
Mercenary (Asoiaf)

Aaron Snow is reincarnated in the world of ice and fire. Born with immense talent in combat and magic he makes a way in the world. Eventually impacting it in a huge way.

Ash_D_Born · Bücher und Literatur
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22 Chs

Chapter 15

The Tower Of Joy

283 AC

Eddard Stark POV

We finally arrived. All seven of us. Rober Glover, Theo Wull, William Dustin, Aaron Snowstark and Howland Reed. After dismissing the siege of Storm's End we quickly made for Dorne.

We heard rumors of seeing a kingsguard near around the Prince's Pass and we quickly rode for it to check the rumours.

I'm tired.

This war has grated on my soul and I just want Lyanna back. She's part of my pack even if she doesn't want to marry ever again I'll agree to it.

Brandon. Father. Lyanna… don't leave me alone to.

We arrived at the tower to find two kingsguard outside guarding the entrance. Ser Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent. The two missing kingsguard. We have news that Ser Arthur Dayne and Barristan Selmy already fled to Dragonstone and taken command of the ships and fled with Queen Rhaella, William Darry, Viserys and baby girl Daenyrs to Essos during a storm that damaged alot of their ships and almost the entirety of Lord Stannis fleet.

'Sers. The prince is dead.' I said hoping they would stand down and let me go see my sister.

'A shame. Had we been there the usurper will not be walking.' said Oswell while smirking at some joke that only he knows. Ser Gerold shook his head slightly before looking md straight in the eye. His eye seemed made of steel as he had decided to stand in my way.

'The war is over surrender. You can plead the king for leniency.'

'The Usurper. Our knees don't bend easily.' said Gerold.

'Let me see my sister.'

'I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.' said Ser Gerold as he donned his helm same as Oswell.

We immediately split into groups of three as we attacked both at the same time with Aaron waiting in the back ready to aid anyone who falls.

I can see how they would have made a difference on the field as I dodged a swipe from Gerold as he tried circling out of the space we confined him to. Our numbers eventually overwhelmed them as we cut them down without any loss on our side.

I made a mad dash up the tower to find a scent of winter roses and blood. A dark skinned dornishwoman was holding something while I finally saw my sister on a bed writing a bit. I rush to her side and kneel down while holding her hand. She opens her eyes and sees me before she stats sobbing.

'Ned is that really you? I'm not dreaming?'

'No little sister I'm here. We rushed here to take you home. You're safe now.'

'My son… Ned… I'm so sorry I was foolish. I thought we were in love. That he cared for me… we have been sending letters since the tourney. He promised to marry me… said he didn't love Elia that she could not give him more children. He said he loved me and I believed him… I was stupid. How could I love a man who so easily set aside his wife. I should have known… father…bran… elia… they are all on my hands because I couldn't stand a whoremonger. But my son… that is the only good thing that come out of this farce. I named him Aemon after the dragonknight. A good name…'

'Lya nothing was your fault. You can't blame yourself for this. They were mad both father and son. Rhaegar deceived a little girl that didn't know better. If you didn't want the marriage to Robert you could have said so.'

'But I did. None of you except Benjen listened. Now I gave birth to a targareyan bastard. But I love him so much. He looks so much like me. I can feel it Ned. I am not long for this world. Promise me you would take care of him. Promise me you would give him a future.Promise me, Ned.'

I was taken back. Breathe in and out.

'I promise, Lya. He shall want for nothing.'

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Aaron who was trying to reassure me and Lya.

'We heard everything my lady. I promise too to help your boy whenever I can. When he proves himself I would raise him to a noble house. He will be protected by all of us afterall what are friends for.' he said.

With that Lyanna smiled before she started laughing uncontrollably. She stopped and said her last words.

'Take me home brother. Take my home.'


Sea Dragon Point


Aaron Snowstark Pov

After we left Dorne with Jon Snow 'Ned's bastard' we returned to kings landing briefly to tell the king that Lya was dead and so were the kingsguard.

He thrashed about for a while and not even hours later there was a whore on his cock. So much for grief and love.

I visited my girls in Novacaine to get a rundown. It seems they bought of a good amount of Gold cloaks to protect the establishments so they were protected during the sack.

Chataya informed me that Elia and her children escaped long before the battle of the trident. The king was only pretending to still have them. Elia took a ship to Yi-ti where she'll stay with Prince Song the 33rd Prince and my friend for a while.

I informed Chataya to keep up the good work but she should lay low for a while with the spies. Allow the other players build themselves back up so not to bring attention to them.

After that I left Kings Landing and came back home. Back to my lovely wife. Ohhh damn she looks gorgeous. Look at those hips tonight is going to be something else by the way my dick is feeling.

Ash and the rest of the household were waiting for me outside the doors of our castle. They all greeted and welcomed their lord collectively before Ash stepped forward and dragged me into her lips. I could hear a few whistles going on in the background. The cheek of these fellows.

After our quick kissing session. A wetnurse brought out two bundles. Ashara stepped back and held them before putting them in my arms. A boy with dark hair and his mother's purple eyes but he had my face. A girl that had

my purple eyes and brown hair and her beautiful mother's face. I was filled with pride and joy. This is what we made together.

'What are their names my love?'

'Brandon Snowstark and Lysara Snowstark.'

'Yes. Strong names for strong children. They are our future Ash. Ours.'

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