
Abandoned park

Toga was walking down the road, her friends had just separated from her and went to the Karaoke place.

She wasn't interested in going though, she wanted to vist the park and relax for a bit, maybe a bird might land near her..? And if it does she will..

Touching her pocket where she keeps her stabby chan, Toga's face took on a deep blush, she really hoped a bird landed near her.

* Scatter *

Walking through the grass Toga made her way towards an abandoned corner of the park.

She always sat here, it was peaceful and she could be her own self here, nobody to keep her facade before.

" Hmm? "

But it looks like her hopes were shattered, in her regular spot sat a boy, he was quite good looking with his blonde hair matching hers.

His muscles showed that he regularly trained, and there was something about him that felt different to her.

So Toga decided she might as well go and talk to the guy, he wasn't bleeding, she shouldn't have any troubles keeping up her facade.

" Hey! I am Himoko Toga, you took my usual spot. "

Toga walked upto the blonde boy and stood before him, she gave him what she considered a charming smile.

But her deep blush and two pointed canines were making her image a bit different than what she wanted to show.

" Oh, my apologies Toga san, If you don't mind, there's plenty of space besides me. "

The boy spoke with a polite smile, pointing towards the rest of the bench space besides him.

Toga agreed right away, she only asked as it was polite to do so, she herself wanted to act however she wanted, but alas she couldn't.

Both her quirk's instincts and her normal instincts had to be suppressed, again and again, she sometimes wondered how long she could keep up her facade.

" Hey, I am Neito Monoma, I haven't seen you around here? "

' Neito Monoma? Where have I heard this name before. '

Wondered Toga, but she couldn't remember where she might have heard it, so she let it go.

Bringing her hands towards her chin, Toga looked at him with her ever present blush.

" When I am free I come her to relax sometimes, it's peaceful. "

Neito nodded with a knowing smile of his own.

Then asked what everyone who gets to know each other even a little bit asks nowadays.

" I see Toga san, if I may, what is your quirk? You seem like an awfully sweet girl, you must have a terrific quirk. "

Trembling internally Toga's canine's showed involuntarily, she would have loved to give a demonstration!

But reason told her she couldn't, that everyone would hate her for being her, so she said the same thing she had said a thousand times.

" My quirk isn't that strong, it's called transform, It's a pretty useless quirk, hahaha. "

Laughing to lighten the situation Toga only gave the name of her quirk, so it seems less evil.

Most of the times her strategy works, rarely do people actually ask more, as they are much more interested in showing off their own quirks.

But it seems luck wasn't on her side today.

" Transform? That's a solid quirk, I would love to see it, so can you transform into me? How does that work exactly? "

Toga had her blush deepen at the idea of using her quirk, but she still wasn't upto her tipping point yet, so she held onto reason.

" Well, I don't think you will like this, I need to consume some blood from you if I want to transform. "

Toga knew how it sounded, a stranger girl he just met was asking if she could drink his blood, she knew how bad it sounded and was prepared to receive a disgusted look.

She had experienced that many times and she knew how to skirt around that issue by now, she would simply act as if she was joking-

" My bood? How much are we talking about? Like a drop or- "

" As much as I can!! "

Stopping herself speaking further and making the situation worse, Toga squirmed a bit on her seat, she was fighting against her quirk's instincts.

But meanwhile Neito seemed strangely calm, and completely unaware of the increasing danger he was in.

" As much as you can? Haha, so it's the amount of blood you drink that determines your time limit? "

Looking at Toga, Neito did something nobody had ever done to her yet, a complete surprise.

He brought his forearm up, pushed his sleeves upwards and showed her his skin.

" Alright, do you just absorb it out of my skin or like bite into me or something? "

Touching her stabby chan Toga's hands shrunk back, she looked at Neito with a slightly open mouth, her lips stretched out involuntarily, showing her full set of teeth.

Somehow her blush deepened further, she never drank from the source after that one time with the bird in her childhood, she wanted to do that for so long, and she was offered an opportunity!

" My teeth..! Can I drink your blood that way... Neito kun?! "

Neito wasn't surprised with her exaggerated reaction, in canon she would go on to stab a guy she found bloodied in her class, she imagined it to be love.

Her constant suppression of her natural quirk instinct was a bad move on her part, training to overcome it would have given better results.

" Alright, go ahead, dig in I don't mind. "

* Chomp! *

Toga didn't need to be told a second time, she swiftly grabbed his arm and bit hard, blood started overflowing into her mouth.

Neito didn't show anything more than a grimace, and he wasn't worried either that she might drain him dry.

' It's a good thing I have super regeneration active, I'll just keep the wound from closing using Body Shaper until she's done. '

Visiting Toga was one of his goals before leaving for overseas, she was awfully close to her canonical breaking point, Neito needed to reach her before that.

That's why he approached her first, his orginal goal was Jin Bubaigawara, but he'll have to wait a bit longer it would seem.

If Kaina Tsutsumi wasn't already captured before he was born, he would have recruited her too, but alas, it might be a bit difficult to get out of Tartarus.