
Chapter 7

Sadly their excitement was short-lived because they were soon back on the ground, and the sensation they were feeling went away.

"I still want to keep flying," exclaimed Chopper disappointedly, he gazed at the floating Mew enviously, now that he felt the sensation of flying he wanted to continue. "Same," said Ussop signing in disappointment as well.

Mew stared at Chopper's disappointed face before using telekinesis to make him and Ussop float again, "don't fret aniki, I can easily make you float," he said.

Chopper was taken aback once Mew called him big brother, "aniki?" he questioned getting a small nod from Mew who said, "aren't you like a big brother to me? you are older than me after all."

Chopper instantly flushed in embarrassment causing him to start moving his arms in a wavy motion altercating from left to right while floating and said, "you calling me aniki doesn't make me happy at all hehehe~." Unfortunately for him, his body language tells a whole different story.

"Enough goofing around, let's go find Luffy," said Nami getting a little irritated by the loud noises the floating trio was making. The group of 8 started walking towards the city, well only 5 were walking the other 3 were luxuriously floating behind them.

Finally, the group arrived at their location, The Port Town of Nanohana, after a 20-minute walk. They entered the town before half of the group immediately started their search for Luffy while the other half went shopping for provisions and water.

"4 of us will search for Luffy while the other half goes shopping but first we need to blend in," said Nami taking a thinking pose before she spotted a clothing store from the corner of her eye, "perfect," she muttered.

"go hide somewhere I'll be back in a few minutes," she said before entering the store and buying a couple of different types of desert outfits for herself and her crewmates, even though she's stingy with her money she didn't have time to be right now as they needed to get Luffy and rush towards Alubarna to help Vivi stop the war from happening, at least she made each of them swear they'll pay her back with interest.

On Luffy's side of things he entered a restaurant and saw a guy with a cowboy hat arguing with a man with silver hair and 2 cigars in his mouth. Once Luffy saw the amount of food the man with the cowboy hat was eating he rushed towards it, he only had one thought running through his mind, 'food'.

In the process he sent the two men flying through a wall, causing them to break several other walls in the process. He sat down in the seat the man with the cowboy hat previously sat and started devouring the food.

"Sugoi! This is such a great restaurant," commented Luffy munching down on the food. "Y-Yeah...but you should get away from here," said the owner, sweating running down his forehead.

"why?" asked Luffy, food still in his mouth.

"do you know exactly who you sent flying?" asked the owner, getting more and more nervous with each passing second.

"sent flying? who did that?" asked Luffy with a confused expression, he didn't even bother to stop eating.

"you did," said the owner while pointing towards the large hole in the wall and the ones behind it.

"why is there a hoe there? this restaurant is pretty weird," said Luffy while looking at the large holes in the walls. "Is this your hobby?" he asked.

"YOUR THE ONE WHO MADE IT!" shouted the owner and the people who were surrounding them.

The man with the cowboy hat walked back inside causing the owner and the other people in the restaurant to flee, once the man recognized Luffy he was about to call out to him but was interrupted by the man with the silver hair who shoved him into the ground head first.

"STRAW HAT!" shouted the man with the silver hair releasing his hold on the cowboy hat-wearing man while walking towards the still-eating Luffy. The man stopped only a couple of feet in front of Luffy and said, " I've been looking for you Straw Hat. I knew you'd come here, to Alabasta."

Luffy didn't respond and kept on eating, his gaze never leaving the man. The man irritated shouted, "STOP EATING!" However Luffy ignored him and kept on eating, 'isn't he..' he thought staring at the silver-haired man.

He remembered fighting this man at LogueTown, he was the man he couldn't hit at all. Sweat started dripping from Luffy's forehead under the gaze of the silver-haired man, not long after Luffy spitted out food on the man's face and blurted out, "you're that Smoky guy! what are you doing here?!"

"you punk," said the man his anger increased by the fact that Luffy spitted on his face. Luffy held out his arm and said, "wait a minute," before putting all the leftover food in his mouth.

He did a slight bow motion with his head and said," thank you for the food," before dashing out of the restaurant, holding his mouth so the food didn't spill out.