
Chapter 63

“Darby’s good,” he said. He leaned forward conspiratorially, pitching his voice lower. “Even spent the night last night.”

It took a second before her eyes went wide as saucers, and she slapped at his arm. “Get out of here! Good for you. It’s about fucking time.” She stopped, some of her excitement fading. “Wait. She doesn’t know you’re a vamp.”

Edmund grinned. “She does now.”

Another slap. “Get outof here!”

“Well, I’m glad you approve.”

“Fuck, it’s not about approving,” Neva said. “It’s about you finally getting some. You are too fine to be wasting yourself on your hand. Even for a vamp.”

He chuckled. Not many humans in Vegas knew he was a vampire, but Neva had been one of his first exceptions. The girl’s open nature and generous spirit inspired trust. Even Darby approved of her.

Edmund leaned his shoulder against the wall, making himself more comfortable. “How much have you had your ear to the ground lately?” he asked.