
Memories of multiverse

Lucas, an ordinary resident of the Marvel Universe, discovers the Omniversal Gacha, a system granting him unique items, powers, and allies from various realities. As he harnesses its potential, the Marvel realm takes notice, leading to alliances and conflicts. With the power to blur universe boundaries, Lucas faces moral dilemmas and the challenge of balancing multiple realities. His journey becomes a quest for self-discovery and understanding the true essence of power and responsibility. Will Lucas be the universe's savior or its downfall? ------- This is my first novel feel free to comment if any mistake happen. This picture is not owned by me if the original owner I can take it down. This story is inspired by meta essence gacha in Marvel

Black_mist_ · Anime und Comics
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When I arrived back home, it was already 5 p.m And I noticed that my parents hadn't returned yet. They usually came home at this time, but today, with the chaos in the city, it was understandable that they might be delayed. I think it's all thanks to Mr. Tony Stark.

  Anyway I go straight to my grandma's room, checking how was her health right now.

"Grandma, are you awake?" I ask in I hushed voice.

"Lucas, dear, come on in. I've been up for a while, I just reading some books my boy." She replied with a warm smile. Her presence was a reassuring constant, a reminder that amidst the chaos in this country, there were still pockets of tranquility and love within the walls of our home.

"How are you feeling grandma" I ask with a hint of worry in my voice.

She replied to me with a smile, "Little better than before. I am getting old; I don't have much time left. So, you don't have to worry about me all the time."

Hearing those words, my heart shank, and I couldn't help but respond, "Don't say that grandma."

Despite her condition, she tried to change the topic, always putting others before herself. But she knew, just as well as I did, that time was slipping away.

"Tell me, dear, how's school going? Did you get a girlfriend for yourself? And how were your friends doing?" she inquired, trying to lighten the mood. It was just like her to show concern for my personal life even when she was facing her challenges.

And I replied, "It's the same as always Grandma. Just the ordinary life of a teenager, that's how it's going."

She squinted her eye, always perceptive "Explained properly, dear, I think you gotten yourself into some problem."

As always, Grandma seemed to have an uncanny insight into my life. "You know grandma, I've been having some peculiar dream, it feels like someone is trying to communicate with me, but when I try to recall that dream, I can't remember anything about what that person was saying or even how they looked. It's been bothering me a lot. At times, I try to dismiss it as just a dream, but deep down, I have this feeling that it's something special, something important."

Hearing that, she thought for a long time and then spoke, "You know, dear, there's an interesting fact about dreams. What we dream isn't always just a reflection of our daily thoughts. Sometimes, it can be like a glimpse into the future. That's why some people experience déjà vu or feel like they're reliving their past in a dream."

I gazed at my grandma in surprise, her words sinking in.

She continued, "Dreams can carry deep meaning, but sometimes they might not have any meaning at all. Most of the time, we tend to dismiss meaningful dreams as mere fantasies. So, if you feel that your dreams are significant, then they probably are. Time will reveal their true meaning, my dear."

After hearing her wise words, I felt a sense of relief and replied, "You know, Grandma, you're right. I don't have to be bothered by it. Time will reveal the truth."

My grandma smiled warmly at me and then shifted her attention, asking, "Now, tell me, have you found a girlfriend? And what about your friends?"

I couldn't help but blush a little as I responded, "I haven't found one yet, Grandma. I don't have any particular liking in anyone at the moment."

She looked at me with a hint of seriousness and asked, "Lucas, are you gay?"

I was taken aback by her question and quickly clarified, "No, Grandma, it's not that I don't have an interest in anyone. There's a girl with red hair that caught my eye, but she can be a bit cheeky at times, so I've been avoiding her."

My grandma's curiosity seemed to be endless as she inquired further, "And what about your friends?"

After some thought, I began to describe my friends, saying, "Well, among my friends, Peter has a crush on Gwen. Ned is, well, Ned, a total technology freak. As for Harry, I don't particularly like him. He started with the bully group led by Flash Thomson. But when he saw that I was helping Peter and no one could challenge us anymore, he joined our group. At first, I considered ignoring him, but since he's Peter's best friend, I let it slide. I don't meddle too much in his personal life."

My grandma nodded in understanding and commented, "Ah, that Norman Osborn's child, I see. Like father, like son. Don't think about it too much, dear."

I simply nodded in response, not wanting to delve into that topic any further.

Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, my grandma asked, "And this Gwen you're talking about, does she like Peter? If not, why don't you give it a try?" She said it in a teasing tone.

I looked at her in surprise and chuckled, "Grandma, are you suggesting I should break the bro code and NTR Peter? That's never going to happen."

  My grandma's smile reassured me, and she said, "I'm just joking, anyway. I'm not that low to ask you to go after your friend's girlfriend. But seriously, what is NTR?"

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I fumbled for an explanation. "NTR? Oh, it's just some weird internet term, Grandma. Nothing important. You should rest a bit before dinner. I have something I need to take care of."

However, my grandma's serious tone made it clear that she wasn't ready to let this go. She looked at me intently and asked again, "Lucas, you're hiding something, I can tell. What is it?"

I let out a sigh, realizing that I couldn't dodge her questions forever. "It's honestly nothing, Grandma. Just a strange term from the internet, and it's not something I'm interested in. Don't worry about it." 

My Grandma stared straight into my eyes, her gaze unwavering. "Lucas, you're watching those anime things called hentai, right? And your choices, disgust me."

I felt like the ground had dropped out from beneath me. How on earth did she know about this? I stammered, "How did you know all of these? And I don't like those kinds of things."

With a mischievous glint in her eye, she replied, "You know, Lucas, when the internet came, I was one of those people who appreciated it very much. I know many things about the world that you didn't even know. That's why you're fooling no one."

Feeling thoroughly embarrassed, I hung my head in shame. She wasn't done yet, though. She added, "And get a girlfriend. Stop looking at all those disgusting things," this time with a serious tone.

Defeated and red-faced, I could only muster a weak, "Okay, Grandma." It seemed I was no match for her knowledge and wisdom, and I couldn't help but feel a mixture of embarrassment and respect for her.

After some time, my parents came back. and we all gathered for a cozy family dinner, with Grandma joining us at the table. The warmth of our shared moments together was a stark contrast to the mysteries and questions swirling in my mind.

Before I knew it, the day of our highly anticipated Oscorp tour had arrived. The students, filled with excitement and curiosity, gathered at the school, ready to board the bus that would take us on this intriguing adventure. As the engine rumbled to life, we set off, our destination a place of wonder and secrets waiting to be unveiled.