
Merlin's Legacy: Summoner of the Sword

"By my blood, by my will, I shall prevail," After the demise of his grandfather, Sato Fujimoto uncovers his family's concealed legacy of magecraft. Guided by a letter written by his since deceased grandfather, Sato embarks on a mission to safeguard his family's heritage from nefarious elements. Empowered by the legendary Excalibur, he wages a courageous battle against those intent on seizing both the weapon and his family's ancient wisdom.

IdleBrick · Urban
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3 Chs

Mixed Emotions

I awoke to the blaring sound of my alarm clock, filling the room with noise. Blinking away sleep, I quickly got dressed. With Grandpa unwell and hospitalized, my elder sister Aiya was managing the household in his absence.

Downstairs, the aroma of pancakes greeted me as Aiya expertly flipped them on the stove.

"Good morning, Sato," she greeted with a smile.

"Morning, Aiya. Thanks for cooking," I replied, taking a seat at the table.

Aiya served me pancakes and apple juice. "No problem. Did you sleep well?"

"Alright, I suppose. The hospital called last night. How's Grandpa?" I inquired, my concern evident.

Aiya's smile waned slightly. "He's stable, but they're conducting tests. It's been tough, but he's resilient."

"Yeah, Grandpa's always been tough," I agreed, digging into my pancake.

We ate in silence, lost in our thoughts.

"Sato, I know it's been hard, but I'm proud of you for staying focused on your studies," Aiya broke the silence.

"Thanks, Aiya. I couldn't manage without you," I expressed genuinely.

"You've always been the brainy one. I'm just trying to keep pace," she teased, nudging me.

I chuckled. "You're not so bad yourself. You've been holding down the fort while Grandpa's in the hospital."

Aiya smiled sadly. "We're a team, Sato. We'll weather this together."

Finishing my breakfast, I stood up. "Alright, I should get going."

"Have a good day and give it your all," Aiya encouraged with a smile.

Stepping onto the front porch, I spotted Akane, my neighbor and childhood friend, waiting for me.

"Rawr!" she playfully exclaimed, startling me.

"Oh no! The terrifying female flasher strikes again! Someone alert the authorities!" I joked.

Akane blushed. "Stop it, that's embarrassing! You used to get so scared."

"Yeah, I was a chicken back in school. But I've toughened up," I admitted with a grin.

"You still haven't snagged yourself a girlfriend though," Akane teased, looking smug.

"Yeah, that's a bit of a sore spot," I confessed, feeling bashful.

"But you've never had a boyfriend either," I pointed out, noticing the irony.

"True, but that's different," Akane replied, looking sheepish.

Fortunately, our university was nearby, sparing us the need for a metro ride.

"We're almost there," I remarked, gesturing towards the campus.

"Yeah, we're fortunate. Some folks have to rely on the metro to make it here on time," Akane nodded in agreement.

Approaching the gates of the university, the campus thrummed with energy. Students dashed to and fro, their backpacks swaying as they clutched onto their textbooks tightly.

"Looks like the campus is really lively," I remarked, surveying the bustling crowds.

Akane nodded in agreement. "Definitely. But you know what? At least we're in it together."

I grinned, appreciating Akane's presence. Despite the whirlwind of activity around us, having her beside me made everything feel a bit more manageable.

We headed towards our first class of the day: A.I. and Robotics 101. Stepping into the lecture hall, I felt a surge of excitement. This was my passion, the realm where technology and innovation converged, where the potential of artificial intelligence knew no bounds.

Taking our seats near the front, I eagerly awaited the start of the lecture. The professor, a distinguished figure in the field, began to speak, his words kindling a spark of curiosity within me.

The hours flew by in a whirl of lectures and discussions, each one more captivating than the last. By the time lunch beckoned, my mind was abuzz with new ideas.

As we strolled towards the university cafeteria, Akane nudged me teasingly. "So, what's the culinary masterpiece of the day, Sato?"

I shrugged, eyeing the array of food offerings. "Who knows? Let's just hope it's not too terrible."

We grabbed trays and loaded up with food, snagging a table by the window with a view of the campus courtyard. As we ate, our conversation naturally gravitated towards our classes and our impressions of them.

After finishing our lunch, our lectures for the day were done. It felt strange to me, coming from high school where classes stretched on endlessly throughout the day.

"It's kinda weird not having classes all day," I remarked, feeling the shift in routine.

"Yeah, but it does leave time for clubs and stuff on campus. Might be fun to join one," Akane mused, stretching her arms.

"Yeah, I wouldn't mind trying out a club. With all this extra time, it seems like a good idea," I agreed.

We sat on a bench in the campus courtyard, observing the dwindling crowds passing by. The bustling morning atmosphere had given way to smaller, scattered groups.

"Seems like most people have their lectures in the morning," I observed, noticing the change.

"Definitely looks that way. You'd think they'd spread them out more evenly," Akane commented.

"I kinda like having the afternoons free though. Who wants to sit through lectures when half the day's already gone?" I chuckled.

Before our conversation could continue, my phone rang, displaying the hospital's number where Grandpa was staying. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of it.

"Hello?" I answered nervously.

"Is this Sato Fujimoto-san?" a voice inquired from the other end.

"Yes, speaking," I replied, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Hi, we're calling to inform you that Kaito Fujimoto-san has taken a turn for the worse. It's advisable to visit the hospital as soon as possible," the voice informed me.

As I listened, a cold shiver ran down my spine. Grandpa, in critical condition? The words reverberated in my mind, filling me with a deep sense of dread.

"Sato, what's going on?" Akane asked, noticing the change in my demeanor.

"It's Grandpa. He's in critical condition. We need to get to the hospital right away," I responded, my voice quivering with fear.

Without hesitation, I ended the call and jumped to my feet, my mind consumed with worry. Akane followed suit, her expression mirroring my own as we rushed out of the courtyard and towards the hospital.

Every step felt heavy as we made our way to the hospital, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on us. What if we were too late? What if we never got the chance to say goodbye?

As we reached the imposing doors of the hospital, I took a deep breath, summoning whatever courage I could muster to face whatever awaited us on the other side.

Stepping into the sterile atmosphere of the hospital, the smell of antiseptic stung my nostrils as we approached the reception desk. The nurse's words barely registered as she directed us to Grandpa's room, my mind clouded with dread.

When we finally arrived at his room, I motioned for Akane to wait outside. The sight of Grandpa lying motionless in the hospital bed, surrounded by machines and monitors, struck me like a blow to the chest.

It was just me and Grandpa in that stark hospital room.

Approaching his bedside, my throat tightened as I took in his pale face, illuminated by the soft glow of the monitors. The rhythmic beeping of the machines served as a constant reminder of the fragility of life.

"Grandpa..." I whispered, my voice barely audible over the hum of medical equipment.

His eyes fluttered open, and he managed a weak smile. "Sato, my boy... I'm glad you're here."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I grasped his hand. "Grandpa, what happened? Why didn't you tell us you were getting worse?"

He shook his head faintly. "There's no time... I need to tell you something important."

Fear gripped my heart as I listened to his words, hanging on to every syllable.

"I... I don't have much time left, Sato. But there's something I need to show you," Grandpa said, his voice barely audible.

"What is it, Grandpa? What do you need to show me?" I asked, a sense of urgency coursing through me.

"In the attic... there's a locked cupboard. Inside, you'll find... the answers you seek," he replied, his voice growing weaker with each passing moment.

Confusion washed over me. What secrets could Grandpa be hiding from us? And why reveal them now, in his final moments?

"Promise me, Sato. Promise me you'll go to the attic and unlock the cupboard. It's... it's important," Grandpa urged, his grip tightening on my hand.

"I promise, Grandpa. I'll go right away," I vowed, my voice trembling.

Grandpa nodded, a look of relief washing over his face. "Good... And one more thing, Sato."

"Yes, Grandpa?"

"Protect your sister... Keep her safe from... from the dangers that lurk in the shadows. Promise me you'll do that," he said, his voice barely a whisper.

"I promise, Grandpa. I'll protect her with my life," I replied, tears streaming down my cheeks.

With those final words, Grandpa closed his eyes, his hand going limp in mine. The steady beeping of the machines faltered, then flatlined, signaling the end of his journey.

Before I could process the weight of his passing, my sister burst into the room, her eyes red-rimmed with tears and her face a mask of anguish.

"Sato, what's happened?" she demanded, her voice trembling.

I turned to face her, struggling to find the words to convey the enormity of our loss. "Grandpa... he's gone, Aiya," I managed to choke out.

Aiya's eyes widened in shock, her hand flying to her mouth as she took in the sight of our grandfather lying still in the hospital bed. For a moment, she stood frozen, the reality of the situation sinking in.

Then, without a word, she crossed the room and knelt by Grandpa's bedside, her fingers brushing against his cheek in a silent farewell. Tears flowed freely down her face as she whispered a prayer, her grief palpable in the air.

Watching her, I felt a surge of emotion. Despite our differences, we were bound together by the love and loss we shared as a family.

After a moment, Aiya rose to her feet, her expression resolute despite her tears. "We need to stay strong, Sato," she said firmly. "For each other, and for Grandpa."

I nodded, grateful for her support. "You're right, Aiya. We'll get through this together."

Leaving Aiya behind to grieve for a while, I stepped out of the hospital room and saw Akane waiting for me. Her eyes, full of worry as I approached.

"Sato, what's wrong? Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

I shook my head, "It's Grandpa... he's passed away, Akane," I said softly, my words heavy with sadness.

Akane gasped, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. "Oh, Sato... I'm so sorry," she murmured, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug.

Tears pricked at my eyes as I leaned into her embrace, For a moment, we stood there together, silently sharing in the pain of loss.

In that moment, realization struck me: Akane is more than a friend. As I held her, a truth emerged—I had feelings for her, feelings that surpassed mere friendship.

"Thank you, Akane," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion.

She squeezed my hand reassuringly, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of empathy. "You're not alone, Sato. I'll be here for you"

I'm truly grateful that you've taken the time to read this chapter, Your support means so much to me. Another chapter will be on its way soon, and I would be incredibly thankful if you could help spread the word about this novel. This marks my first published work, even though I've poured my heart into many unpublished stories before. Thank you once again.

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