


The cold water douses my hands as I fall deeper into thought. Doing the dishes was a small task but I had to do what I could to help my caretakers. As a 17-year-old boy in Viridian City, there was never much going on that I had to attend to anyway.

My name is Damon Beckett. I have pure black hair, slicked back with water in order to save a couple of Pokedollars(₱) on haircuts, and a pair of dark blue eyes. I was 6'0" and decently muscled due to exercise, as I said, nothing was going on anyways. My caretakers would describe me as a quiet, concentrated, and nice young man as I had no desire to socialize with the other kids, but I would help the caretakers when I could. All my life I had been living in the Red Cider Orphanage and I owe everything to them. That did not mean that I wanted to stay, however.

Ever since I was a child I have been infatuated with Pokemon. Whether I was able to see them in the wild, or the hands of trainers, I have always felt a connection with them. When I first saw a Blastoise under the hands of a trainer, my mind was made up in seconds. I wanted to become one too. And not just any trainer, I wanted to be the best.

The Champion.

Since I was seven I have been researching all I could about pokemon after school in the public library. I tried to learn about as many as I could, and about all of their types and weaknesses. It was especially hard trying to learn about all the moves the pokemon could learn. To add to that I also started training my body to bear more resemblance to a trainer.

I threw rocks or played baseball to gain experience with throwing pokeballs, an essential skill for a pokemon trainer. I also trained my body for the gained stamina and a better chance of surviving when I when out into the wild. I would never be as strong as a pokemon such as a Dragonite however I believed that I also had to do my part for my Pokemon.

This world is not the same one as hundreds of years ago where trainers could go on journeys at the age of 10 and control Charizards or Garchomps with little difficulty. Years have gone by and humans have created more technology with Pokemon evolving right alongside that. They have gotten way stronger, and with that, they have also gotten meaner, more violent, and more unwilling to be controlled by humans.

That doesn't mean that every pokemon is against being with a trainer or that no one can get pokemon because it is almost factual that pokemon will grow stronger with a trainer by their side. Trainers can tell pokemon the right way to train, or what moves to use depending on the typing, not to mention that being with a trainer provides a pokemon with may more experience than they would get in the wild.

Getting back to today, the age where citizens can become trainers is 15 as, in the past, the death rates got too high from ignorant 10 years olds trying to fight everything they see. It is also required today that you must carry a Pokedex with you with will give you vital information such as a level, or the physical representation of a pokemon's experience and skill level, which is acquired from a scanning function of the dex. There are many more functions to the dex such as GPS and a way to contact people as well, making them necessary for every trainer.

The reason I have not become a trainer is due to money. I have no way to afford the equipment needed to start my journey. Odd jobs have granted me around 4500₱ however, a Pokedex itself goes for around 4000₱ and pokeballs can also cost a pretty penny. I can probably afford everything else I may need but these two expenses would need to be taken care of.

I could just give up and take a normal job but that is something I will never do. My dream is the become the best and nothing will stand in my way of that.

-Line Break-

It was May 17th, about two weeks after the newest batch of trainers left on their journey to collect all 8 badges and be recognized as an elite trainer. I was out of school after a decision to not continue on after getting my GED.

I was out a little into Route 2 for relaxation away from the noise of the city. It was too much for me when I would rather be out in the wild with a team of my own pokemon.

Tents were scattered along the route showcasing all of the newbie trainers taking time to themselves and training instead of moving forward right away. It was smart, best take a few extra days to train and win than rush in and lose.

There was a spot I was heading to a little off the route that housed a lake perfect to lay down next to.

My arrival was a little different than expected. In the clearing, by the lake, a green tent sat in ruins with blood streaming out.

An attack!? But what would cause that much blood to sprout out of that kid? It was nothing but a massacre. It looked as if he had been killed very brutally however he was not eaten if this was an attack by a hungry pokemon. Perhaps this kid had angered an Ursaring and paid the price for it?

Whoever did it, they definitely weren't around anymore so I moved in for a closer look. There was no way this kid could be alive anymore. It was horrific. But why could I not stop myself from moving even further in?

There were Great Balls scattered on the ground, red from dried blood. It only took me one moment to think that I could start my journey if I had even one of those.

It happened in an instant. My hand reached out and grasped the edge of a Great Ball.

Will this even be read?

Well, give me some suggestions about what pokemon you want on the team.

Names are helpful too.

No legendaries.

Thanks for reading!

Fried_Fishcreators' thoughts