
Mega Trillionaire System

xio · Urban
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11 Chs

2. Eight star hotel

Dalton was still figuring out realness of this Mega Trillionaire System when the infirmary door open to revealed a stunning woman in her thirties. Upon closer look, she was dressed in a doctors uniform as she walked in.

She was the campus doctor, Sienna Chapman. At 32 years old, she had been married for few years but still hadn't had kids, and her husband was the owner of a small company. But rumor had it that she was on bad term with her husband and was even filling a divorce with him lately.

Words on the campus was that her husband had her join the business engagement with a mega company he wanted to bag a deal from. The worst part was the he spiked her drink and wanted her to spend the night with the mega company's boss.

Lucky for her, she noticed something was off quite early on and ran back on the campus after excusing herself to the washroom. Since then she has been living on campus and never went home. Recently she was looking for a lawyer to file for a divorce.

"Young man, you can leave once you're awake. Remember to keep your health in check. You're in bad shape, and it won't do you good if you keep this up. Stay optimistic, and keep your emotion in check." said Sienna when she saw Dalton lying on the bed with his eyes open.

"Got it, Dr. Chapman. Thanks." Dalton got out of the bed and staggered out of the infirmary woozy.

"Are all students so love-struck nowadays?" Sienna sighed, whereupon her husband suddenly came to mind. They, too, use to be madly in love when they were back in college. But to think he would covertly spike her drink and devise such a revolting plan for his company's growth! Hello, if she didn't discovered it soon enough, her situation would undoubtedly be bleak by this point. Honestly speaking, she still couldn't figure out why her husband would go this far.

Meanwhile, many students whispered and pointed at Dalton as he walk around the campus, for he had become the talk of the campus.

Rochdale University had it's fair share of witnessing hundreds and thousands of couple come together or break-up, but it would be a first in its history that a student coughed up blood and passing out for breakup. Additionally, Jonah made sure the story spread. Hence, Dalton become a well-known figure on campus in just half a day.

That said, he couldn't care less about all that right then. After existing the campus gate, he went to the vending machine aside to buy a bottle of water.

Instinctively, he wanted to pay using his phone, but then he suddenly remembered the system he just bound to, and o he decided to try it's guniuneness.

With that, he chose to pay through fingerprint.

"Ding, transaction successful."

The next second, a bottle of water dropped from the vending machine.

"Damned, this things really works!" Dalton mumbled as he held the water bottle.

Then he saw the information on the panel.

Name: Dalton Liddle

Balance: 9,999,999,999,999,997

Body:15 (weak)

Mental: 28 (normal)

Skill: can be added freely by Trillionaire points

Trillionaire points: 0

"Hahaha...." He suddenly guffawed

This system is actually real ! that means I'm richer than anyone else , aren't I? f**k the richest man on earth! f**k forbes' World bellioners! you people have nothing on me! from now on , I, Dalton Liddle, will live a different live! I've live the past twenty years in misery , but for the next upcoming decades, I'm going to live however I want. I'm going to live it to the fullest! everyone who has look down on me will get a good slap In the face.

After calming down, Dalton headed to Golddenn hotel, the eight star hotel near the campus, for some food as he was famished.

It was Rochdale finest and most expensive hotel, and Sandra once said she dream of having one meal there when the two of them passed by the hotel.

"How many I be of assistance, sir?" A tall and fair attendant approached Dalton as soon as he entered.

"I've come to eat." He announced

"And a table for how many?" The attendant ask politely.

"Just me alone."

"This way then, sir." Said the attendant as she extended a hand out.

Dalton, on the other hand, had assumed the attendant would show him to the table, but who'd have thought it was to the counter?!

"Sir are you a member?"ask one of the attendant at the counter.

There were a few more ladies stationed there, and all of them were comparable to flight attendants nearly above 5'5" with crystal clear skin and long legs.

"No." answer Dalton

"I'm sorry, sir, but all our food here is of the finest quality, and all the ingredients are imported from abroad. Any remaining ingredients we have for the day will have thrown away to ensure the absolute freshness of our food. So our price will be much higher than most restaurant in the market. If you don't oun our membership card you will have to pay a deposit in order to dine."

"How can I sign up for this membership?"

"It's like this, sir, you will become a regular member if you deposit one million, two million to become silver member, and five million to become gold member."

"Sign me up then."

"How much money would you like to deposit, sir?"

"Uh...one hundred million first?"

"I-I'm sorry? Can you please repeat, sir? The attendant at the counter stammered.

"I said I'll put in one hundred million first."

"Are you certain, sir?"


"Please hold on for a moment,sir, while I get our manager." With that the attendant pull a walkie-talkie out. "Are you there, miss Zeal? Can you please come to the counter?"

She had ask the manager to come over as she had a hunch that Dalton had come to screw with them, for he didn't look like he could pull one hundred million out for a membership at all.

"Got it." A crisp voice came from walkie-talkie, and very quickly, a stunning woman in her twenties, dressed in a black suit skirt, walk towards them.

As expected as a manager, she was evidently a level superior to the other attendants in every aspect.

"What's the matter."the manager ask, and the attendant attending to Dalton at the cashier whispered a few words to her.

"Sir, can I please confirm with you again that you want to deposit one hundred million?" The manager ask Dalton, who replied"yes"

"Are you certain it's one hundred million?"


At that, the manager operating the computer at the cashier. "And which bank will you be using for the transaction,sir?"

"Whichever's available."

"And the payment method?"


"Alright, sir, please check that the amount is correct, then press 'correct' and put your finger here." Instructed the manager as she turned the computer around for Dalton to verify the amount.

After taking the gander and bring certain the amount keyed in was one hundred million, he pressed 'confirm' and place his finger on the fingerprint scanner.

Three second later, a mechanical voice rang at the cashier. "Transaction successful. Amount received, one hundred million."

At that moment, the group of model-like attendants and the manager gasped with incrudility as their gazes at Dalton instantly turned from contemptuous to infatuated, looking like they want to swallowed him up.