
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime und Comics
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Meta Essence CYOA 86

Essence of the Blindspot

By drinking this Essence you gain the following benefits

●You become immune to all mind control and mind-reading effects also protects you against any other mind-affecting powers



●You become a blind spot to all powers that allow some form of sight be it the Byakugan or some form of precognition or postcogition



●You become a blind spot to all information-gathering powers, abilities or skills when they are used on you they will receive nothing. You may alter this so it feeds false information instead

Essence of the Criminal Mastermind

By drinking this essence you gain the following benefits


●A one-time full body rescuplt

●Your mind is taken to the Peak of what is possible for your race

●You gain a complete understanding and Knowledge of how to create and maintain a criminal empire

●You gain a knack and understanding for business and the economy ensuring that you will never make a stupid mistake that will cost you billions unless that is what you actually desire

●You gain superhuman charisma which will make even your greatest of enemies respect you even if they hate you

●You become a master of manipulation being able to twist even the greatest of wills to your benefit with but a few simple words

●You become a master psychological analyst being able to break apart a person's way of thinking to understand their very soul allowing you to always remain multiple steps ahead of someone

●You now have a talent for finding people or beings willing and able to follow you, allowing you to find henchmen/troops with ease even in places where you should not be able

●You and your empire will never fall to stupid reasons like tax evasion, no if the authorities wish to remove your empire they will have to do it the hard way

●Your Followers will be deathly loyal to you being impossible to turn against without overt mind control and even then they will be resistant to it if it means betraying you

●You gain a knack for finding and taking grasp of opportunities to expand or strengthen your empire

●You gain a one-time boon of a 3 month grace period where the authorities will ignore you and your up-and-coming empire unless you go directly against them and force them to retaliate

●You gain a one-time boon in the form of the equivalent of 5 million dollars in whatever currency you or your world uses, this money can only be used to begin setting up your criminal empire

●If you are capable of multiversal travel you may use your empires as beacons to easily return to said world, you also need not worry about your empires collapsing and falling apart if you leave the dimension as your trusted lieutenants will be able to manage it until you return

Essence of Ghoul

By consuming this Essence you gain several boons

○You gain a one-time full body resculpt to mold your body as you wish

○Your body is taken to its absolute peak, your strength, stamina, agility and so forth are now beyond that of even an Olympic athlete

○Your senses of smell and hearing have been upgraded to such an extent that they put dogs to shame, allowing you to better track and hunt your prey

○Your body's regenerative abilities have been increased to such a point that most wounds will be superficial to you at best and will heal within minutes if not seconds however you can still die if you were blown to smithereens or if your head were to be chopped off and not placed back on your body immediately, so watch out

○You receive a Kagune of you choice, whether that be a canon characters Kagune or one of your own making. While you begin with only one type of Kagune as you feed more and more over time your body will begin creating new sacs each containing one of the other types. you may choose how these new Kagune will appear and behave

○Unlike normal ghouls normal human food will not harm you nor will it taste horrible however it will grant you no sustenance whatsoever

○You may gain even more strength by committing cannibalism and devouring other ghouls however unlike other ghouls you won't suffer from insanity if you go down this path

○You may create more Ghouls by feeding a human a bit of your flesh. Any ghouls created this way will be completely loyal to you, being unable to betray you either consciously or unconsciously

○At any point you may decide to take a one way trip to the Tokyo Ghoul universe this may either be through reincarnation or simply being dropped there as you are. this will automatically activate if you are to die for the first time without having some sort of immortality

Essence of the One man Army

By drinking this Essence you gain the following boons


●Your body is taken to the peak of what your race is capable of both mentally and physically

●You gain mastery over all weapons and martial arts

●You have unlimited stamina

●Your strength and ability grow stronger the stronger or more numerous your opponent is, this has no limit

●Your healing has been increased to that of Deadpool's

●You are a tactical and strategic genius

Essence of the Null

By drinking this you gain the following benefits


●Your body is taken to the limit of what your race is capable of

●You are immune to any and all powers whether that is magic or genetic

●You can choose if some powers affect you or not, for example, you could allow all positive effects to affect you while stopping negatives or if you just wanna fuck with someone you can allow their power to affect you, however, if you ever become endangered by a power you allowed to affect you your null zone will immediately reactivate and make you immune once more, this can be done even if you are not aware of the ability affecting you

●You gain an aura that allows you to weaken, cancel or outright remove a person's power, by default this will be done in a way that keeps the person alive however you can selectively choose if it keeps them alive or does it the quick and dirty way

Essence of Xel'naga

By Drinking this Essence you gain a body that is pure of form and of Essence

○You are now a Xel'naga

○You gain two forms your Xel'naga form which can be anything from an Eldritch monstrosity to a humanoid Phoenix and a Customizable form that can be human or any Alien race you can think of


○You Gain the ability to shape-shift into anything you wish long as you have seen it once or can at least imagine it clearly

○Due to having a body that embodies the purity of form you gain immense psionic potential allowing you to do anything from lifting something with your mind to talking to people telepathically or even fully controlling anothers mind

○Due to having a body that embodies the Purity of Essence your body is constantly evolving and growing stronger without limit, any injuries will cause your body to improve and gain resistance if not an outright immunity to whatever caused it.

○You may also consume the Essence of others to improve upon your own form

○You may recreate the Protoss and the Zerg and neither will be hostile to each other unless you wish it. You may also recreate notable Protoss or Zerg with their memories either intact or modified to make sense. Notable Protoss and Zerg can be The Overmind, Artanis, Zeratul, Kerrigan, Zagara and Abathur or any others that fit this. Note that if you Recreate Kerrigan it will be Pre Xel'naga Kerrigan

○You may create new alien races that are either Purity of Form or Purity of Essence

○Gain the Scientific knowledge of the Protoss and the Terrans as well as the evolutionary knowledge of the Zerg

○Any races you create are perfectly loyal to you and are unable to betray you both Consciously or unconsciously

○You may create New Xel'naga by granting someone a piece of your soul but unlike other Xel'naga this is not fatal for you and will only make you exhausted for a short time. Any Xel'naga created this way are completely and utterly loyal to you and will have a minor tendency to see you as a god though you can stop that particular problem if you truly wish it

○Optionally you may receive two decently Sized Planets for your Protoss and Zerg to inhabit, Note that each planet is set up in such a way to be the perfect host planet for each respective species. You may come and go to these planets as you wish through the use of a specially crafted portal. This is extremely useful if you don't want to condemn your Current planet to the likes of both the Protoss and Zerg

○Optionally you may visit the world of Starcraft whether that is through Reincarnation or by being dropped in is up to you

Essence of Modded Dishonored

•You now have the power of Corvo in a Modded version of Dishonored, giving you the Outsider's Mark without the connection to the void and the Outsider.

•This gives you access to all of the supernatural abilities from Dishonored at their highest level, and are able to use them without the need or use of any Mana.

•You have the combined skill and experience of both Corvo and Emily Kaldwin.

•As if that wasn't enough, you will find yourself having the skill and ability to do with ease what StealthGamerBR, Clockner and Volound do in their modded dishonored runs, all without having to plan and practice.

•You also get your own copy of Corvo's mask and Folding Blade. The Mask hides your identity and allows you to zoom in you vision at will. The Folding Blade is indestructible, and can cleave through flesh and bone with ease, all without blunting in any way.

•Optionally, you may receive your own crossbow and gun which never runs out of ammo.

•Optionally, you may receive the Twin-bladed knife. The knife is described as bronze, with twin straight blades that are 12 inches long. Despite its age, it is still a masterwork of blacksmithing, capable of slicing through flesh and bone with ease. It also gives you the ability to unleash Void Strike, a power that can stun and knock enemies back.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

◦Emily Kaldwin.

◦Any other character from the Dishonored universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Dishonored, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Avatar of Origin

○You may remake yourself however you want, even changing your race to any known Star Wars race.

○You can now speak, read and write Galactic Basic Standard.

○You are now the Avatar of Origin, the master of the Tome of Origin.

○The Tome of Origin is the only one in existence, and is a "Living Tome," which is alive and can actively help you if you ask. It will grow in power alongside you and give you access to more and more knowledge as you grow in power, knowing all there is about your powers and anything connected to it. The book can't be permanently destroyed, just reforming if it is incinerated or something, and can also act as a notebook if you want it to. It is irrevocably loyal to you.

○As the Avatar, you are now immune and invisible to any form of precognition or fate-manipulating powers, but unlike the original Avatar, you are not immune to any similar powers of your own. You are also now a Psychic of limitless potential.

○There are six schools that your powers are divided into:







○You already know a biomancy technique to keep your body in an ideal state, making you reach and hold a peak level of physical fitness, while slowly altering you to be more attractive over time.

○You already know enough pyromancy to create fire in your hand and throw fireballs - small ones, no bigger than a baseball, but it was useful to have some ability to attack.

○You can manipulate small objects with telekinesis.

○Telepathy is for now the strongest of them, as you know a technique to compel people to follow short, basic commands.

○You know a divination technique that allows you to get a short forewarning of danger.

○Daemonology doesn't actually involve daemons at your current level, being a more advanced skill. Instead, it involves rituals, like putting a few drops of your blood on a piece of metal to move your power through it, causing it to produce a small flame if you say 'flame on,' which will disappear if you say 'flame off.'

○You may choose how or even if the Warp and Chaos exists alongside your power, as it has been hinted at during the story. Even if you choose for them to not be a part of your power, you can still use Daemonology for rituals and creating Daemons like Revel.

○Do remember that you are the Avatar of Origin, and there is a theory that the Avatar is the Beginning of Chaos Gods, their Creator in whatever Universe you are in, making you essentially the origin point of the Warp and Chaos Gods. Your death would undermine their very existence in whatever universe you are in, as such you are their main point of vulnerability. No matter how powerful they are or will become they need you to be safe and happy for all of eternity, because if you die, they are going to stop existing. There is also some sort of worshiping to you in certain Daemons, like Revel.

■Though this is entirely optional, and wouldn't even work if you choose to make the Warp and Chaos not be a part of you.

■You may also choose to change this however you want, in case you want being the Avatar of Origin to be/mean something else.

○Optionally, you may choose to become a Force-Sensitive, capable of consciously sensing the Force and harness it. Your Force-potential will be limitless, but you will start at the same level of power and skill as an average Padawan.

■You may opt to have adept level of skill in all lightsaber forms. You may also choose to be naturally talented with an intuitive mastery over one Lightsaber form of your choice. You will receive a personal lightsaber of your own design.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.






■Any other character from the Isekai'd to Star Wars universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the "Isekai'd to Star Wars" Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.