
NAC (Clarifications)

Just wanted to clarify something that I've noticed people have misunderstood.

All Might is not evil.

He's the same as his canon counterpart. He DID NOT intentionally hit Catia's mom with a villain. Actually, he might not even be aware that it happened.

Think of it like when your small friend is hidden behind your large friend.

As for why he may not have realized what happened after the fact?


Let's just say that she didn't have enough mass to 'prop up' the villain while he was on top of her. And the cops arrived almost immediately to take him into custody, so All Might didn't stick around.

Plus I always viewed All Might before his injury as arrogant. He went from quirkless to having immense power, after all. Just look at Izuku canon. After he got One For All, he basically stopped thinking. "My arms are too hurt from using OFA, how can I be a hero!?" *Looks down* "Lieutenant Dan! I have legs!" He stopped being smart unless it was absolutely needed.

So yeah. Since it's been literal decades since Nana's death, and All Might hasn't encountered AFO again, he's too arrogant to consider that he might have hurt someone innocent.

At the time at least. Might make it an important event for him that he found out about after the fact... *Mutter mutter mutter*

Anyways, Catia's villainous side is going to become more pronounced as the story progresses. Especially when it involves heroes, and certainly involving All Might.

She's not the... casually cruel and ruthless kind of villain.

More of a 'do anything to achieve my goal' kind of villain. Which is to see All Might dead and live without worry. Whether or not those goals remain unchanged is... uncertain.

She will make compromises, as seen with Himiko Toga last chapter.

On a side note, have you noticed that the MHA 'neglected twin' novels always have Izuku's sister name as Izumi? And that their dad needs to be All Might? It's basically been canonized in the fanfic community.

Been itching to write one of those ever since a good one on here got dropped then removed...

Just letting ya know in advance in case I ever give into temptation to look into a different part the void.

After all, authors don't create stories. They peer into the void and attempt to record what they see.

P.S: If you're looking for a good Izuku villain fic, check out 'Villain Made From Heroes' on wattpad. It's great, and it's almost finished. Wasn't ready for the feels in the latest chapters...

P.P.S: I'm trying to build a backlog of chapters, and at the moment there's 2-3 ahead for this story on my patreon. None for the others yet, and still have to edit the Twin and OG novels before they get put up.

P.P.P.S: Any ideas for Catia's hero costume? Got a couple things in mind, but the overall look is up in the air.

p atreon.com/Nartleb2 if you wanna support. Obviously take out the space.

Nartlebcreators' thoughts