
Melody of Madness

Being an amazing supermodel who makes music isn't all that bad but waking up in an unknown medieval time while trying to find a way to survive isn't a best way to start. Characters are all mashed up. so dont expect all of their personalities will be the same. this will just be another try fanfic that came up to my mind. Don't expect too much. disclaimer : characters and songs aren't mine only oc stuff are mine.

Vail_ · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs


hey hey, its me again back with another fanfic where i don't know where it will go!

This will be a non serious fanfic where i will do whatever i want! so dont expect this fanfic to have the best plot and characters.

Oh yeah, characters....

Character personalities.. well.. I'll try to make it seem so that they are very identical to their world. I would be changing some of them as I see fit though since this world is very different. Tell me if im wrong or their personalities are messed up like : Kazuma not hitting a woman equally.(which is impossible since he is the embodiment of doujinsh- i mean gender equality.) something along those lines. JUST TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE CHARACTERS I PUT QUICK SO THAT I CAN CHANGE WHAT HAPPENED IN THE CHAPTER. well that's if you know the characters.

Will i add a bunch of characters that has no relevance to the plot like my other fanfic?

Yes. its either i don't know what to do with them or i just forgot or because I like to know that some of the characters that i like is inside here.

Plot. yeah there's that.... I just want this to be MC's adventure/life with music. I've read 200+ Fantasy romance manhwa 100+ of it is Villainess romance stuff so i dont know what plot i could give this. maybe add some characters from there to here. Maybe I'll add them but i don't know. The female lead without the respective male lead of their canon world is kind of weird so I'm more of in the nope side of adding them.. maybe.

The MC.. yeah him! Our MC like my other fanfic wont be the 'cold blooded mc where he wont spare even a female homosapient and gets all the wamen.' I want my MC to have female friends. He will be nice but the nice will just be enough and he will get angry if the situation is something he dislikes.

One of the important part of this fanfic ZA WARUDO! the world will be developed as i go on with the story, adding buildings, characters, plot(If I'm smart enough which as we all know is I'm not.) and random stuff. Well I'm changing some things about some plot things so it will be easier for me later.

Should i put the comedy tag? some of the characters i plan to add are pretty fun to read sometimes. but I'm not the funny type of guy which might make the readers say "Why is there comedy tag when nothing is funny." well... I have nothing to say.

I'm gonna reread all the manhwas i read for a bit of context. Which is gonna take me foreverrrr... I dont mind tho. i like it.

Do you plan to make MC travel universes or make him travel the multiverse?


I plan to add a chat group.(I know! so original and totally so cool and not boring at all!) So that i don't get bored writing this a bit. I will try to get inspirations from other fanfic in webnovel like Annihilation Maker and etc(I'm not gonna copy anything from Annihilation Maker and others since my low iq brain can't even handle other fanfic's good plot). the characters i will put in the chat group will be decided by you guys... if none of you comment in time i will just add them myself like thanos.

Characters you want in the chat. Put them in this paragraph. I will add members slowly so that some recommendations can catch up.

will you continue your other fanfic?

Yeah probably.

I'm just taking time off from that since my brain will explode trying to write romantic scenes for Kirai and harem members. I feel like the best chapter i made there is the Literature Club chapter. that chapter made me use my dramatic side of my brain which makes me feel afraid if there is anymore dramatic things i could think of since pretty sure i used it all there.

Then here comes the thing i hate and what made my brain melt in my other fanfic... Should i add harem? fuck why am i asking for more things that will torture my brain when i write this.

Should I? I don't know how to develop love in harem.

fuu.... why the hell am i writing so many things in the auxiliary chapter when my fanfic is gonna be drainage water anyway. jeez. probably gonna forgor all of this when I'm writing the actual chapters.

Anyways I dont have the best english vocabulary and some words will be overused like the words 'since', 'then', 'etc'. I do use grammarly and go to google and search for new words, like i didn't know 'read' is similar to 'comprehend', 'interpret', and 'flip through'. I'm not the best so i hope you guys understand that... and also understand that this fanfic will go absolutely no where.

Pray to Truck kun that school projects and exams get delayed or they never comeback so that i can post chapters whenever i want.

Whenever i post a chapter i feel obligated to post another one and my heart starts to ache whenever I don't. maybe people's expectations of my fanfic is getting the best of me and I'm getting nervous posting new chaps.

I "totally" just dont want to put my music tastes in webnovel so that people will know what i call good music are... totes.

Its just chat group no system involved that would make him op.

PS : I don't know how to write stories well. I don't know how to develop relationships since I have never been in one. I don't know where this fanfic will go. I don't know what I'm doing.

That's all guys and bye bye.. and also.

Fuck you and you, and youuu~ I hate your friends and they hate me too~

then we will wait for more school work and this fanfic will stay here forever not updating HUWAHAHAHA!

Vail_creators' thoughts