
Mercury Vanguard

Trapped in a game.

GodOfBadWriting · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Oida slowly regained consciousness and found himself in an unfamiliar place. He blinked hard, trying to clear the blurriness from his vision. Gradually, his surroundings came into focus. He was being held by a young woman who looked concerned. Her features reflected a mix of concern and confusion, as she tried to communicate with him in a language he didn't understand.

Struggling to comprehend the situation, Oida attempted to move, only to be met with a searing pain in his back. The sharp ache tore through him, prompting an involuntary scream that echoed in the small, dimly lit hut. The woman's eyes widened with worry as she gently cradled him beside a ragged wooden bed.

The room itself was modest, with walls crafted from mud and a roof adorned with thatched leaves. A faint scent lingered in the air – a blend of smoke and something sweet, casting an enigmatic ambiance over the space.

The woman spoke to Oida in a language he couldn't decipher, their attempts at communication forming a dissonant symphony of incomprehension. The disorientation and fear swirled within him as he scanned the room, searching for familiar faces. Maya and Ji Xinlu, the companions he had been with only moments ago, were conspicuously absent.

Amidst the uncertainty, the plaintive cries of a baby pierced the air. The woman diverted her attention to a corner of the room where a small infant lay in a makeshift cradle. Seizing the opportunity, Oida rolled out of the woman's grasp back onto the bed, exclaiming in pain. The dissonance between his expectations and the reality he now faced intensified his sense of vulnerability.

A sudden realization struck him as he observed his hands – smaller, softer, belonging to an infant. The jarring truth unfolded in his mind. Was he reborn? Questions swirled as he grappled with the surreal shift in his existence.

Fast-forwarding nine weeks, the narrative unveiled the new reality that Oida had become accustomed to. He was now called Rion, and he had acquired a family in this unfamiliar world. A brother named Yol, a maid named Vina, and a sister named Jeanette formed his newfound surroundings.

Yet, despite the apparent normalcy of family life, Rion couldn't shake the nagging feeling that this was somehow connected to Mercury Vanguard. The world, realistic in its details, echoed the game's immersive environment. Health and Mana bars adorned his perception, grounding the surreal experience in a strange familiarity.

Rion's life in this new world was a unique one. He had grown up quickly, his body and mind adapting to this new reality. He had watched as his mother, Ladelet, had aged only a few years in the time he had spent in this world. It was a fact that had startled him at first, but he had grown used to it over time.

One day, Rion was playing with his brother Yol when, suddenly, Yol attacked him. Rion was taken aback and tried to fend him off, but Yol was too strong. Rion could feel his health bar decreasing as Yol hit him repeatedly, causing blood to spill from his mouth.

Rion was on the brink of defeat when he remembered something from the game. He had a mana bar that he could use to cast spells. He focused his mind and drew on his mana, casting a spell that he had used in the game many times before. A bolt of energy shot from his hand, striking Yol and sending him sprawling to the ground.

As Yol lay there, stunned, Rion felt his health bar begin to refill. He stood up, feeling stronger than he had before. He turned to face Yol and, with a newfound confidence, he attacked. Yol was caught off guard and could do nothing to stop him.

The family dynamics were complicated by Rion's rapid growth and unusual interactions. He was still a child, but he was also a warrior, with the skills of an adult. His family loved him, but they were also afraid of him.

At a young age of 1 human years old, Rion has been a bit too naught.

As the story continued, a new character entered – an older man who embraced Ladelet upon his arrival. Rion wondered if this was his father, but he couldn't be sure. The man was friendly, but he seemed to be hiding something.

It wasn't until Jeanette, Rion's sister, appeared that things began to make sense. She introduced herself as a mysterious presence, and Rion could feel the magic coursing through her veins. She was like him in many ways, with the same powers and abilities.