

John is awake tuning his bass alone he has been on tour for days away from his family yet it feels like YEARS Freddie comes in unexpected "HURRY DARLING THESE TIGHTS ARE SQUEEZING MY-" Brian interrupts "Fred...ugh".Rodger is in the back chewing his sunglasses they All gather,as Brian talks,"Alright Boys You Know The Drill Rodger Calm Down On Your Car Song,Fred Dont Whack John with Your stick This Time" Freddie turns to John "ill try dear..." "AND BRIAN DONT GET ALL FANCY ON YOUR GUITAR!!" Rodger cracks,Brian snaps back "She has a name" ... "red special" Rodger says with shame "ok John Dont Bounce to much We Dont Want You Dancing Out There With Your Disco Moves" Brian explains,the crowd rumbles They Run Out In A Disorganized Fashion And They Play.Songs Go Bye Then A Bass Line Erupted Then "LOOK OUT!!" Another one bites the dust Plays and John Bounces Brian Is Mad. They Made A Deal,No Disco,Brian Plays On Angrier and Angrier Untill...


The Crowds Hushes As John Cries And Walks Offstage Rodger and Freddie Look At Each other and Fred Says "Well Be Back Lovelies!" as they run,Rodger tripping on the drum set They Approach the room And Brian Is Trying To Calm Deacon He Cant Stop Crying Brians Apology doesn't work though and Freddie Hugs John And Says "Excuse my French Darling but Youre A JERK BRIAN AND JERK I SAY!" "Brian Sits in silence ashamed.