
Mezase Pokemon Master: A New Home

Latios and Latias' home was destroyed by the Pokemon hunter as he tried to catch them. After evading him with Ash's help Latias convinces her brother that Ash is more than he seems. Reluctantly, he goes with his sister on the pretext of thanking Ash. Little do either of them know, they're not only about to gain a new friendship, but a new home to last them a lifetime.

ColsonOtis · Anime und Comics
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A New Home

It's one-shot time!

I hope you like this little drabble I put together, I think it's one of my better one-shots.

This story occurs right after the episode 'Ash and Latios' in Aim to be a Pokemon Master (or Mezase Pokemon Master).

A New Home

'Let's battle together again sometime!' That boy's words echoed in Latios' head as he and his sister flew to Altomare. He and his sister had been trying to find a place to live ever since the Pokemon hunter had destroyed their home. Something inside him said that he had made a mistake. But what that could be he had no clue. All he knew was that it had something to do with those words.

"Something wrong brother?" asked Latias, "You seem a little zoned out,"

Latios snapped back into focus. "I'm fine sis, don't worry,"

Latias nodded. "Still thinking about Ash?"

Dang it. How did she always know? "So what if I am? He's just a human anyway,"

"Oh come on, we both know that without him we would probably both be stone statues by now."

"I'll admit he's nicer than most humans," replied Latios, "but he's still a human. No matter how much he helped us we still shouldn't trust him."

"Then how come you and him worked so well together? You trusted him to catch me when you attacked that madman."


"He also helped me after I had been injured by the same person, and saved me from these crazy people and their talking Meowth the next day,"


"And we're not the only ones he's helped. I've watched him for days helping all kinds of Pokemon. He never wanted anything back, all he wanted to do was make others happy."

Latios sighed. "Ok, ok, I get it, but what's your point?"

Latias smiled. "My point is that we should go back and thank him."

"You just said he never wanted anything back,"

Latias rolled her eyes. "Of course he never wanted anything back for helping us. But that doesn't change the fact that we still owe him a thank you."

"You already thanked him," said Latios, "Isn't that enough?"

"This isn't for me," said Latias, "I think you should thank him,"

Latios sighed. He knew there was no convincing his sister otherwise. Even if he did distrust humans, that particular was did seem at least a little kinder than the rest. Besides, his sister was right, he should thank that boy anyway, he had saved them, after all. "Alright, let's go."

"Goodbye Brock! See you later!"

"See ya Ash!"

Ash smiled as he watched his friend walk down the road that would take him to his home in Pewter City. He looked down the other path. The sign indicated that the road led to Pallet Town. Ash took one last look at the fading form of Brock. It was time to get back to his own house. "Ready buddy?"

"You bet!" chirped the electric mouse.

"Alright, race you home!" said Ash as he ran down the path.

"You're on!" said Pikachu as he shot off after his trainer.

"There he is!" Latias flew in the direction of a certain red-capped trainer.

"Be patient sis, there's no need to rush," said Latios, still a little uncertain.

"Oh stop being so paranoid, we'll be fine," said Latias as the pair flew down, still invisible to the naked eye.

"Hang on a sec buddy," said Ash.

Pikachu skidded to a halt in front of his trainer. "What is it?"

Ash looked around. "I thought I heard something."

Pikachu looked around as well and sniffed the air. He jumped, startled as two figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Latios! Latias!" said Ash, "Great to see you again!"

Latias chirped happily and flew up to nuzzle him. "Great to see you too!"

Ash couldn't perfectly understand the high-pitched coos, but he got the general message and began stroking Latias on the head.

Latios shifted uncomfortably as he watched his sister. "Something up?" He turned to look at the electric mouse. "Did you need something? I thought you guys were leaving."

Latios sighed. "We came back because… Well, I felt like I had to thank Ash."

Pikachu smiled, so the Latios was nicer than he thought. After all, it wasn't every day that a thank you was given for their efforts. "Well, thanks for coming back, it means a lot."

Latias finished greeting Ash and looked expectantly at her brother. Latios sighed and flew up to Ash.

"Hi Latios! How are you doing?" Ash smiled at the eon Pokemon, as energetic as always.

Latios gave a little smile back. "I'm fine," He looked at Ash, "I do want to thank you for helping me and my sister. I guess I really never showed my thanks,"

"Pikachu, could you?"

"Sure," said Pikachu, "He says he wants to thank you for helping him and his sister out,"

"Oh, you're very welcome!" said Ash, "It wasn't just me though, all my friends helped out too." He grinned, "Thanks for trusting me back there, it means a lot,"

Ash's enthusiasm was contagious, and Latios couldn't help laughing slightly. Seeing Latios was more comfortable, Ash cautiously put a hand out to stroke his neck. Latios froze for a second from the touch but quickly relaxed into it, deciding the human wouldn't harm him. Besides, it felt kind of nice. After a little hesitation, he leaned in and nuzzled Ash slightly with his head. Latias smiled. Then remembering the reason she had wanted to come back, one that she hadn't told her brother, she turned to Pikachu.

"Hey Pikachu,"


How to say it? Well, brevity was the soul of wit. Not that she knew what wit was, but it sounded nice anyway. "Do you think, um, that Ash would let us join his team?"

Pikachu did a double take. Then a triple take. He was about to do a quadruple take when his mind snapped into focus. A legendary Pokemon wanted to come with them! How many times had he thought they were going to ask and never did? How many times, if Ash had just asked, would a legendary Pokemon or even 2 or 3 agree to come with them? But here, finally, after meeting literally every single legendary in every single region was one offering to come with them! "I'm sure Ash would be happy to!" said Pikachu, trying (though a bit unsuccessfully) to hide his surprise.

"Great!" said Latias, "But don't tell him yet, I want my brother to trust him a bit more first, I'll let you know when we're ready,"

Pikachu nodded. "Sure, take your time,"

Latias looked back to Ash and Latios. She smiled when she noticed Latios had lost most of his awkwardness and seemed to be getting along with Ash.

"So Latios, where are you and Latias headed?" asked Ash.

Latios thought about it for a second. They were heading to Altomare, but that was just for a quick visit. After that… their old home had been destroyed and they had been evading that crazy guy for several weeks. He shrugged. "Nowhere in particular I guess,"

"Hey brother!"

Latios turned to his sister. "What is it sis?"

"Come here for a second,"

Latios gave Ash a quick smile and flew over to his sister. "Ok," said Latias, "so you remember how our home was destroyed, right?"

Latios nodded, "I know, we'll just have to find another,"

"We will," said Latias, "unless we take the one right in front of us,"

"What do you mean?" asked Latios.

"I mean," said Latias, "that we could go with Ash! Think about it, no more worries about being caught, someone nice to take care of us, and we could travel the world without having to hide all the time!"

That did sound appealing. "But that would mean Ash would have to catch us, and we would always have to travel with him,"

"Come on brother, Ash would be a great trainer, he could help us get stronger than ever! Plus he's always going to new places, we won't get bored!"

"I guess we could…" Latios paused. "but sis, this isn't something we can just rush into. Once we're caught, there's no going back, and if don't like it as much as we thought we would we'll be stuck."

"Give me one second," Latias flew over to Pikachu. "Hey Pikachu, if Ash were to catch us, would he let us go if we wanted to?"

"Of course!" said Pikachu, who had been half-listening to their conversation, "He's done that for several of his Pokemon in the past. If you ever want to leave, all you have to do is tell him. He'll understand."

Latias looked back at her brother. "Well?"

Latios sighed. "Alright,"

"Whoo-who! Great!" said Latias, doing a flip in the air. "Ok, you can tell him Pikachu."

Pikachu nodded and walked over to Ash, who had tried to make out the coos and squealing. He could understand Pikachu, of course, but without the other side of the conversation Pikachu may as well have just been saying Pika-chu-pi. That and Ash's constant failure at logic allowed him to get absolutely nothing out of the conversation. "Hey Ash,"

Ash looked at Pikachu. "What is it?"


"Oh come on," Ash groaned, "can I at least have a hint?"


"How is that a hint?"

Pikachu facepalmed. He loved his trainer. His trainer was probably the most kind-hearted, self-sacrificing, easy-going person in the world. Unfortunately, he was also the most dense person to ever exist. He imagined that if density also applied to Ash's mass, he would be denser than a black hole. But now was not the time to think about that. He had a message to deliver. "Fine, how about you're about to get two new Pokemon?"

"I am?" asked Ash, "Which ones?"

Pikachu sighed. "The ones right in front of you."

"The ones right in front of me?" Ash looked harder but he only saw Latios and Latias hovering a few feet away, seemingly waiting for something. There were no other Pokemon. He looked at the grass a bit harder to see if he missed any camouflaged Pokemon. There were none. "Ok, I give up. Can you just tell me?"

Pikachu restrained himself from calling Ash a dense-as-a-brick blockhead in front of Latios and Latias. "Ash. There are two Pokemon in front of you. What are their names?"

"Latios and Latias?"


"Wait, they want me to catch them?" asked Ash.

Pikachu nodded.

He turned to Latios and Latias. "You guys want to come with me?"

Latias nodded happily and Latios gave a small nod in return.

"Wow, this is super exciting! Huh, buddy?"

"Yeah!" said Pikachu, knowing it was useless to reason further with Ash. Besides, he may as well enjoy the first legendaries to ever join Ash's team.

Ash pulled out two Pokeballs from his bag and held them out to Latios and Latias. Ash gave his signature smile. "Well, if you want to join the team, just tap one of these Pokeballs."

Latias instantly hit her head against one of the Pokeballs and was sucked into it. Latios hesitated for a second and looked at Ash something about them made him relax and feel calm. He gave Ash a smile before reaching out and touching the other Pokeball. Both devices whirled around a few times before dinging, signifying a successful capture.

Ash picked up both of the Pokeballs and held them in the air. "Yeah! I just caught a Latios and a Latias!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu joined in their tradition of catching a Pokemon.

"Alright, come on out!" Ash threw the Pokeballs in the air releasing two beams of light that materialized into Latios and Latias. They both shook themselves, a bit dizzy from the Pokeballs, before turning to Ash. Latias happily nuzzled him her thanks while Latios smiled.

"So," said Ash, "ready to hit the road?" All his Pokemon nodded. "Alright then, let's go!" Ash started to walk down the path as Pikachu jumped on his shoulder.

Latios and Latias smiled at their new trainer before flying over to follow him. They had found a new home for themselves. Sure it may just be a boy and his Pikachu, but in them was something they had never quite had with anyone else; friendship, and more importantly, family.

That's a wrap!

With that said, if you liked this story, feel free to leave a review telling me how I did, I'm always looking for ways to improve!

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