
Men too, cry!

Jimoh_Maryam · Urban
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13 Chs

Babysitting Fara

The second day of babysitting Fara, for Malik, was a bit tough.

Malik's adorable daughter wasn't feeling too well therefore the house was qiuet. She had fever overnight and couldn't sleep well.

Yet, even though it was Saturday, there was an important zoom meeting for Malik from work. And the babysitter couldn't come until later in the evening for personal reasons.

He had called Joyce who was busy sleeping soundly after her ywanton escapade with Timi, repeatedly but she wouldn't pick up. He concluded she was busy at the party, definitely helping the bride.

"My love, please eat little out of your meal before we go to the hospital. You need to put something in your stomach first, don't let us go on empty stomach." He persuaded baby Fara who was sitting on his thighs, and refused to eat.

He'd prepared custard for her and added enough milk as she used to like it but she still wouldn't take more than two spoonfuls.

Fara shook her head, indicating that she wasn't going to eat anymore. He placed a palm on her forehead to feel her temperature and realized she was burning up, again.

There and then, he knew he shouldn't delay taking her to the hospital, anymore so he quickly carried her and off they went to the hospital.

When they got to the hospital, she was diagnosed of malaria. However, the doctor commended her father's effort of trying to bring down her temperature overnight.

Malik was pleased his lack of sleep was worth it. He wasn't also sleeping when Fara couldn't sleep but kept trying to bring down her hot temperature by placing a soaked towel on her forehead after giving her paracetamol.

The doctor gave them a prescription and after getting the drugs, Malik took his girl home.

Afterwards, he tucked her in bed and before he could say jack, it was already noon and the time for him to join his prearranged zoom meeting. He couldn't rest at all.

As the meeting was going on, he was dozing off and even got shouted on by his superior. He was embarrassed but took it in calmly and apologized.

Saturday went as slow as it came, for Malik and his daughter while it went as fast as it came for Joyce and her lover, who had been wining and dining in pure bliss.

Joyce didn't even know where her phone was, throughout that Saturday, talk less of knowing when it was ringing as Malik called her repeatedly. She and her lover couldn't be bothered. They were lost in enjoyment to have time for phones.

* • •

"Hey hubby, I'm so sorry, I wasn't with my phone when you called. I was busy following the bride around. The supposed chief bridesmaid refused to show up so I took up the responsibility and it was really tasking. I'm deeply sorry."

That was the explanation Joyce had given to her husband immediately she picked up when he called her again on Sunday morning.

"Oh, no, you don't need to be sorry! I had no idea how busy you were. Hope you're doing okay?" Malik inquired, with genuine concern.

Joyce faked a tired groan.

"I'm really stressed but I'm happy for my friend so anything for her. So, did anything happen? You called me repeatedly yesterday." She asked him.

Being the understanding husband that he was, Malik thought not to add to Joyce's stress again by informing her of what happened, the previous day, so he decided to not tell her.

"Nothing happened. I was just checking up on you." He lied.

"Oh, I see. How's my baby? Hope she isn't missing me too much?" She asked.

"Not too much, but definitely we're both missing you here." He told and chuckled lightly.

"Oh, really? Should I just pack my bag and start coming right away? The bride would just be left stranded without any chief bridesmaid to help her, as today is the white wedding. But what can I do when my husband and child are missing me muchly?" Joyce stated flatly.

She knew what she was doing. So, she waited eagerly for his response.

"Oh no, you can't leave her stranded on her big day. We're missing you but we're definitely coping well by ourselves so there's no need to rush down here. Stay put and enjoy the ceremony." Malik maintained, believing he was being thoughtful and considerate.

Joyce smirked. Of course, she had predicted that response.

"Thank you, my love for being so considerate. I love you so much. I'm coming home tomorrow immediately we round up everything. I should be home before you get back from work." She informed him.

"Okay dear, it's fine. Take good care of yourself, don't neglect yourself just because you want to be there for your friend." He implored her.

"I will, hubby. Tell Fara when she wakes up that mommy misses her and I can't wait to come and hug her tightly, tomorrow. Goodbye, love you." She said and the phone conversation ended.

"Huh, love you?" Timi, who had all along, rested his head on Joyce's thighs as the latter sat on the sofa, shifted his head dramatically and whined.

"You love this man, you're just pretending not to." He spat out.

Joyce snorted with laughter.

"Haha, babe... C'mon! You should know you're the only man that occupies the space in my heart, entirely. That was just a charade, you should know better. I can't afford to let that man find me and my movements suspicious. And you know this!" She maintained.

"Huh! Well, it's like you're rubbing it on my face everytime that I'm just a lover who can't be revealed while he is your husband. Like when you wanted to pick his call, you begged me to stay quiet the whole time. I couldn't even breathe loudly so he wouldn't suspect anything. I'm a man too now." Timi complained bitterly.

Joyce nodded and started rubbing his head affectionately.

"Babe, I know you're a man and I understand how you're feeling, but you know why it's still like this for now, don't you? It's just a matter of time. All of these will be over soon. Just be patient with me, alright? You know I love you so dearly and you're the only man for me, don't you?" She inquired but didn't allow him to answer before going in and taking his mouth in a passionate kiss.

"I know. I'm just being a man, you know. Men are naturally jealous." He informed her.

She smiled.

"I know that and I know you're jealous because you love me as much as I love you." She stated.

"No, more than you love me... That's how much I love you." He insisted.

"Hun, okay, okay, I surrender. Thank you for loving me too much." She said and chuckled.

Timi sat up and grabbed her neck to draw her face closer to his and took her lower lip in his mouth. He kissed her like his life depended on it for some seconds, then let go when he realized she needed to breathe well.

And for a moment, they'd gaped at each other like teenagers ma.dly in love.