
Chapter 11

He refused to let her fall prey to Mathias. And he deliberately ignored the stab of jealousy that she hadn’t looked at Edmund in such a sexual way since they’d first met.

Following Mathias into Birdsong had been simple, his attention diverted from Edmund’s approach. But now, with him pinned to the wall, the familiar lines of his body squirming in delicious and wrongful ways, Edmund’s darker emotions returned, his fangs elongating in spite of his better judgment, his grip contracting until he thought he might actually break something in the smaller vampire.

“Maybe you were the one I was looking for all along.”

The faint mockery in Mathias’ tone turned back the years, but if he thought it would soften Edmund’s control, he was sorely mistaken. With a violent shove, Edmund pushed him along the wall to the storeroom, not letting go even after he’d kicked the door shut behind them.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he snarled in Mathias’ ear.