

Bo Young has finally returned to South Korea. Her dream is what is keeping her going and not give up. To make it come true she joins her dream school. The people she encounter and memories she create are so much. Things are not going really normal. She doesnt and cannot open up about her past to people. But slowly things are starting to change. Is it changing her future or is it things from her past?? Read to find out! I also upload in wattpad! You all can check it out :]

Black_Wolf_3 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
42 Chs



"What with this ruckus?" Bo Young said as they cleared the way inside the class.

"OMG." Only these three letters came out their mouths.

The classroom was a mess. The desk was lying down, banana milk poured and Soo Ki's most treasured make up pouch was looking like a trash can. Soo Ki was just standing baffled. 

"Damnn..." Yu Ah muttered.

"What are you all looking at?! Get lost!" Soo Ki yelled as she looked at the crowd gathered.

"What happened?" Ji Ae whispered asked to the other classmate.


"Will you all stop murmuring?!" Rae Bin's voice frightened them.

The classmate fell silent.

"Aren't you all going to leave?" Soo Ki raged. Meanwhile, Hyun Mi was trying to get the mess organized, but was confused form where to start.

Even after Soo Ki raged nobody left the place. Noticing this, Ji Ae nudged Bo Young. "What?" Bo Young whispered.

"Ask them to leave." Ji Ae replied.

"How will they listen to me when they aren't even listening to her?" Bo Young answered.

"Just try.." Ji Ae said.

"*Sighs* fine." Bo Young then turned to the students. The students turned their attention towards her. "Leave now." Bo Young said. The students started to leave the class. Bo Young was in shock.

"Why are they listening to me?" Bo Young asked.

"Told ya."

Now only the classmates and the trio and the mess were there along with the creators.

"Woah, all I see is trash here." Yu Ah said as she looked at them and the mess.

"You're right. Oh my, you poor thing. How can I help you?" Ji Ae faked her reactions.

They all glared at her.

Bo Young, went towards the table, kept it back at its place again. She went to the corner of the classroom where the classroom cleaning supplies were kept, and the reason she went there was to clean the mess.

"Bo Young, what are you doing?" Ji Ae asked.

Bo Young didn't answer and came back to mop the place.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Soo Ki said and grabbed it from her.

"Cleaning." Bo Young answered.

"Why would you do that? Are you pitying me?" Soo Ki asked.

"Pfft, what a joke. As a class president, I don't want my class to look like trash and get bad name and I don't want my name to get ruined either." Bo Young said.

"I don't want YOU to help me. I can do it by myself." Soo Ki said.

"Great. Then do it fast! If you don't do it, I'll tell Ms.Han that you caused a mess." Bo Young said. Soo Ki was frightened and started cleaning right away. Yu Ah and Ji Ae giggled.    

They went to their desks. Yu Ah followed them.

"What do you think happened?" Yu Ah asked.

"I don't know either." Ji Ae said.

"My intuitions tell that these girls argued." Bo Young said.

"It's more like they had a physical fight." Ji Ae said.

"That's true." Yu Ah chuckled.

The next minute Ha Sang entered the class. Soo Ki wasn't aware that he was coming, so she kept cleaning. Rae Bin who was cleaning too, noticed that he was entering and nudged Soo Ki. As soon as Soo Ki noticed that he was there. She put the cleaning stuff aside. And tried to stand straight. But, Ha Sang already noticed the mess along with her. Bo Young was irritated at how she behaved as if all these mess wasn't because of her.

"Aren't you continuing? Should I tell it to Ms.Han?" Bo Young asked.

"Argh, fine! I'll do it!" Soo Ki replied.

"Oho, class president is so responsible." Ji Ae said.

"I would have been fine if she continued, after this guy came in, she looked like she would stop." Bo Young said.

"'This guy'? I have a name!" Ha Sang whined. Bo Young rolled her eyes.

"But why is the class a mess now?" Ha Sang asked.

"We don't know either...I think they got into a fight or something.."

"I didn't start it! Soo Hwa was the one! It wasn't my mistake." Soo Ki said.

"So..you did fight with each other." Yu Ah confirmed the information.

"Wait-so you wouldn't have known if I didn't tell it by myself? Argh, I'm so stupid." Soo Ki understood the situation.

"Yeah, you're stupid." Bo Young said.

Soo Ki rolled her eyes. The other two were tired cleaning. Yu Ah received a message just then. As soon as she saw the message she said, "I should go back now."

"Why? There is some more time left."

"I know but the class president wants to inform us something."

"Your class president is really something."

"Okay, see you later." Yu Ah said and left.

Few minutes later, Soo Ki and her friends completed cleaning the mess and settled down.

The free time was coming to an end. That's when Soo Hwa and Sang Sun came back to the class. The atmosphere within the 5 girls was totally different. It wasn't the usual. It was filled anger and frustration.

It was recess now. When Ji Ae and Bo Young were going to Yu Ah, she was already coming towards them with wide eyes and a grin. Ji Ae was curious and Bo Young wasn't hyped but raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you look like you have some tea." Ji Ae said as she rubbed her hands dramatically.

"A very dramatic one!" Yu Ah added. They both started running to somewhere, leaving Bo Young standing there alone. "Where are you going?! Let's go together!" Bo Young yelled as she was left alone. Those two continued running.

"*Sighs* Those girls..." She said and tried to catch up with them. With her speed, she did join them soon. "You didn't have to leave me like that!" Bo Young whined.

"Oh god, we are sorry, we forgot that you're new to this situation. My forgetfulness." Yu Ah said.

"Fine, now where are we going?" Bo Young asked.

"The vending machine." Ji Ae said.

"Vending machine? How is that related to-?" Ji Ae closed Bo Young's mouth with her hand.

"You'll learn about this ritual as we reach the destination."

"Ritual...?" Bo Young was confused.

"We'll let you know..."

They reached the vending machine. Yu Ah and Ji Ae got what they wanted.

"I'll have a Stripe." Bo Young said. Yu Ah got it out and handed it to her.

They then went to the bench they always sat.

"Now, what is happening?" Bo Young asked.

"I got to know what happened between Soo Ki and Soo Hwa." Yu Ah grinned.

"For real??" Ji Ae asked.

Yu Ah nodded. "Spill it." Ji Ae said.


~~Back when the HF girls were going to get into an argument~~

The five were seated in their desks. Soo Ki was having her makeup pouch open on the table as usual and Rae Bin and Hyun Mi were on their phones while Soo Hwa and Sang Sun were chatting alone. They giggled and high fived each other. Soo Ki was suspicious on why they didn't include them.

"What's this? You girls aren't including us in the conversation." Soo Ki asked raising an eyebrow. Rae Bin and Hyun Mi were distracted.

"*clears throat* Nothing." Sang Sun said.

"Now that is more weird. Wait-Are you talking behind my back?!" Soo Ki asked.

"How will we talk behind your back when we are in front of you?" Soo Hwa said. Sang Sun giggled.


"And if we talk behind your back, our mouth will smell like trash, we don't want that to happen either." Sang Sun added. Soo Hwa scoffed.

"These crazy- You both are going overboard." Soo Ki said and pushed Soo Hwa's table which had Sang Sun's banana milk carton. The table fell and made the milk pour on the floor. The class students were surprised. "Calm do-!!" A student tried but, Soo Ki intervened. "Mind your own business. This is between us!" Soo Ki said as she stood up and stepped forward to the two.

"Are you crazy?!" Soo Hwa asked. Sang Sun stood there with her hanging jaw. Rae Bin and Hyun Mi was still confused about what was happening.

"Yeah I'm crazy and stupid to have chosen you both as my friends."


"I keep leaving you guys off the hook and you both are taking advantage of it. I am not dumb like you both who can't even grasp the situation." Soo Ki said. "S-Soo Ki, we can talk it out. Calm-" Rae Bin interfered. "Shut up."

"What are you talking about?" Soo Hwa took a step forward.

"I'm talking about why I wanted to be friends with you both in the first place. You think it's because I liked you both?" Soo Ki asked.

"Wh-What are you talking about?" Soo Hwa asked, about to cry.

"It's all like a business deal. No, let me put in properly. It's all business." Soo Ki said with a smirk.

"Are you serious?!" Sang sun asked stepping forward. Soo Hwa was in disbelief. Just then, a student from their class went to the other classes and informed that there was an argument. Few seconds later, students started flooding the classroom.

"Yeah! I can tell it even a thousand times! Should I?!" Soo Ki asked. Rae Bin tried to stop her but failed.

"Soo Ki Song!" Soo Hwa raged.

"What?! Should I tell again? That will make me even more relieved. This is all business and FOR business." Soo Ki gritted her teeth.

Sang Sun was controlling her tears.

"You heartless wench!" Soo Hwa said as tears streamed down her face. She was so angry that she wanted to punch something but then all she could do was grab Soo Ki's make up pouch and slam it down. The powder and all the other stuff was scattered a sit was open. It was a total mess. "What the??!! My make-up!!" Soo Ki said in disbelief as she crouched down to pick it up.

"Now try to fix and stick all these pieces together! But you won't be able to fix it easily, guess why? Because they are already broken. You witch." Soo Hwa said and stormed out. Sang Sun stood there not being able to believe anything she said. But somehow she knew that that girl was talking the truth.

"If, she is a trash can, you guys are the broom and the mop, but the contrast is that those things make the place cleaner while you guys make a place dirtier. Witches." Sang Sun said and followed Soo Hwa.

"Hey!! Those brats!! These were all limited edition!!" Soo Ki whined.

The classmates were dumbfounded. The vice class president wasn't in the class when these were happening. And that's when Bo Young, Ji Ae and Yu Ah entered the classroom.

~~~~End~ Now, back to the trio~

"Wow, I can't believe that there are really people like her." Ji Ae said.

"I know right. Soo Hwa and Sang Sun would've been devastated." Yu Ah said. They all took a sip of their drink.

"Who would've known that she actually wanted to be friends with her for business." Bo Young said.

"But, there is one thing I don't get. What does she mean by for business?? Was there like a business deal or something?"

"No, she meant that she used Soo Hwa and Sang Sun for the business their families run. She wanted to use their business to get more attention than theirs since Soo Hwa's and Sang Sun's are bit more successful than hers. After all she is a business hyena." Bo Young was raged. She was even more raged as she remembered another thing.

~~Back when Bo Young was going to go to Ji Ae when the news of her dad was published~~

Bo Young who was running, stopped as soon she she heard Soo Ki and the girls talking about Ji Ae. "Soo Ki, did you hear about Ji Ae's dad?" Rae Bin asked. "I did. What can we do? It's his fate. I don't know who's going to take care of their business here after. I bet it's going to go down. Now their business is in a place above us. Now that he is going to pass away, we will be in their place and their reputation will go down. That's a good news to me though." Soo Ki said without considering anything. Hyun Mi and Rae Bin were left speechless but somehow went along with what she said. Bo Young's anger was rising, she clenched her fist but reminded of Ji Ae she cooled down and was about to leave when, "*Scoffs*, how much more heartless can you be?" Soo Hwa asked. Bo Young's eyes widened. She thought: "Did I hear it wrong? I thought Soo Hwa was on their side. Does she not like them?? Wait-stop, its not your business." "Sigh, you're making my mood go bad in the morning already. I just stated the facts! What are you going to do?" Soo Ki said. "You know what, be happy that Bo Young isn't here to hear your crap." Soo Hwa said and went out of the class, Sang Sun followed her. Hearing their footsteps, Bo Young dashed out of there.


Back to the trio.

Bo Young thought: "I better not think about that."

"Such an arrogance she has." Yu Ah said.

"Soo Hwa and Sang Sun would've been so hurt." Ji Ae said.

"Don't worry, those two will be better off without them. And don't ever show pity on them, all you get is arrogance back." Bo Young warned.

"How do you know all these?" Yu Ah asked. Ji Ae nodded with her.

Bo Young thought : "After all, I experienced it the same day I heard her defending Ji Ae. How would I not know?"

That day, when she was dashing:

Soo Hwa's voice stopped her. "Wait, were you listening to this?" Soo Hwa asked. Bo Young stopped and turned back to her.

"Yeah. Whatever it is, thank you for calling out your friend when she did a mistake." Bo Young said. Soo Hwa was flustered on how Bo Young said it straightforwardly.

"*Scoff* Y-you t-think I feel bad for your friend? Im in the same side as my friend too." Soo Hwa tried to act tough and pretended that she was not flustered and was a brat along with those too. Bo Young looked at her, speechless. "Let's go Sang Sun." Soo Hwa said. They both left. Sang Sun turned back and mouthed sorry. Bo Young was still speechless.

"My goodness, that girl. I just thanked her and all I get is arrogance back from her. Gosh, I wish I could just-Sigh, why am I meeting these kind of people." Bo Young said.

(Back to the trio.)

"Why are you silent?" Ji Ae asked as she didn't get any reply back from Bo Young.

"Huh? Well, I can just tell it from her talking manner."

"Okay..and another thing that makes me mad is that she hid the truth from them. She should've just said them at the first, they wouldn't have stuck with them." Ji Ae said.

"Why..?" Bo Young asked.

"You know, don't you? In this world, she hates people who hides something. Whether it maybe anyone, she just ignores them." Yu Ah said.

"Ohhh, but what if they hid it because it might hurt someone or its hard for themselves to talk about?" Bo Young asked.

"Whatever it is, they should just tell it at first, and then there will be no time when someone gets hurt or it wont be hard for them if they tell it first, am I wrong?" Ji Ae said.

"You have a point." Yu Ah said.

Bo Young just nodded. She thought : "I don't have a chance then."

"Oh, right, Bo Young, you should know about this ritual." Yu Ah said.

"Ritual? What is that?" Bo Young asked.

"Seriously?" Yu Ah asked in disbelief.

"Forget it." Ji Ae said.

"Ah, Ah, Okay. I remembered it now." Bo Young said.

"Fine, now tell me, what you remembered." Yu Ah asked.

"Tea time!" Bo Young said.

"*sighs* Finally. You guessed the name right. Ji Ae, explain it to her." Yu Ah tossed the topic to her.

"So, first this happens whenever there is some news or gossip. First step, you get the news. Second step, you rush to the vending machine to get your favourite drink. Third step, you come to this place and share it. That's it." Ji Ae finished it seriously. Yu Ah nodded like a CEO of a company agreeing to a point. But Bo Young's reaction was the plot twist. She burst out laughing.

"Pfft, Hahahahahaha!" She laughed breaking the seriousness.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"*laughing continues* Why, why would you guys tell it so seriously? *Laughs even more* I was trying so hard to control my laughter!" She continued laughing.

"Wow, you just disrespected our ritual."

"Ouch, it hurts."

Bo Young still wouldn't stop laughing.

"Okay, now can you stop laughing?" Ji Ae asked.

"Fine, fine, sorry." She stopped laughing.

"But do you know you were brighter than the sun, prettier than the flowers when you were laughing." Yu Ah said.

"I agree." Ji Ae said.

"What are your talking about? I'm not." Bo Young denied.

"You never accept it. Oh! We should go back to classes now, it's time." Ji Ae said.

"Lezzzgooo!" They left the place and went back to class.

~~In their class~~

"I should go to the library. See you after school." Bo Young said as she took her belongings. "Okay." Ji Ae said.

Just then, the Vice President of the class called her.

"Umm, Bo Young, Ms.Han wanted to see you. She had a pretty serious look in her face." He said.

"Ohh, really? Okay, I'll see her now." Bo Young said.

He nodded and went back to his seat.

"What was that? Ms.Han isn't someone who would be serious. Did their fight reach her?" Ji Ae asked.

"I don't know but I have to face it though. Anyways, I'll go see her and go to the library. See you later! Bye!" Bo Young said and left.

Ji Ae waved.

Bo Young thought : "Why would she look serious?"


Chapter – 33 end.
