
The Last Goodbye

Doot doot doot walking down the street, uh oh truck-kun... KAbeeoom... Crickets.. im kidding

Logan le Shawn was your average underporforming musician trying to get by. One day whilst doing one of those public performances that happens in places like malls, a fancy fishtank behind him burst and glass shards and water and a giant tuna all hit him. The fish flops over to him and nibbles on his head. Seeing as he is dead now Ianuaria, the Scottish goddess of music, takes pity on him and has him sent to a void filled only with the sound of musical melodies... and Valhallan folk. After what feels to Logan to be thirty-three point three years pass, he awakens in the void to the sweet sweet sensation that is "Valhalla Calling" by Miracle of Sound. Here lanuaria gives him the power to literally bring music to reality but he must choose a new world to welcome him. He chooses the world created by Kōhei Horikoshi... My Hero Academia! Lanuaria gleefully accepts his request as this would fit perfectly with his new power. so as last send off she takes out a record player then flips a record labeled "The Last Goodbye" between her hands and places it on the record player. Logan delightedly smiles at this action before finally taking the last leap of faith.