
Dirty Fighting

After maneuvering through the manufactured snowstorm, Snake entered the building and let out a sigh of relief,

" Finally I can get out of this stuffed suit. " Snake thought as he was removing the bomb suit, he grabbed his M1911 and began walking forward, keeping himself alert for any mercenaries patrolling the hallways. Solid walked a few steps forward before suddenly hearing something coming his way, he saw it in the distance as it was a boomerang. Quickly, Snake leaned sideways, narrowly avoiding the boomerang. The rookie turned around to see a man standing on a catwalk, the man had slick back hair, a black tank top, orange camo pants and black combat boots. Noticeably was the man's large smug grin,

"I'm guessin you're this 'Solid Snake' aren't ya?" said the man in an Australian accent,

"Why don't you get down here and find out?" Snake answered back, the Australian chuckled and shook his head,

"No can do, I'm very much comfortable here, friend. The name's Duck, Dirty Duck. Pleased to meetcha!" Duck introduced,

"I'm guessing you're guarding the way to the weather machine?" Snake asked,

"Aren't you a smart boy? Well here's the deal Snake, we're gonna play a game with you and I."

"I'm not here to play games with you." Snake shot back,

"Oh you have no choice, see I'm gonna give you a choice, Snake." Dirty Duck took out a switch,

"What I have here is a little button that happens to activate a bomb. Now the bomb happens to be placed in a room that has one of the hostages you need to rescue, now depending how long it takes for you to defeat me, the hostage can end up being smithereens." Snake looked at Dirty Duck with a almost worried look,

"So how long do you want me to set the time?" Duck smugly asked, Snake then quickly shot the detonator, catching Duck off guard and hurting his hand,

"You bastard!" gritted Duck,

"Yeah now why don't you come down from there and stop acting like a little bitch?" Snake asked, Dirty Duck tossed a boomerang at him but Solid quickly shot it down, Duck leapt to the side and threw a couple of more but Snake leapt out the way. Solid looked at Duck with a grin on his face,

"That's all you got?" asked Snake smugly,

"Oh we are just bloody gettin started, Solid Bitch!" shot back Dirty Duck as he drew out a specialized boomerang, Duck threw a boomerang at Solid but he clearly dodged it with ease by turning aside.

"That's your best?" asked Snake,

"Wait till you see that bitch we got locked up, also heads up fucker!" Duck replied, Snake then heard something snap which caught his attention, he glanced up and saw a giant shipping crate coming down. He had little time as he narrowly leapt aside and dodged the crushing crate, he glanced and noticed Dirty Duck running across the catwalk, Snake quickly dialed on the codec and started running,

"Steel! Put on Madnar, now!" yelled Snake,

"Shit, ok hold on." Steel Eagle said, there was a brief silence once Snake reached the elevator,

"Snake, what is wrong?" asked Madnar

"Where are the prison cells of the Alpha Building?!" desperately asked Snake,

"The second floor, wait what's going on?" asked Madnar,

"Can't talk!" Snake quickly hung up and slammed on the second floor button. The elevator closed and went up to the second floor, Snake quickly checked the magazine then put it back in the gun as the doors opened. Snake ran out of the elevator and down the hallway, trying to hurry to get to the hostage. He suddenly stopped as three boomerangs were tossed on the wall, Snake turned in the direction they were tossed to see Duck standing across from him.

"Watch your back there, Solid Snake!" Duck taunted with a smug grin. Snake then began hearing beeping behind him, he quickly leapt aside and rolled forward as the boomerangs detonated and blew a large chunk off the wall. Dirty Duck then took out three other specialized boomerangs and pressed on the button in the center then threw them. The boomerangs then turned the corner, making a beeline straight to Solid Snake. Snake heard them coming towards him, he peeked behind him to see the boomerangs getting closer. Quickly, Snake slid down and fired three rounds at the boomerangs to blow them up, he sighed in relief until he heard something coming from the distance. He turned and saw two more boomerangs, instantly coming his way, he shot one down but the other slashed his right arm. He grunted then glanced back as it was doing a U-turn for him, quickly Solid flipped forward and shot it down.

" The mother fucker is toying with me, I'm wasting time! " frustratingly thought Solid. He then sprinted down the other hallway, hurrying to the cell before Duck got there. Eventually, Snake arrived at the prison cells but noticed one where the door was busted open, he ran inside to see Duck holding a brunette woman with a bandana who had her hands tied behind her back. He pressed a boomerang onto her throat as Solid aimed his gun at him,

"Hold it there, Solid Snake. You have no advantage here so drop your gun and put your hands up." demanded Duck,

"You really are a little coward aren't you? Using hostages, do you not have any sense of honor?" asked Snake, Duck just laughed at Snake's naïveté,

"There is no honor in the battlefield, Snake. It don't matter how you get a job done, just as long as you get it done. You think your precious NATO governments care about how many lives they run over to get the job done? I'm a scoundrel but I'm an honest scoundrel so I'm gonna say this again, put the fucking gun down!" ordered Duck, Snake glared at Duck, trying to see if he's bluffing. Duck presses the boomerang closer and that's when Snake just grinned back.

"Lesson one on hostage holding, don't leave yourself open." Snake taunted as he quickly aimed his handgun down and shot Duck's foot. He grunted in pain, lowering the boomerang away and allowing Snake to kick his arm aside. The hostage moved out of their way as Snake threw a punch at Duck but then the conniving Duck grabbed a handful of dirt in his pocket and threw it at Snake, briefly blinding him and allowing himself to scurry away from the cell. Snake growled with frustration, this cowardly and sad excuse of a mercenary was getting under his skin. He wiped the dirt from his eyes as the hostage was approaching him,

"You're ok?" She asked with an Australian accent,

"Yeah…just a little pissed off. Here I'll get you out of there, you're Silent Viper right?" asked Snake as he took his knife out to cut her free,

"Yes…this is all my fault." Viper said regretfully, Snake raised an eyebrow confused on why she said that,

"Listen, don't be hard on yourself, you can't blame yourself for what happened." reassured Snake,

"No it is, my brother wouldn't be such a problem if I didn't hesitate to kill him." Viper replied, Snake looked at her, making sure he heard her right,

"Dirty Duck is your brother?" asked Snake,

"Yes, when we were attacked, I was the first to wake up while they were taking us to the Beta Building. I managed to sneak off and tried heading to the server room to contact Big Boss but that's when I ran into Jack. He kept toying with me, knowing I wouldn't pull the trigger on him…if only I just didn't hesitate, he wouldn't have been giving you so much trouble."

"Aye, trouble comes in our line of work. Where is your brother heading?" asked Snake,

"Probably to the control room. It's on the third floor, we should get moving to catch up with him." Viper informed, he nodded and both began running out the cell and up the staircase to the third floor. Snake and Viper rushed through the hallway, desperately racing towards the two large doors across from them. They broke into the computer filled control room where a bunch of scientists were standing with their hands tied behind their backs and Dirty Duck right behind him,

"This is my game now, Snake! If you're going to come and get me, then you have to go through these blokes!" Duck shouted, Snake held his handgun up and took aim but couldn't get a clear shot at Dirty Duck, Viper was trying to look for an opening to strike but it was getting difficult with the scientists in the way. Snake carefully stepped to the side but so did Duck, Snake just needed a moment, a slight chance to take his shot. Duck made the first move by throwing a boomerang at Snake, the rookie narrowly dodged as the boomerang grazed his skin, leaving a small cut on his abdomen. He heard the boomerang suddenly shift, it felt like the sound was going around him. Snake's instincts kicked in and he ducked once the boomerang came from behind him.

"That all you got-" Duck was suddenly cut off as Viper managed to get the jump on him and kicked him back, sending him to one of the control panels, he glanced up then gave a very smug grin once he saw his sister,

"Awh, sissy now got some backbone. Well, c'mon then, hell I won't even fight back. Try and kill me, I double dog dare you!" taunted Duck, Viper walked towards him with her head held high and having no fear in her heart.

"You know for a guy who talks a lot of shit, you sure as hell are dumb as bollocks." Viper replied, Duck raised an eyebrow but was then caught off guard as he was pulled over by Snake from behind. Duck desperately and quickly pulled him off then reached for another one of his trick boomerangs but Snake quickly caught his arm and flipped him onto the control panel. Snake proceeded to punch him over and over again but Duck then tried stabbing him but the rookie cleverly pushed his arm aside as it stabbed the panel. Suddenly, electricity began to crackle and the panel then exploded, knocking the two back towards a wall. Snake got up and began slowly feeling the building shake, he could hear the sounds of thunder crack madly like a drum banging for war. Duck took advantage of Snake's distracted attention to begin running, Snake pursued after him, quickly trying to stop him, he then heard his codec ring and answered,

"Snake, what the hell is going on?!" worriedly asked Fox,

"What's happening outside?"

"The weather is changing madly, there's-OH SHIT WE GOT TO MOVE-" the call ended as Snake looked outside to see lightning strike the ground, there was little time left. Snake managed to chase Duck to the roof, where he stood in front of the towering weather machine, its blue light glowing brightly as it was shooting a beam into the sky. Snake couldn't help but be amazed by the machine, amazed by how science has evolved into doing something so godly. His awestruck moment was ruined as a boomerang stabbed Snake in the shoulder, he grunted as blood spilled from his shoulder. He glanced up to see a frustrated Dirty Duck standing close to the machine.

"Off with your head, mother fucker!" shouted Duck as he threw a boomerang at Snake, he took a deep breath and leaned slowly to the side. Despite cutting his hand slightly, Snake quickly caught the boomerang then tossed it back at Duck, piercing his shoulder and pinning him onto the machine. He desperately tried getting it out but Snake pulled out the one he was stabbed with and threw it into his other shoulder. Duck was truly pinned against the machine, Snake walked towards the trapped mercenary and took out some flares. He lit them and placed it under Duck, Snake then drew out his flare gun and aimed it up at the sky,

"Enjoy the fireworks, asshole." Solid Snake said to him as fired the flare up in the sky. Snake quickly ran downstairs as he began to hear Eagle Eye's bombarding of missiles and bombs, destroying the dreaded weather machine once and for all. Snake sighed in relief, he couldn't believe he made it this far in his first mission, he felt really close to completing the mission and defeating this evil Ishmael although he couldn't help but still be bothered by the zombie in the basement and the AI Pod, despite what Big Boss said. Snake got to the first floor and saw that the others were downstairs waiting for him with big smiles on their faces. Ellen couldn't help but run up to Solid Snake and hugged him tightly, despite him bleeding from his shoulder. Snake did his best to hug her despite his wounded shoulder. He smiled and looked at the others as they prepared to face one more threat, the most deadliest threat of them all, the TX-55 Metal Gear.