
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Anime und Comics
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Meta Essence CYOA 65

Essence of Cold

This cold Essence bestows you with the power to command the absence of heat.

●You are immune to all temperatures below what you would consider comfortably cool, down to Absolute Zero, and cannot be frozen or impeded by ice if you wish it.

●You can push heat out of any area or object near you, lowering its temperature, and can freeze any physical substance. Any substance that you have affected this way can be controlled. The colder you have made it, the greater the degree of control. Given time, you may be able to freeze other things.

●Of course, you may choose to thaw anything that is frozen. You may also choose to have something remain frozen indefinitely, or remain unable to freeze.

●You are able to create anything you can imagine out of ice, even if no moisture is present to crystallize.

●All forms of cold weather are yours to command.

●You may transform your body into ice in order to regenerate.

●Your ice can be granted special/magical properties with practice/experimentation.

●With enough force of will, you can lower temperatures to 0 degrees Kelvin, or Absolute Zero. At this temperature, molecular and atomic bonds may break down, causing disintegration. While you are immune to these effects, take care to constrain the effects on the environment. Absolute Zero will also grant you access to Zero Point Energy, an energy type that can be used for powerful techniques.

Essence of Flames

By drinking this especially hot Essence, you have become powerfully connected to the concept of heat and flame.

●You are immune to extreme temperatures above what you would consider to be comfortably warm, and cannot suffer from dehydration by way of heat, or heatstroke. Flames will not burn you.

●You now possess the ability to manipulate existing heat and flames in increasingly esoteric ways, as well as generate them yourself. This includes byproducts of fire such as ash and smoke, or similar forms of energy to heat.

●You may absorb heat in order to heal, energize or otherwise nourish yourself.

●With practice, you might learn to 'Ignite' or Burn things that have no physical form. For instance, igniting a seed's growth to have it grow faster, or igniting a person's potential to grant them a lesser version of your power.

●You may learn the ability to transform into fire and back, healing your wounds and making you shapeless.

●Flames created by you may be granted the ability to persist without oxygen or other fuel sources. You may grant them additional properties as you experiment with them.

Essence of Shadows

 This ink-black essence is cool and has a curious, velvety texture.

 * Upon drinking the essence, you will gain the ability to command the ever-present darkness and shadows. Initially, your control will extend to only your own shadow and any natural shade that it connects to, but practice will expand your range.

 * You may form shadows into solid materials. Practice will increase the amount of properties you may add to them, as well as their complexity and ability to maintain form without concentration. The easiest thing to form is blade-like tendrils.

 * Your physical attributes will be boosted significantly whenever you are in the shade. Time will increase this boost, and eventually your baseline will increase even when in the light.

 * Your may snuff out and dampen any form of light in the area. Over time and with practice, you may draw veils of night across the sky.

 * All creatures associated with darkness will find themselves deferring to you. Weaker ones will obey you unquestioningly, and time, practice and effort will allow you to exert your will over more powerful ones.

 * You may store any objects and creatures inside a shadow world accessible only by you, through shadows. You may also use this world to quickly travel through shadows. At first, any objects stored in your own shadow will weigh down on you, but over time this will decrease. In addition, the shadow world may allow you to connect to other universes...

 * Moonlight will not weaken your powers, and you can generate it for yourself.

 * You can see perfectly even in total darkness.

 * The shadow world is filled with a bottomless reserve of energy, which is formed whenever magical energy is expended. You may use this cast-off byproduct to cast shadowy versions of any magic that you acquire, making it more subtle than the normal version.

Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

Essence of the Brain

By taking this essence, you unlock the energy of all your braincells working together.

●Infinite memory and genius level intellect.

●You can manipulate Psionic energy in order to affect the world, the minds/perceptions of others or enhance your own body, all to massive levels.

●You can easily read the mind of anyone you choose, allowing you to easily and subtly manipulate them.

●You can program your power to do particular tasks ahead of time, so that you don't need to focus on them.

●You can sense any and all forces/energy, including time and space, allowing you to control them with enough effort.

●You gain Astral Projection/remote viewing, which allows you to observe distant events or enter the dreams of others. You keep your other powers while in this state, allowing you to exert your abilities from an even greater distance.

Essence of the Breeder

By taking this essence, you become the sexiest thing alive.

●Your body is changed to become your ultimate ideal of sex appeal, including tremendous endowment.

●Porn physics apply to you.

●Members of the opposite sex are inexorably drawn to you. You may toggle this on or off, or set it to target certain criteria.

●Your charisma increases to ridiculous levels.

●You are guaranteed to impregnate or be impregnated every time you have sex, with however many or few babies you want. This can be toggled on and off.

●Pregnancies last up to a third as fast as normal, and your offspring reach sexual maturity in a matter of months.

●There are no negative consequences for incest.

●Your offspring (which can be any sex you wish) can inherit your abilities, either at full power or weaker.

●You can breed with any species, and the offspring will either be a half-breed (with just the right amount of fusion) or purely one of the parent's species. You choose which.

Essence of the Elements

By taking this Essence, you gain control over one or any number of the four basic elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air)

●You can create or destroy any amount of your element

●You may transform into your element in order to become amorphous. Transforming back will heal you

●You gain sustenance by absorbing your element

●As you practice, you will gain the ability to branch out into the more esoteric elements (lightning, ice, metal, etc.)

●You have complete control over the element(s) of your choice, and immunity to their harmful effects.

Essence of the Gourmand

By taking this essence, you become the king of gourmet.

●You are granted encyclopedia of all the ingredients in the multiverse.

●You can receive ideas on how to create new dishes.

●You can conjure any ingredients and cooking equipment you want out of thin air.

●You can eat as much as you want without having to worry about your weight. In fact, the more you eat, the more your attributes increase.

●You can eat anything. Your teeth will bite through any substance, and it will soften inside your mouth.

●Should you wish it, you can gain the properties of anything you eat. Cooking it increases the benefits you gain.

Essence of the Knife

 This quicksilver-like beverage tastes like steel and has a sharp fizz.

 * Upon imbibing, you are granted a knife, which can take on any shape and design you wish, though no smaller than a scalpel's blade and no larger than a shortsword.

 * This blade cannot be detected by magical or technological means. You may summon or dismiss it into a pocket dimension at will.

 * As long as enough pressure is exerted, the Knife will cut through any material. It can even cut intangible things such as sickness, space, time, enslavement or even Fate. It will not cut you unless you want it to, and even then it will not cause you pain.

 * Just as you may teleport the Knife to you, you may teleport to it.

 * You gain intimate knowledge and muscle memory that allow you to wield the Knife in all its forms like a master, whether it be for combat or cooking.

 * You can kill anything that lives with the Knife, ignoring any and all forms of immortality. Any being killed by the Knife will have all of its powers and abilities added to the Knife, granting it a new form. Those abilities can then be accessed through the Knife and wielded as if they were your own. You may decide on the conditions that might go into using said abilities. Abilities and forms can also be unlocked by allowing the Knife to absorb materials.

 * The Knife may be used as a focus for magic of all sorts.

 * With enough focus, you can learn to multiply the Knife into many, and control each of them telekinetically.

Essence of the Machine

By taking this Essence, the line between man and machine is wiped away. After all, organics ARE machines. Just messier.

* You become aware of every function in your body and state of health, while gaining independence from them. IE, you no longer need your brain to think.

* You can detect, broadcast and receive any sort of signal, along any frequency.

* You can control any mechanical or electronic device.

* You can partition your mind to focus on multiple threads of thought, with no limit on the number. In addition, your thoughts can accelerate ad infinitum.

* You can duplicate or transfer your mind into any device.

* Your body produces a constant supply of nanomachines, which can augment your body in any way and repair/reinforce/upgrade any object.

* At will, you can transform any part of your body into machinery and back again.

* Any technology you imagine can be created by you and your nanomachines, even if it should not logically make sense or be possible.

Essence of the Merchant

*You are able to assess the value of anything you see. Any object, living being or even a concept such as a person's emotions. This value can be equated to any other kind of value, whether it be physical currency, energy, mana, etc.

*By paying the value, you can gain ownership over that thing, or cause an effect, such as spending mana to cast a spell.

*You can sense, get in contact with and appear to or summon any entity you would like to bargain with.

*You can negotiate any sort of transaction with ease, with knowledge of loopholes and clauses.

*You can establish contracts for favors with other living beings in order to waive or reduce the value paid for the desired effect. This can include supernatural beings such as demons.

*You may also act as a mediator between two parties, creating similar contracts and overseeing their execution impartially.

*Once a contract is signed and sealed, you are linked to the other party or parties, and will know when they are fulfilling their end of the bargain. This link lasts until the contract is fulfilled or all sides agree to break it off (should you include such a capability in the contract).

Essence of the Mirror

By taking this essence, you gain the ability to create reflections of anything.

●You gain the ability to duplicate any object you see, even if it's just an image.

●You can create an infinite number of absolutely loyal clones, and dismiss them at will.

●You can copy powers, as long as you see them being used.

●You may reflect/bounce any incoming attack in another direction.

●You may travel through any reflective surface.

Essence of the Nomad

By taking this essence, you take on the skills of the ultimate traveler

●You are granted infinite stamina.

●Your body is completely rid of minor aches and pains and minor wounds heal Instantaneously.

●Other living beings do not see you as a threat and will ignore you. This can be toggled.

●You are able to teleport by any method you wish.

●You can travel to alternate universes at will

●You are granted encyclopedic knowledge of all the most exciting places in the multiverse.

●You always have enough money to get by.

●You are immune to any disease.

●You automatically have the skills to drive, pilot or ride any form of vehicle or mount.

●You are granted the skillset necessary to survive in any environment, with your body/clothes adapting as needed.

●You become able to speak and understand any language, whether spoken, written or containing non-verbal components such as telepathy.

●You will always know where you are, where you've been and how to navigate/orient yourself by any means.

●You can 'mark' any world that you've been in in order to more easily find it again.

Essence of the Shape

By taking this essence, your form has become a suggestion, rather than something rigidly defined.

●You no longer have a default form. Everything about you can be changed by your whim.

●You can shapeshift into forms that have greater or less mass than you, including inanimate objects.

●You can split off pieces of yourself and shapeshift those.

●You can transform into any being and gain their powers, along with combine multiple beings.

●You may transmute any matter, energy or living being around you into anything.

Essence of the Speed Force

 It tastes like lemonade with a healthy dose of lightning.

 * You are now a living conduit for the Speed Force, giving you dominion over all forms of speed.

 * At will, you may shift yourself into a higher state of speed, causing the world around you to seemingly slow down while you can move at greater velocities. You have total control over how much physics apply to you as you shift up and down in speed. This can range from dodging bullets to taking a brisk jog across a continent, and your maximum will only increase with practice and time.

 * Your ability to sense and react to things around you is heightened to the point where you can kick into a higher state on practically instinct to dodge attacks or catch a falling object.

 * Tying into choosing how much physics apply to your superspeed, you can choose how much force you hit with at super speed, and whether or not you cause damage by your mere motion.

 * You can grant superspeed to (and take from) other living things, as well as increase and decrease the speed of vibrations in all matter around you. This can develop into full manipulation of vibrations with enough dedicated practice.

 * Your superspeed can generate electricity as a visual effect, but you can learn to throw lightning from it.

 * By vibrating your own molecules, you can learn to phase through solid matter.

 * Eventually, you will be able to outrun even the concepts of time and death, and even break through the barrier between other worlds.

 * You can choose whether or not your powers (plus the ones that you grant) require an increased food intake.

 * While your reflexes will protect you at superspeed, you can dial your sense of time up and down, so that traveling anywhere or carrying a conversation will not feel like an eternity to you.

Essence of the Spiral

* Your determination/hot-bloodedness can now be dialed up and down at will, without compromising your thought processes.

* You become capable of generating large quantities of Spiral Power, which can power any technology, improve any object and create matter/energy from nothing. The more pumped up you are, the more potent it becomes.

* Your Spiral Power can materialize a super-advanced mecha of your choice, which can be modified and upgraded at your discretion. The mech can be dismissed and called back at will. This mech runs on Spiral Power, and sufficiently high levels will allow it to act on its own. Controlling the mech is as easy as breathing and works how you want it to.

* You can summon drills from any part of your body, or from any vehicle (or mech) you happen to be piloting.

* You become much more charismatic, allowing those around you to generate Spiral Power and mechs of their own.

Essence of the Summoner

By taking this essence, you are granted dominion over the calling of others.

●You may manifest your soul or call upon the souls of the departed (all of whom are absolutely loyal to you) and give them weapons and armor.

●You can summon various demons and forge their spirits into weapons/armor.

●You may cause any artifact of power to appear before you.

●You are given encyclopedic knowledge (with infinite memory) of all the spirits, demons, mythological creatures and artifacts in the multiverse.

●You have the ability to bind anything you summon to you, so that it can never be lost or stolen.

Essence of Absorption

Are you the one drinking it? Or is it drinking you...?

* You now possess the ability to absorb anything that you can conceive of into your body, mind and soul.

* Over time, you may become able to access the qualities of the things that you have consumed. Knowledge is of course the easiest.

* You have unlimited storage space for absorption, and can learn to release anything stored within you.

* Living things absorbed by you will be brought under your control. You can let them take control of your body if you wish, but can reassume control instantly. By a similar token, anything absorbed by you will be unable to escape, turning you into the ultimate prison.

Essence of Fusion

A swirling, shifting blend of two colors that should be completely opposed.

* You have the ability to merge any two or more targets into one being, including yourself.

* For objects that are similar, you may pick and choose which aspects of which part will manifest in the unified whole. These aspects will be likewise improved greatly.

* You may likewise merge with any object, substance or surface, allowing you to transform into and manipulate it. Practice will increase the amount that you can control in this state. This will likewise allow you to add things such as cybernetic enhancements to your body without having to sacrifice your organic body parts.

* When merging with another person, your personality will remain dominant, even if you choose to combined minds as well.