
‘We’ Were Always there.

…..where are we, who are we,what have we become. the last thing we saw was when he died, and then we were here in this dark and lifeless world.

we do not understand, why do we exist we are an amalgamation our purpose is unknown, the darkness it's cold but comforting.

there was no night there was no day, we had no life but we can speak,no body but we can move,no mind but we can converse and think.

we were separated from ourselves, everything was dark for days and days, our silence was absolute, one day a light appeared, we could see through his eyes.

we saw how he saved a man, and then killed a being that should be dead, it's existence was blasphemous to our eyes. it was a Monster, he killed ot with one strike. but a bald man appeared, it's aura threatening our very being, he seemed friendly, so he decided to be friends with him.

then he went back home and then everything went dark again, we shall wait to see what he does, we feel connected to him, his aura is comforting and reassuring.

the next day the light came back and now he was sitting on a chair, there were people with him now, all of them felt strange and different especially three of them, a pink haired boy, a black haired girl, and a skeleton l, the problem is they should all be DEAD but they are not, are they like him.

as they talked and told each others their abilities and powers. the light became dimmer and dimmer. we were once more in the darkness.

it's been some time bwfore the light opened, in this past days i have explored the darkness i called it Purgatory, i found the soul of the monster he killed, w e d e v o u r e d i t, t a s t e d

l i k e. A p p l e s.

strange we never ate apples, what are apples?, a question we will never know, after i ate it i felt more complete, more closer to 'him'.

it's been countless days since the light appeared, we've been sleeping since then, in purgatory we have figured out one thing, in here we control everything, not just us but even 'him', but like him we are both not complete we must become o n e.

the light appeared once again, a spider came out of his shadow, he called it nero, he thinks of it as his daughter instead of a pet, strange but if he does think so, we shall be her other parent, despite living in this purgatory, we want to experience his joys and pains.

the spider was strong it killed a swarm of mosquitoes in seconds. the spider went back to his shadow, now he was watching a mosquito woman fight with a man made of metal. in the end she was killed by the bald man from a few days ago. the light dissipates.

as we wait for the passage of time, this time the wait seemed much longer, we gained more control over purgatory, the more we have control, the more we can make contact with him.

the light returned now, he was slowly walking to a silver haired man, he killed him, it felt so satisfying as he, did the death i felt was tasty, b u t n o t a s t a s t y a s t h e s i l v e r h a i r s S O U L.

as he walked, he entered into the crowd seamlessly blending in. after walking for a while, a building collapsed and another A b b e r a t i o n appeared. in that moment the light disappeared once more.

after eating that soul, we seemed to have felt something in our eyes, wait eyes, the prospect of eyes never came upon me, maybe if we get a body it will be more easier to be with him.

as the day's passed i realized, time in purgatory is faster than the time oitside, i dont know how i knew that. but having eyes allowed me to see much further somehow?.

as i was trying to move a strand of purgatory to mu eyes one day, the light reappeared, but it seems he is in here his mind, or our purgatory. he touched a knife on a lectern, then our vision changed, he tried to do something but he failed, then now he is in some kind of white void, he changed the void to a field filled with endless numbers of golden yellow flowers.

after he changed the sky into a bright blue with both the moon and sun up there. the light receded. I shall wait as always, wait until we can reunite with him and then be with him.

we know he is lonely, we only want to change that, we want to make him happy, even though he is, we want to increase that happiness and stop his loneliness.

as we wait for the next encounter, our eyes seems to let us see in the darkness a bit, and in the darkness it was still the empty darkness. the days seem to go slower for some reason. the light appeared much quicker than the last time. we could see him as he shoved his knife into the heart of another person and killing him.

his soul arrived in purgatory, i devoured it as usual and now a skull was forming behind our eyes. maybe devouring souls makes us stronger. he helped a woman back to her husband as he made them his subordinates.

as he jumped on the buildings, the darkness took over once more and now we feel a bit sleepy. we shall slumber until the next light arrives.

as we awaken from our rest, the brown hair on our face was swept away by our movements. wait brown hair and its long reaching almost our non-existent back. we had a face now.

i seemed to have slept for more days than usual, and a new soul seemed to have appeared. of course i devoured it. after that i explored the purgatory or is it we, i can't differentiate if i am a collective consciousness now, i feel like i am just one being on the edge of forming well that's how it feels like.

the light appeared, this time a lot of things happened when i was gone huh, Nero now looks like a human and she looks sooo cute i want to drag those cheeks so badly. but i'll have to wait to get a body or just merge with chara, now that i think about maybe i should give myself a name.

well what about Kara, yes that sounds like a good name from now on my name is Kara, ok we are getting off topic. nero is a human and thats all i could get before the light dissipates, bummer, seems i now have a body but its more spiritual than physical. i dont mind i can wait even a thousand years to be together with chara.

am i becoming yandere….over myself, well maybe technically speaking i dont feel like chara but i do feel like myself Kara.

also this green and yellow sweater is actually comfy, though it feels less stylish, whatever it still feels comfortable either way, oh wait i can feel now. heh maybe thats why my heart beats when the light appeared, well i do not deny loving chara. i mean im basically him but a girl.

As i spent the days moving around with my new and improved body, i felt the purgatory expand a bit lately, Strange must be charas doing.

oh well the light seemed to be back, but why is chara suddenly floating in the air. and is that a giant orb of energy? i wonder what he is gonna do with it. oh he destroyed an entire building filled with people and killing them….the purgatory is filled more than one soul, i can devour about 250 of them, the rest i'll give to my love chara, i do wonder is loving your self a crime? maybe it is, but who's gonna stop us.

after eating the souls, i used the others to feed chara, he became much stronger, i'm happy about that, but still sad i can't be with him…well not yet, i'm tired and it would take me a long time before i fully awaken…..

mmmm stretching as i woke up, i feel more….Complete and more comfortable, i still haven't completely absorbed the souls, by the looks of it charas progress is not much slower. even though i still couldn't see him, i'm upset, buut at the same time i'm not too worried about that.

ooh the light appeared again, lets see what my sweetheart is doing, huh why is the sky breaking apart, and also why are they so many colorful portals.

this is strange, i hope chara doesn't get hurt, the portals are getting bigger i…i'm getting worried. the portals finally opened, and other beings came out of it.

wait chara has to kill them….well if he is gonna be safe maybe i won't interfere, it may weaken me but it will be for a greater cause right.

he fought with a guy that had many swords with him, he killed him but….something went horribly wrong, in the sky what seemed to be a devil appeared….while holding a talking sword. chara didn't kill it but instead set it free. it told chara a story about itself…then it impaled him with a rain of swords.

i was worried he died…but he came back, the only problem is his soul became unstable. i see he isn't accustomed to dying like that, but that flaw seems to be fixing itself….which is good.

i…i just feel useless, i feel like a parasite that just gains everything while he gains nothing, i know this isnt true but still, i feel that way.

chara got angry and attacked the sword guy again, he landed a few good hits…but he died again, his self fixing couldn't keep up with hos contious death…the devil then got tired, ge grew impatient and then he released an attack that completely broke apart his soul…

But i would never allow it, he tried to take away my love from me, even if it means destroying myself H e W i l l d i e.

i used the souls i haven't consumed yet to forcefully fuse our consciousness together…after i did that everything went dark before his soul could completely collapse…..

*But It Refused.

I s e e t h e y s h a l l a l l d i e.

As it awakened it called itself death, for it shall destroy all enemies that threaten their existence, for all their enemies it is their final destination no ashes shall be left only Dust.

as death awakened it found itself in purgatory, in there he could see a brown haired girl sleeping , the same looking as the one he was made from, yes it was also 'Chara' just like her, it wants to protect him from his enemies, whether he likes it or not, for now it shall slumber.




huh oh well it seems like my plan had worked, but chara seems a bit…weak, i knew this would happen but atleast he is okay.

and also i sense another him or me in purgatory, that one seems a bit cold and anti social….it had no gender though, but it still wants to love chara….well as long as he doesn't harm chara i wont kill him.

Some hours passed and….death as he calls himself is tormenting chara because he was bored, i've got to admit though chara does look cute when he is angry….death won't harm he is just playing around and ofcourse i did join in on the fun, well until he placed a mental barrier, heheheheh~ it was funny...

in the end since the beginning, we were always there with Chara.