
Mega gene

In this story, sanctuary becomes upgraded and becomes plasma sanctuary and genogenics become more powerful and humans don't able to kill them now because Ordinary changes into common, primary changes into basic, mutant changes into distorted, sacred-blood changes into holy-blood and Super changes into legendary.All the relationship between sanctuary and xeno universe has lost and xeno universe is collapsed and all are killed there. A normal boy is sent to plasma sanctuary. He rises widely and become the most powerful humans of the Earth. In this Story, we will see the journey of that normal boy.

rebel_knight_ · sci-fi
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48 Chs

Trade Vs Jonathan Straut

That attack of Charamcastar pierces the steel knight's shield and pearce his body as well. The Steel Knight's shield falls down and a huge hole appears in his body. Mark's remembered that the attacks of Charmcaster is so quick it is such that a bullet is fired from a Gun. That's why Steel Knight was unable to do anything except stopping the attack. Mark was just thinking that he should not face Charmcaster otherwise he will killed in a single blow and he will not resist for any attacks. AI announced Charmcaster as a winner and Mark confirms that Charmcaster is perhaps the most high class and one of the most powerful spirit in First plasma sanctuary. After some time, AI again announced the next fight which is between Trade and Jonathan Straut. Jonathan Straut enters on stage and start waiting for Trade. In the FAMAS shelter and JADE Shelter, all the humans gathered in arena to see this fight. It is the great moment for humanity because first time humans will enter into second round of Global Divinity Bout. To telecast this fight many big media company and the leaders of big organisations of alliance are in FAMAS shelter and JADE Shelter to see and observe this fight. In Plasma sanctuary camera and recorders doesn't work. That's why all media company have to describe it in their own words. Jonathan Straut was one of the most powerful human when sanctuary was not upgraded. He was in fourth sanctuary and about to take a path to Geno universe. But before he could fill his super gene points plasma sanctuary upgraded and all are demoted to first plasma sanctuary. After some time Mark appears on the stage in a mysterious patterned golden armour with many spikes on it. Everyone is shocked in both shelters after seeing Trade. Drake Johnson tells David Augustine that perhaps this armour is of berserk distorted class but how can it contain many spikes. David Augustine says that if Trade will won some battles and kill some spirits then we will take his help to capture Umbrella shelter. Fight is about to start and Jonathan Straut says that I heard many rumours about you Trade. What you are expecting from this fight? Trade says that nothing but if you will even scratch me then I will accept my defeat. Jonathan Straut starts laughing and says that if I will defeat you then what will you do? Trade says that if you will defeat me then I will expose myself here. Trade's announcement made all the humans excited and all the humans now wanted Mark to be defeated. Trade again says that what you will give me if I will defeat you. Jonathan Straut says that I will give you anyone of my distorted add-on plasma soul to you. Trade says that ok now ready to loose your add-on plasma soul. Mark knew that add-on plasma soul is very rare and he didn't heard that someone has add-on plasma soul in FAMAS or JADE Shelter. Mark sees that suddenly Jonathan Straut starts shining like gold and throws a golden punch towards him. Mark remembers that " the golden body and golden punching skill" is very famous in Straut's family. Mark wanted to dodge that punch but before Mark can act that punch hits on his chest and he throws back some steps. A sound of metals collision spread in the arena. Mark felt that If he has distorted class armour then due to the impact of that golden punch his distorted class armour might be cracked. But here Mark has berserk holy armour, that's why the chance of Jonathan Straut to scratch Mark is impossible. Jonathan Straut starts punching Mark's body with bullet speed and Mark falls some metres away. Mark then remembers that the technique using by Jonathan Straut is the combination of bullet punching skill and golden punching skill. Mark wake up and again ready to fight. Jonathan Straut is in shock because his newly created punching skill cannot even leaves a shallow mark on Trade's armour. Not only Jonathan Straut, all the humans in both shelters are shocked because they all knows the power of Jonathan Straut. All the media companies are not able to narrate this situation because Jonathan Straut is looking powerful here but he can't even scratched Trade's armour till now. Mark felt that his powers is not enough to dodge Jonathan Straut's punches. That's why he decided to use "blood power". Mark's blood starts running in his body with a high speed and he collect all the energy in his hand and throw a punch towards coming punch of Jonathan Straut. Both the punches collide with each other and the sound of collision of two metals spreads in arena again. Mark got no any damage at all because all the power's of Jonathan Straut's punch were absorbed by his armour but the condition of Jonathan Straut is not too good because his hand is broken and a whole is created in his hand because of the spikes of Mark's armour. First time in the history, someone breaks the golden body. Before Jonathan Straut can do anything, Mark reaches mar him and starts punching him with bullet punching skill. The place of the body of Jonathan Straut hitted by Mark is full of more than one inches holes and blood starts coming from his body. Mark tell Jonathan Straut to surrender because he doesn't want to kill him. Jonathan Straut says that fighters surrender only before the time of death. But I can still fight with you. Jonathan Straut bring out a long sword and starts swinging his sword towards Mark. Mark knew that the sword can only leave a shallow mark on his armour That's why he again starts running "Blood power" and collect all the energy in his fist and punches the Jonathan Straut's stomach and due to the heavy force of penetration Jonathan Straut's internal organs damaged and again a hole created there and blood starts coming out. This time Mark calls his poison dagger and starts walking towards Jonathan Straut. Before Mark can do anything Jonathan Straut surrendered and says that I am accepting my defeat and I will complete my promise and he calls all of his distorted class plasma soul and says Trade to choose anyone. Mark's eye stops on a add-on plasma soul.