
Skipping school

Neito's traning continued and a week passed by just like that, today was the day of school again.

" Neito! Get up, you don't want to be late for class! "

Yelled his mom across the house while his father ate by himself on the dining table.

Neito meanwhile was woken up by his mother's yell and yawned lazily, he spent the whole day yesterday going through collage level study material.

" Oh man, is it time already, I should have told mom yesterday only. "

Scratching his hair Neito decided to go and let his parents know he is now a genius, a junkyard genius but genius nonetheless.

Well, he can always use Nezu's official IQ test as a proof later.

" Mom, Dad, I am skipping school. "

His Dad looked at Neito while munching on his bread.

" Why's that champ, you not feeling well. "

Neito shook his head as he jumped onto the sofa and made himself comfortable.

" Not really, I want to skip grades, school is too easy for me right now. "

His dad just looked at Neito with big eyes and a mouthful of food, then slowly turned and looked at his wife walking down the hallway.

Their eyes met and his dad shrugged and went back to eating, he wasn't a part of this.

" Neito! Don't joke around, you will be late for school. "

Neito's mom grumbled and wanted to pull her weirdly fussy boy out of the sofa.

But Neito dodged her hand using her own body shaper quirk and reiterated.

" Hey, I am not joking, after my quirk awakened I can learn things way too fast, I have gone through everything upto collage mom. "

His mom stopped at that and looked at Neito suspiciously.

But his dad was much more direct, he straight away asked a collage level question to his four year old son. He was cool like that.

" Alright, if that's the case tell me how bio engines work? "

Neito though taken aback answered the sudden question anyway, his week long reading wasn't for nothing.

" It's a quirk based concept engine, put forward by the engine hero family, Ida family it was..? "

His mom looked at his dad's weird face and immediately understood he was right.

So his dad asked again to see if this was a fluke.

" Alright, you are correct, now tell me this- "

And for five minutes straight Neito's dad questioned him and Neito answered him, making his mother silent.

His parents were beginning to realise that their son might really have become a genius in a day.

His dad after realising that stopped asking, because there were much more pressing matters right now.

He was late for work.

" Well, you do sound like you know what you are talking about Neito, alright I'll apply for a break extention at your school. "

Taking his bag Neito's father looked at his watch, and told his family before leaving.

" I'll bring the guy who handles this kind of thing after office, alright Neito, I'll be off now. "

Waving his hand Neito smiled and waved at his father while his mom wasn't all too happy but went ahead and closed the door after him.

After coming from the front door, she looked at Neito and reconfirmed.

" Neito, are you sure you want to skip grades? You will lose a ton of playtime with your friends. "

Neito shook his head at that, no way will he stop because of something so trivial.

" It's fine mom, and it's not like I can't visit them at home afterwards, I don't want to waste such a good opportunity to make a name for myself because of this. "

Pursing her lips Neito's mom hugged him tightly.

" Oh baby, you acting so sensible really worries me you know, you should really enjoy life more. "

Neito meanwhile just wanted to say him getting out and making a name for himself was the first step at enjoying his life.

But refrained from saying such a thing right now, why bother to complicate things.

" I know mom, but I have you guys, and it will be shame if I don't use my boosted intelligence right now. "

Sighing lightly, Neito's mom looked at her four year old son with love.

" I know I know, it's bad to suppress your natural urge after quirk awakens, I know that. "

Neito wasn't sure where she got the idea that his desire to skip grades was his quirk's doing, and this indeed got him thinking.

' Really? Is it because of my quirk..? Is this just another show of my jealousy?! Did I awaken the quirk or did the quirk take over me?? Is the world even real anymore! '

After a bit of rambling he stopped worrying about that and started to worry about how he will make a good impression on the testers.

" Mom, practice with me for a bit, I want to make sure I don't mess this up. "

His mom looked at him with a gentle smile and put her hand on her hips.

" You betcha, if my son is going to be a genius, he will be the best darn genius in the whole world! "

With that she took out her phone and started searching articles on how to raise a gifted son.

While searching seriously she shooed Neito away.

" Go go, you have to have breakfast and you haven't washed your mouth yet. "

" Yes~ "

With a sing song voice Neito ran to freshen himself up, he had a long day ahead of him.

Unlike other kids, he wasn't interested in becoming a hero or worship them for that matter, sure he might go to UA later, but even that would only be because it's the best possible school available.

' How wild is that, UA is best for both hero training and as a regular school, Nezu sure knows how to use his high spec quirk. '

Neito wasn't really into heroism as a job per say, so even if he goes to UA, he would rather only do so if it's really helpful for his career.

And knowing Nezu, he definitely has something that might attract potential people like him, especially because his quirk was a bit too good to pass up.