
Men In Black: Next Generation

After finding himself swept up in a crime he had nothing to do with, a young Detective in New York is chosen to be the newest addition to the Men In Black and help save the the Universe. That is, if his mentor doesn't get him killed first!

Tardis_2001 · Anime und Comics
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Birds Of A Feather

(Authors POV, New York City, Noon)

In the bright, bustling city of New York, people were going about their daily business without a care in the world.

However, somewhere in the shipping port of the city by the ocean, something....odd was happening.

"God-damnit Ryuk, stop!" A young man said as he chased after an older man.

That man looked to be around 21 to 21 years old with short, black hair, striking silver hair, and a rather athletic build figure.

He was also dressed somewhat casually with a simple white and black hood less jacket, a black shirt, matching pants, and grey and white shoes, he also had an NYPD badge sitting on his belt along with a gun in a holster as well.

"I'm sorry Zion, I-I can't!" Ryuk said as he running deeper into the maze of cargo containers.

"Can you at least tell me why?!"


"Then I guess I'll have to keep chasing you!" Zion said as Ryuk kept running until he ended up reaching a dead end and yelped when he Zion cock his gun.

"Okay, that's it mate, nowhere to run now." He breathed out as Ryuk gave an inhuman grunt.

"No no no no, you don't understand, they're coming after me!" He said making Zions glare lesson and he lowered his gun slightly.

"Coming after you, who, Sombra, The Chaos Regime, oh God don't tell me you got involved with the Sins again." Zion said making him groan sadly.

"You don't understand, you can't help me, no one can!"

"You're right Ryuk, I cant help you, not unless you actually explain to me what you're talking about." He said softly making the tall man look up and scoff.

"....You know what, fuck it, I'm gonna die anyways." Ryuk said with a sad smile before he grunted and his body started to change.

His arms and legs twisted and contorted before they grew almost twice as long and his back turned from from straight to hunched, all the while his hair turned a dark black color and his skin turned deathly pale with a slightly blue tint while his large hands covered his face from view.

"What..the...fuck?" Zion said as he looked up at the...thing in front of him.

Ryuk now stood a good two feet taller with glowing burnt yellow eyes and razor sharp teeth in the shape of an unnaturally large grin, dark navy blue skin, and a massive bush of sharp needle like feathers on his back which matched his new hair as well.

"Like I said, you don't understand." He said in a grizzly sounding like he an aged smoker before Zion got over his shock and cleared his throat before speaking.

"U-um...R-Ryuk...buddy...I will admit that I don't really have any idea what the everliving fuck..this whole thing is." He stammered.

"B-but I can still help...somehow, so why don't you just take off this costume, come down to the precinct with me, and we'll talk about this somewhere safe."

Ryuk simply growled and licked his lips before he lunged at the man, his large claws hands easily knocking Zions gun out of his hands before he fire and pinned him to the ground by his neck.

"You really wanna be safe, then stay the hell out of this!"

"For your own good..."

He then let out an inhuman screech like that of mutated crow as the feathers on his back turned into wings before he took off into the air.

With Ryuk new weight off of him, Zion quickly grabbed his gun and scrambled to feet and watched him fly away, a single black feather wafting down to the ground in front of his feet as he vanished from sight.

Zion slowly kneeled down and picked up the feather before staring at it for a few seconds.

"The Chief is never going to believe this shit!"

(Authors POV, Manhattan Police Precinct, 30 minutes later)

"I don't believe you." The Chief Of Police said to Zion as they sat in his office.

"What a shocker...." Zion muttered to himself.

"Look Sir, I understand this is one damn hard pill to swallow."

"That's pitting it lightly."

"But please just have forensics look over the feather I bought in-"

"I already have." The Chief cut gun off making him bite his cheek.

"...And?" Zion asked, already sensing that the answer wasn't going to be good.

"From what they could tell, that feather is nothing more than that of an ordinary crows." He said receiving a groan of irritation.

"Chief, I know what I saw Ryuk he...he..."

"Ryuk was a registered schizophrenic and mentally unstable smuggler of all kinds, it wouldn't be exactly be a big deal to add furry to his resume."

"Really, how many furries do you know can grow god damn wings and fly away like a damn bird?!" Zion asked making him pause.

"Wait wings, you never said anything about that." He said making Zion shrink back in his chair a bit.

"Well...uhhh...after Ryuk pinned me down he...might have...screeched like a bird before his feathers turned into wings...."

"And...he flew...away..." The Chief repeated.


"Like....a bird?"


"Well, I guess that explains how you got the feather doesn't it?"

"Oh great, you think I'm crazy." Zion said while crossing his arms.

"No no I...well...yeah okay a little bit." He shrugged making Zion groan again."

"Okay Zion, look, since I can tell you're not gonna let this go and I'm a good friend apparently, I'll take care of this case personally for you."

"And what about me?"

You, will be taking the rest of the week ifff did to problems with stress."

"WHAT?!" Zion shouted standing up from his chair.

"Chief, forgive my language, but there is no fucking way I'm just gonna go home and leave this alone!"

"Well you're gonna have to because I'm ordering you to take the week off!" He yelled back.

"But I-"

"Zion, I'll say this only once, if I see you in this precinct before next Monday then consider yourself fired!"

Zion opened his mouth to speak, but stopped and breathed out heavily before nodding."

"Yes Sir." He said before walking out of the office and slamming the door behind him.

Once he was gone, the Chief sighed loudly and grasped his face before there was a knock at his door.

"Come in." He said before a young, and very attractive woman in a black suit walked into his office.

"Hi, Chief Mcgee?" She asked with a sweet smile making flush slightly.

"Um, yes can I help you?"

"I'm here from the F.B.I. regarding one of your newest cases, involving Officer Zion Baliton." She said showing an I.D. making him pale slightly.

"Oh my god don't me called the F.B.I.!" Mcgee said making the woman laugh.

"Don't worry, nothings gone wrong, but I am going to need Zions place of living and phone number."

"Of course, one second."

After a few seconds, Mcgee handed the woman Zions address and number which she took all too happily.

"Perfect, now there's just one more thing I need from you." She said while taking out a black pair of sunglasses and putting them on.

"And what would that be?" He asked before the woman held up a strange silver cylinder with a blue camera like lens in front of his face.

"Look right here for me okay?"

"Okay, but I don't see wh-" Was all Mcgee could say before a bright flash of blue light filled his vision.

(Authors POV, Queens, Nighttime)

A few hours later, Ryuk quietly flew into an empty alleyway, his glowing eyes clashing against the darkness as they zipped around frantically.

"Have to hide, have to hide, they're coming for me." He whispered while pacing back and forth.

"I couldn't protect her."

"I couldn't do my job and now they're coming for me!"

"Oh if I had a nickel." Ryuk jumped at the sound of a woman's voice before he turned to see the same woman from the precinct standing behind him.

"S-Smith, oh God I never thought I'd be happy to see you!" Ryuk cried as he hugged her.

"Feeling isn't mutual Ryuk." Smith said coldly while glaring at him making him gulp and step back from her.

"Okay listen, I know broke at least three different rules..."

"More like ten, including the number one rule!"

"Use baby lotion so you're I.D. mask doesn't itch?" Ryuk joked receiving a hard hit to the head.

"Never show yourself to a civilian, especially not a freaking cop!" Smith yelled as the..crow held his head in pain.

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry but-"

"But what Ryuk, what the hell could be worth all the trouble, and the mountains of paperwork that I'm now responsible for to reveal yourself to some random policeman

"Zion's different, he's smart, athletic as fuck, and damn good at his job, which is why I wanted to drive him as far away as possible from this!" Ryuk said making Smith sigh.

"Well, because you wanted to drive him away, your friend is now in more danger than ever."

"Well...not if..."

"Not if...what?"

Ryuk gave Smith a look to which she widened her eyes and stepped back.

"No, nonononononono, no way, no!" She said as Ryuks constant toothy grin grew.

"Come on Smith think about it, MIB is due for some new faces, and you're due for a good fuck as well."

"....You have 5 seconds to get to your point before I blow your head off."

"Don't lie to me Smith, you haven't been with a man in almost a month I can smell it!" Ryuk cackled before Smith pulled out a strange looking that whirred to life as she held it to his head.

"3...2...1...!" She counted down before he put his clawed hands up.

"Okay okay, my point is, wouldn't one the finest and youngest cops in New York help better by working for you guys instead of getting in trouble for claiming that he saw monsters?" He said, his grin not faltering despite the gun at his face.

Smith stared at Ryuk silently for a few moments before sighing to herself and putting the gun away.

"Of all the alien criminals to take bad advice from, why did it have to be you?" She complained as she rubbed her temples gently while Ryuk chuckled silently.

"So, does this mean...?" He asked before shrinking back when she glared at him.

"I'm going to need more information on him before I even think about letting him join, if I like what see-"

"Kinky." Ryuk said receiving another smack to the head.

"Then I'll consider him for training, but if I even think for just a moment that he's not good enough then I'm neuralyzing him on the spot." Smith finished making Ryuk hug her again.

"Thank you Smith, I swear you're not gonna regret this!"

"I'd better not, now let's get back to HQ before we're both seen." She said before turning and waking away with Ryuk following her carefully.

Unknown to them however, a small drone in the shape of a Wagtail bird was listening in on them before it beeped and flew away into the night silently.