
Memories of multiverse

Lucas, an ordinary resident of the Marvel Universe, discovers the Omniversal Gacha, a system granting him unique items, powers, and allies from various realities. As he harnesses its potential, the Marvel realm takes notice, leading to alliances and conflicts. With the power to blur universe boundaries, Lucas faces moral dilemmas and the challenge of balancing multiple realities. His journey becomes a quest for self-discovery and understanding the true essence of power and responsibility. Will Lucas be the universe's savior or its downfall? ------- This is my first novel feel free to comment if any mistake happen. This picture is not owned by me if the original owner I can take it down. This story is inspired by meta essence gacha in Marvel

Black_mist_ · Anime und Comics
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Null-Time Zone, TVA

The infinitely vast bureaucracy that governs a significant number of realities was now in chaos. The incessant beeping of red alert lights sent everyone into a frenzy.

Suddenly, Loki teleported in the main branch, "What do the reports indicate?" he asked Agent Mobius.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be elsewhere?" Mobius retorted.

Loki, who comes from another Reality Earth-TRN870, snapped, "Do you not realize that every reality is being affected right now? And you're questioning why I'm here? Have you lost your senses?"

Acknowledging the gravity, Mobius said, "We have scheduled a meeting with the original 'He Who Remains'. We'll gain clarity soon. But from what I perceive, the situation might not be as catastrophic as we fear. And besides, aren't some of these changes…. Beneficial?"

Loki's eyes blazed, "Beneficial? Time itself is being rewritten- past, present, and future. Do you realize the implication?"

Mobius tried to lighten the mood, "But on a smaller scale, for instance, Gwen Stacy's death was prevented, as was your mother's that's good, right?"

Loki exhaled sharply, "yes, I'm relieved about that. But not all Lokis share my sentiments. And what do you mean 'smaller scale'? this is astronomical."

Interrupting their exchange, Justice Peace approached. "The meeting is about to commence. Let's move."

The trio entered the grand meeting hall, an expansive room with towering ceilings and walls intricately decorated with designs symbolizing the flow of time. The atmosphere was thick with tension as TVA agents whispered amongst themselves, their faces etched with concern.

As they settled into their seats, the lights dimmed, and a vast holographic screen materialized at the front. Displayed on it was the visage of 'He Who Remains,' his demeanor calm amidst the prevailing chaos.

"Let us commence," he intoned, his voice resonating throughout the hall. "We shall start with the report. Detail the current situation."

The Minuteman rose from his seat, clearing his throat before beginning, "The anomalies began when an unprecedented surge of energy infiltrated Earth-4203605, an alternate reality of Earth-199999. This energy then began linking other realities, including Earth-616, Earth-1610, and several others. It's even bridging the Revelation's Empire, Kang Empire, and the Realm of the Congress of Realities. Most alarmingly, it's altering the destinies of countless individuals."

He Who Remains nodded gravely, "I recognize the depth of concern and the ensuing panic due to these timeline aberrations. However, our influence is limited in this matter."

Loki, his patience wearing thin, shot up from his seat. "With all due respect, 'He Who Remains,' this isn't a mere hiccup. Entire Realities are being reshaped! Live are being changed, and events that should never have occurred are now taking place!"

Meeting Loki's fiery gaze, He Who Remains responded calmly, "I fully grasp the situation's severity, Loki. I've consulted with Mr. Alternity, who in turn has spoken with a certain individual we're all familiar with. He assures us that the alterations will cease shortly and will primarily impact Earth-4203605."

Agent Mobius, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, interjected, "I'm sorry, but we need more clarity. Can you elaborate?"

"It means that Earth-4203605 will experience events that were originally destined for other realities. For instance, Loki's invasion of New York with the Chitauri army or scenarios like Professor X never taking advantage of Jean Grey or any other girl in his mansion," He Who Remains explained.

Loki's eyes widened in disbelief. "But what about the altered timelines? What becomes of the individuals who miss out on pivotal experiences essential for their growth? What's their fate?"

He Who Remains leaned forward, "When this force reshapes the timelines across realities, it also implements certain countermeasures. Take, for example, Gwen's fall. While Peter did manage to catch her, his slight miscalculation resulted in severe injuries. She survived, though. Now, tell me, Loki, after your mother, who do you hold dearest?"

Loki hesitated but finally responded, "Asgard." He then looked puzzled, as if questioning how he'd been led to answer.

A sly grin spread across He Who Remains' face. "See? Everything is as it should be. You needn't be overly concerned. Perhaps you should visit your mother. If you delay, your memories might fully adjust to this new reality, and you'll forget her demise. Everyone, return to your duties."

Without another word, Loki, urgency evident in his demeanor, teleported out of the meeting hall.

Upon arriving in Asgard, Loki immediately headed to his mother's chambers. The sight of Frigga resting peacefully brought tears to his eyes.

Frigga, sensing a presence, looked up and was taken aback. "Loki?" she questioned, wondering if this was another one of his illusions.

Loki, voice choked with emotion, responded, "Hello, Mother. Have I made you proud?"

Frigga studied him, realizing that this Loki was different from the son she had spoken to just moments ago, yet he was unmistakably her child. She approached him, gently touching his face. "Loki?"

A tear escaped Loki's eye as he asked, "Did I make you proud, Mother? Have I been disappointed? Do you despise me?"

Frigga's voice was soft and filled with love. "How could a mother ever hate her son?"

Loki's tears flowed freely. "I feel your disappointment, Mother. I know my future self will cause you even more distress. Will you despise me then?"

Frigga smiled gently, "Whatever the future holds, even if I'm angry with you, know that I could never hate you."

Loki tried to explain, "I wanted to clear the air because I know you'll forget everything I've told you."

Frigga placed a finger on his lips, silencing him. "You don't need to explain. Even if I forget this moment, my love for you remains unchanged."

They embraced tightly. "I love you, Mother," Loki whispered before teleporting back to the TVA. He believed she would forget their encounter, but as Frigga's memories began to fade, a mysterious energy enveloped her, preserving the memory of their heartfelt conversation.

New York, Queens

Lucas P.O.V

The voice, soft and ethereal, wrapped around me like a comforting embrace. "Remember, your potential extends beyond the boundaries of self. You may become a beacon of hope and courage, not just for yourself but the countless souls you shall encounter on your journey." The words felt like an eternal, soothing the raw edges of my dreams. This voice, which had been a constant presence in my dreams, was now clear and resonant.

I found myself murmuring, "Beacon of hope... souls... journey..." as I tried to grasp the profound meaning behind them. But before I could delve deeper, I was jolted awake, my heart racing.

Sitting up, I tried to piece together the fragments of my dream. The golden key, the rush of energy, the voice... it all felt so real. "What's happening to me?" I whispered, rubbing my temples to alleviate the throbbing pain.

As I swung my legs over the bed, a sudden burst of blue light illuminated the room. A holographic panel shimmered into existence before me, displaying a series of messages.


[1%... 2%... 5%... steadily climbing to... 100%]



My eyes widened in disbelief. "Omniversal Gacha? What is this?" I muttered, reaching out to touch the panel. But my fingers simply passed through the hologram, causing ripples in the display.