
Megumi hime

Sukuna and Megumi are on their way to find there love but sukuna is afraid because of the difference between him and Megumi. Will a curse and a sorcerer be able to fall in love and stay together. (I don't own these characters)

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11 Chs

When the nightfall

Sukuna's POV



Itadori is snoring on top of his lungs. He is so loud that even my interior territory is shaking.

What a great power...

*Chuckle with sarcasm*

I look up and close my eyes.

The face which turned slightly red after I called him ~megumi chan~ popped in front of me.


Like a cute pink peach..


I wish this night get over soon so that I can see that cute face again tomorrow morning.

*Loud snore*

The f*ck with this loud snore.

Shut up you dumb head.

I felt tired dealing with this idiot and his snoring.

I closed my eyes hoping to get some rest.

~few minutes later~

I opened my eyes...

There is a roof in front of me and I felt something soft beneath me.

I sit up, I am on a bed.

I turned my head and look around me....

I was sitting on bed, there is a cabinet on my right and beside that is a study table and a chair.

On my left there is a door which leads to the bathroom and toilet.

I was confused.

What is wrong with me...

Where am I...??

There is a mirror beside the door on my left.

I get up from the bed and stood in front of the mirror.


*chuckle with suprise*

I get it now...

I took control of this idiot's body. Obviously I will, he is sleeping like a died person.

I get out the room, thinking that how should I spend this chance I get.

Maybe I'm incharge of this body now but soon he will wake up and take it over.

I should hurry up.

I was rushing through the corridor when I bumped with someone.


Looking at his face, I can say that he just woke up and was on his way towards somewhere.

He is defenceless...

His eyes are sleepy and he is rubbing his right eye with his right hand.

Also he is fixing his t-shirt with his left hand which is keep falling down from left shoulder because it was large from his body size.

*Ba-dum ba-dum*

My heart is beating hard, my face started to getting hot.

Megumi said

" Yuuji, where are you going at this time of night..?!!"

It is dark outside so he didn't see the marks on my face and thought I'm that idiot.



I replied by grab his hand and start running towards outside with him.

Fushiguro's POV

I wake up due to feeling thirsty, I searched for my water bottle but it was empty.

I'm still sleepy but I get off from the bed and hed towards the kitchen to fill the bottle.

I close my door and turn towards the kitchen.

Suddenly I bumped with someone....

I'm still sleepy so I can't see clearly but I looking at the hair colour, I can guess it's Yuuji.

I was rubbing my sleepy eye to get a clear vision and fixing my dropping t-shirt.

I asked where he is going because he was heading towards the main gate.

He replied "outside"

And grab my wrist and started running.

We came outside...

By then I was wide awake because of running.

He grab my waist and pull me closer and jumped off on the rooftop.

He put me down beside him, I turned towards him and then noticed....

Under the light of moon, I can clearly see his face...

With those marks on it.

He isn't yuuji...



I loose his arm around my waist and jumped backwards.

'How did he took over Yuuji's body??'

'what is he gonna do now??'

'He he going to attack others??'

'should I attack him??'

Too many questions was coming in my head.

Because of these questions or maybe because I am not fully wake yet, I missed my step.

I fall on my left arm and rolled off the roof and was about to fall on the ground.

But someone grabbed my hand on time and pulled me up.

It was SUKUNA...

I put my right leg on the rim of the roof and jump on.

I fall on top of sukuna, our face was an inch apart from eachother.

He gave a smirk...

My face started to getting hot and turn slightly red.

I flustered,

'Why did he saved me...?!!'

'Doesn't he want to kill me?!!... Or maybe he want to kill me by his hand'.

I'm confused, scared, angry but then I calm down after looking at his smiling towards me.

It wasn't a threating smile but a warm smile.

I'm not feeling scared or threatened anymore.

How can he give a warm smile like that...

And why I'm getting calm down after seeing that smile.

Then he hold my hand lightly and said

"Let's sit down first, okayy."

Side note: if anyone is confused because of quotation marks then let me explain.

'abc': this single quotes are for the thoughts they are thinking.

"ABC": this double quotes are for what they are speaking.

And other with no quotation marks are explaining the surrounding and the situation.