

Noblejoblessmami · Urban
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1 Chs

Chapter one

Alexander's P.O.V

My father had to marry again I swear I can't stand my father any more but since my step-mother convinced me to stay there for the for here daughter I said yes.

today is the day I meet my new step-sister I was on my way to our new house with my things I don't get why I should live with them while I have my own house but anyway . I made sure to pack clothes since I would be staying they half of the week maybe even once a week depending on how my father acts.

when I pulled up to the house I saw my step mother talking to someone at the front of the house they were arguing . I packed out front as waited for them to stop in my car but I was lost in my train of thought and before I knew it there was a girl sitting on the drivers sit.

her : "Hey can you please go I just can't talk to my her right now. Can you imagine she got married without me there now I have to live with her and her new husband who I have never met by the way, he could be anyone". all the while she was talking I looked at her she had blue eyes nice caramel skin she had nice plump breasts her skin was nice and golden I justed wanted to touch her .

I then saw she had a dress on so I put my hand on her thighs and started driving I had not said a word to her because she was still talking and I wanted her to vent. they was a moment of silence and I thought this was my time to make a move I knew she was much knew step sister but I didn't care I wanted her. I slowly moved my hand up her dress making small circles while I moved l stop mid way through and I smirked when I Heard her gasp. I waited a little while before I started to move again this time I only stoped when I reached her panties. They where a little wet and that's how I knew she was enjoying my sweet torture .

Me : " Are you wet for daddy little girl" I said to her at this point I did not know her name. Wired how I'm making a move on her and I don't even know her name I had never done something like this before. I was never the one to sleep around or not remember girls names.

I moved her wet panties to the side, I then placed my hand on her clitoris and started moving.she started moaning.

Her : "Daddy please st stop ". she said to me more like moaned it out she did know what she was doing to me. When she called me daddy I started moving faster and put on finger in her wet pussy.

Me : " Shot baby your so wet for daddy. Yes baby grind on daddy fringed like that." she was now grinding on my finger. I put two finget in and I felt her her walls tightening around my fingers

Her :" Dddaddy ...I'm about to come go faster .'" to that I happily obliged and went faster and feely her high her moans where music to my ears saying that her high was now over.

me " Now we are not done as soon as we get home I'm going to punish you for going into my car and not even knowing who I am" I left my hands out of er pussy and put them in my mouth I let out a little moan.

Me :" damn baby you taste so good." I then put my hand in her mouth so she could taste herself she then let out a loan from tasting herself . I couldn't wait any longer I I put my hand back in her pussy and stated playing with we pussy . when she was about to cum I took my fingers away form her pussy.

Her :" Daddy please let me cum." she said to me

Me :" that's had to wait till we get home now be a good girl and take not complain. " after five minutes we were now at my apartment and now in the garage. I opened the passenger door for my little princess. She got out of her sit and I closed the door behind her. Before she slid take another step I picked her up bridal style and went into the private elevator and penthouse sweet. when she made it I put her on my bed .

Me: " Now your going to be a good file and undress for me. "

Her :" No I'm not foster of all your not going to punish me because I know who you are your my new step brother . Heat happed I the car should have merged happened because your my brother. " she said as she tried to get out of my room .

Me :" That's cute now just for that I'm going spank your ass untill it's red." I took her over my knees and didn't pay hid to her protests as I did so.

Me :" Now went I spank you your going to count with me is that's right baby girl. Be a good girl help daddy and count ." I then started to spank her pretty plump ass . I spanked her about 15 times and by the time I was done she was a moaning mess my little girl liked being spanked but me .

after that I turned her to lie on her hack on that bed so I could see that little pussy of hers . I then went on to remove her dress them her underwear. I put my mouth on her clitoris and stated to play with her. I then put two fingers in her pussy along with my tongue and I put I thumb on her clitoris I put in the work . her sweet little moans stared to feels the room and I went to work she then put her hand d in my hair and she was about to come.

I kept on going faster than before and she came on my finger and tongue. I then started to like all 5he pussy juices and then went I and made her taste herself I pulled her in for a big kiss. and shoe moaned in to the kiss our kids was slow and passionate.

after that she fall asleep and then I got some oil out and rubed it on her ass. I then took a shower and and crawled into bed with her.