
Meeting the Mafia Monster

Fabien Nightshade is a monster .He's huge ,dark,powerful and ....tentacled.He's almost as terrifying as the nightmares that he inflicts on his victims.He's also my new undercover assignment.I'm supposed to gather evidence to bring down the mafia monster. Seducing Fabien and pretending to want to marry him is the only way to do that . Now,I've got a week to get the job done before the arranged marriage happens and I become the beast's bride and Fabien has made it very clear how much he wants me.The thing he wants to do to me when I'm fully his are dirty,depraved and involved a lot of tentacles .The scary part of is ,I'm starting to think that I'd enjoy it ....All of it

Saintnessa · Fantasie
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39 Chs

Chapter 24

Is he controlling all of them at once?I mean, I guess I have ten fingers and ten toes. That's not so weird.

Then all my thoughts vanish, the electricity of his touch coursing across my willing flesh.

I stifle a moan as his tongue presses into my mouth, toying with my own. His hand slides down until it's between my legs. His fingertips just barely stroking across my mound.

I reach up to touch him. Half of me wants to push him away and half of me -- maybe more than half -- wants to pull him close.

"Fabien, we can't..."

"Can't? Haven't you realized it yet? There's nothing we can't do. Soon you'll be mine, body and soul. And then…"


"Once we've made love properly, you'll never desire another male. And no one will ever fulfill you but me."