
Return to the UA

I end up in bed 3 days before being even able to walk, each day the nurses feed me around 5 times a day, meat, dried fruits, fruits, milk, anything

Even if this could be seen as overkill it was necessary since my regeneration was severely damaged, but anyways, after 3 days i was able to walk again, at that time the detective Naomasa Tsukauchi came and take my declaration of the event

He didnt touch me, but even then, i didnt lie just to be sure, also, my mother surprisingly kept her promise and end up coming each day to see me

We don't talk a lot, even when i am at home, she is usually sleep and hung over so i just ignore her, but even then, she came to see me everyday, stay with me and even told me that after the attack she stop drinking

It's a lot to take on considering she sees me as her child and i don't know how to feel about it, considering that i am not suppose to be here, whatever is the case, after the fourth day i am finally free

-And i don't want to see you again okay?-

-Thank you very much for taking care of me, Recovery Girl-

As she wave me off i start walking to the UA, man, being in the hospital is a horrible experience, feeling fresh air in my face after 3 days is something that i don't look forward to feel again

Anyways, after half an hour i get to the school and i notice that, other grades are pointing and looking at me, well, it was something pretty big to say the least

Before i can even get closer to my classroom i get intercepted by two people, a beautiful orange hair girl and her equally beautiful friend, Itsuka Kendo and Ibara Shiokazi

-Akuma! Are you alright? I hear from the others that you got injured!-

-Heh...I'm fine, you were worried about me?-

-Of course you idiot!-

I almost take a step back, i was trying to tease her that i forgot how honest she is

-Sigh....Anyways, are you excited?-

-Excited for what?-

-Are you dumb? The festival of course -

Oh, i really forget about it, well, there is some time to it but i guess the sense of competition between classes is already on

-Ohhh, that, yeah, i'm ready to crush your class Kendo-

-Its that so? Hehe, don't expect mercy from me then-

As she says that i put my hand in her head,as i noticed she doesnt look bother by it so i just keep moving her hair

-I don't, so you better put extra effort to surprise me even a little-

I stop my hand and as we show each other a wide smile we say our goodbyes, i back off and start going to the classroom but just in case i make a eye on my back to see Kendo and Shiokazi whispering

I just smile to myself as Kendo start to blush while walking away

-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

I finally enter the classroom, not everyone is here already but even then, they don't waste time and after 3 seconds inside i'm already being questioned

-Are you here already?!, You should rest more!-

-Yeah dude, you seem pretty mess up when we got to see you-

-Dont worry about the school, we can help you with the homework-

I really appreciate their concerns but i cannot think of me being a lazy bum in that bed another day, it was eating my nerves

-Dont worry about it, im fine, i just need to rest a little bit more and i will be ready-

-Ready for what?-

Kirishima ask tilting his head, i guess he thought that i wouldnt participate in the festival but hell i will lose that oportunity

-To the festival of course-


The whole class burst in a worry manner, i mean, i was almost a quadriplegic 3 days ago so i can see why they are worried but they often forget how hard to kill i am

-Tch, do you really think you have any chance to win the festival?!-

-I don't know Bakugou, i'm going to try, i'm not a coward like you that attacks a weaker villian because i'm scared to fight a Nomu-

-YOU! What the hell do you think you are?!-

-A better hero than you-

As i say that i can see Bakugou vein about to pop out, its obvious that he feels frustated, so if i exploit that a little and i complement it with a looking down and a smirk it's obvious he is going to attack me

I can sense all my classmates around us trying to stop him as he charges at me full of rage, but i move first, since i had my resolution in the U.S.J i cannot waste it, and first things first, i have to make Bakugou a little less proud of himself

It's easy to avoid his first attack, he is slow compared to the Nomu, a punch in the stomach and with my other hand a direct hit in the jaw, then i put my leg to drop him into the ground

-See? You are just a rabid dog-

I say as i put my feet in his throat and i grab his arm, everyone is suprised to say the least, it's the first time someone fight in the classroom

-Look, if you really want to fight me, come to the 4th training ground at the end of class, we can spar as much as you can to prepared for the festival, but if not, don't waste my time-

I leave him on the ground before Kirishima start to lift him, he is with a dead stare, it's normal, it's the first time he got dropped and in front of other people

-You damn..! This is not over okay?! I see you there you...!-

He is shocked and cannot think that much, but he is looking at me as a challenge, good, i think i can really work with that

Now, the next task is simple...

Karma is going to make another move