to try to give kisses or give her scent to them in a desperate tone, "I'll groom them myself! Gonna have fun 3 years from now! I'm marking them as mine!!"
The boys tried to avoid Pixie-Bob's affection as Aizawa spoke up in a confused tone addressing her, "Hey, Mandalay… I didn't know she was like that."
Mandalay sighs as she explains herself in a defeated about Pixie-Bob spinster problem, "She's worried about being a spinster forever…"
While avoiding Pixie-Bob, Ren finally asked the question, pointing at Kota in a curious tone, "Hey, not to be that guy, but… that boy? Who's child, is he?"
Referring to Kota, Mandalay spoke up in a neutral tone, addressing him politely, "Oh, he's actually my nephew. Kota! Come over and say hello, you'll be spending a week with these guys after all…"
Having enough energy, Ren spoke to Kota, looking at him with a neutral expression, keeping a safe distance, "Sup. I'm Ren Yuki nice to meet you."
Kota attempted to punch Ren's family jewels but instead caught his fist as he bluntly pointed out, noticing his aggression, "Not a big fan of heroes, huh? Still, a dick move, trying to punch my jewels."
Letting go of his fist, Koto turned around, left, and scoffed in a disdainful tone, "I can't abide jerks who wanna be heroes?"
Ren laughed lightly at Kota's attitude trying to be casual with him, "Abide? How old do you think you are, kiddo?"
Bakugo chuckled at the kid's action muttering out loud, "Cute kid."
Shoto compares his comment to the kid having a similar personality in a stoic tone, "You two are a lot alike."
Listening to his comment Bakugo argued back regaining his angry personality, "A lot alike? Buzz off. Don't wanna hear anything outta you, icy hot!"
Aizawa sighed ending the sideshows as he pointed to the building and asked his students in a stoic tone, "Enough of this sideshow. Go get your luggage from the bus. Drop your things off in your rooms, then come to lunch in the mess hall. After that, you'll have free time before dinner time. After that you'll bathe then it's bedtime. Then the real training starts tomorrow. Now hurry up."