
MHA: Death Parade

Kagami Shin, the villain known as Death Parade, was tired of the life of villainy and decides to end his life with a bang. But his story doesn't end there. Shin suddenly finds himself awake in his old bedroom. (In the process of updating chapters, please reread dear readers.)

InfernoHomura · Aktion
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3 Chs

Father's Quirk

After the emotional bonding between the mother and son, they both ate breakfast. The mood was considerably lighter than before.

Shin and Sayuri both got ready for the quirk inspection to the doctor. This was a dreaded day for Shin but now, it didn't hold the same weight as before.

Getting inside the car, Shin asked his mother something which Sayuri expected but still was shaken to hear.

"Mom, before we go to the doctor, can we go to dad's grave?"

With that one question alone Shin became apprehensive and Sayuri dazed as she contemplated.

While Sayuri didn't trust Shin with her husband's Quirk because of his history and all. Not only that, she also thought that it was wrong to desecrate the dead by turning their soul into a Quirk.

But at the same time, she didn't want the tragedy to happen again, Sayuri didn't want Shin to be isolated and ostracized by his peers just because he "didn't have" a Quirk.

After a careful and much considered deliberation, Sayuri came to a conclusion.

"I will allow it but I have a condition..." Sayuri paused.

"Condition? What is it mom?"

With a determined look she said, "Do not misuse your father's Quirk or anyone's for that matter. Understand?"

Giving the same look to Sayuri, Shin nodded his head and replied.

"Of course, mom. I've already disappointed you enough as it is. So in this life, with my Quirk, I will carve a better future."

Sayuri smiled and said "Good."

Sayuri dialed the doctor's number and let him know that her and Shin were going to be late for the appointment. She explained that the boy missed his father and that he wanted to visit his grave. The doctor understood and rescheduled the appointment at 1:00 pm in the afternoon.

The cemetery wasn't that far from their home, only about a thirty minute drive from where their house was.

Arriving at the cemetery, Sayuri went to look for a parking spot. After settling with the parking, the mother-son pair immediately went to the gravestone of Kagami Shōsuke, Shin's father and Sayuri's husband.

The pair stared at his grave, a second later both of them offered a prayer. Sayuri didn't buy flowers as the ones she brought from her last visit hasn't wilted yet.

After their prayer, Shin looked at his mom to which Sayuri nodded and so did Shin. Shin stretches out his hands, feeling the soul of his deceased father.

As he did, a stream of metallic red light moved towards Shin's hand, the light then coiled around his arm before flying into his heart, disappearing from his sight.

"It's successful mother."

Sayuri nodded, she then asked Shin, "C-can you demonstrate it?"

"Mm" Shin affirmed and stood up.

Kagami Shōsuke's Quirk was called [Chain Link], it was a Quirk that gave the holder an extra organ that converts the blood into crimson chains. However in Shin's case, he only needed the soul in order to use the Quirk so his body will never undergo any physical changes nor will he suffer the Quirk's negative effects. The only weakness Shin has is mental fatigue as it can be quite mentally draining when using the soul.

Channeling his father's Quirk, Shin began to create chains on his palm. Sayuri has seen this unnatural talent wielding of Quirks in the previous life but could never figure out why that is, she only assumed Shin was a genius but there were some times Shin was clumsy at handling the Quirk he absorbed, so she asked him about it.

"Shin, I've been meaning to ask, why is it that you are a genius at some Quirks but clumsy on some others?"

"Well, from what I've observed, it has something to do with the target's time of death."

"Time of death?" she inquired.

Shin nodded then continued, "Yes, the time of death correlates to the proficiency I can wield, it doesn't matter if the original wielder was proficient or not, so long as the person recently died, I can wield it on their level or much better than them if I train it. Also, souls disintegrate over time thus I can't absorb souls that are past a hundred years old. If I did absorb ninety years old souls I'd have to train them from the very beginning."

Enlightened at Shin's reply, she nodded. Sayuri looked at the time, it was 8:38 in the morning.

"The doctor rescheduled our appointment to 1:00 pm. Do you want to go sightseeing? I want to take this chance to repair our relationship even a little bit."

Looking at his mother gently, he replied, "I would love that mom."


The pair drove around to sightsee, rekindling their mother-son bond. As a kid, Shin never got to play arcade games, owning toys, stuff that kids at his age would have due to the unfortunate misdiagnose of Shin.

But now, he and his mother went to a popular game center, bought some delicious snacks, they even bought a gunpla set to assemble at home. It was the most fun Shin ever had, more especially so to Sayuri.

They had reclaimed the lost time as a family and had fun in general. When lunch came, both of them went to a cozy family restaurant. The food there wasn't expensive but it was definitely not cheap either. But Sayuri didn't care, as the only thing that mattered to her was spending quality time with her son.

After they had lunch, they immediately went to the doctor for a quirk diagnosis. This time though, the pair weren't nervous as both already know the result of this diagnosis.

Entering the doctor's office they greeted.

"Hello doctor. I'm here for my son's Quirk diagnosis."

"Please sit down."

The doctor started the check up and he followed with the usual procedure. His face then contorted into a grave one, like he was about to give a terrible news. Or so he thought.

"I'm sorry ma'am but your son is Quirkless." he said with a heavy tone.

Sayuri smiled wryly, looked at Shin and said, "Shin, show the doctor your Quirk."

Confused about her statement, the doctor proceeds to look at Shin. His eyes widen in shock as he saw a blood red chain coming out of the boy's hands.


"Shin awakened his Quirk early, doctor."

"My word. May I ask is this your Quirk or your husbands or a mixture?"

"Shin inherited Shōsuke's, my husband's, Quirk doctor. Its name is [Chain Link]."

The doctor nodded, quickly updating the boy's status on his data. With the Quirk diagnosis done, the mother-son pair immediately went to the supermarket to buy ingredients, they were going to do a little celebration as they finally took a small step towards a new future.

Is there a good name for his father's quirk

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