
Meeting love across time

I never thought I could live a double life , never imagine I could travel between two worlds the past and present. I never thought I would get involved with a king I was never promised to love and neither was he supposed to fall for me. What happens when a girl enters a story she isn’t invited in? Will she change the course of history or will she let history follow its natural course and loose her love? Read more to find out.

Park_inah · Fantasie
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76 Chs

Chapter 37

New York City…

Avery's pov;

Sheila and I are sat on the floor of the living room , she has been sobbing for 30minutes now and I have tried my best to comfort her , she hasn't said anything yet which I understand because it can be a lot and she must feel really upset so she doesn't feel like talking just yet.

After a few more minutes she gets out of the hug and wipes her tears and looks into space for a little and then says "You know , I thought we could work everything out . When he first told me he had an ex wife I was mad at first but then I tried to hear him out and be more understanding and mature about it" I nod and caress her back in a soothing way.

She pauses to stop a sob and then continues "But this is too much now . He doesn't let me know certain things about him that are crucial , we can't build a serious relationship over lies and cover ups , I told him that I am ready to adjust and be understanding of whatever it is that went on in his past that may even still be in his life as of the moment. I was ready to close my eyes and ignore all these red flags as long as he was honest with me . But no , he had to take the decision for me and assume it is better I stay in the dark about all of it . I am just so frustrated because I don't want to break this relationship off but I feel as though I am not being taken seriously and I am being pushed aside which shouldn't be the case , I feel left out" she then starts crying again. I am definitely going to go talk to professor Gary . Who does he think he is ! I know I said I wouldn't meddle but this is the second time he makes her cry and I won't tolerate it this time.

"Do you mind telling me exactly what he said?" She sniffs in her sob and nod,

"Gary not only has an ex wife but they have a child together" she breaks down in another heartbreaking sob and I hug her once again , kind of in a shielding way and she cuddles into me a bit more.

Oh I am definitely hurting someone tomorrow .

"Does the ex-wife's husband know about it?" I ask

"Yeah he does because their child lives with her in her husband's house . Gary says he is quite upset about it because he doesn't feel like their child is wanted there , and considering the fact that he is violent, Gary is worried for the child which I understand too . I mean the child is innocent in this whole story" I agree , the child didn't ask for anything but this is very messed up from both parents.

"What is their situation right now then ? Are they co-parenting? Or is professor not in contact with his child?" I ask to fully grasp the context here.

"Yes they are . Gary said that he has days that are his to spend with the child but the kid returns home to the mom in the evening to sleep because that is what court decided after Gary and the wife went for judge hearing ."

"Actually how did you find out he had a kid?" I ask her.

"The other day I walked in on him talking about it with his ex-wife on the phone , he was rescheduling his visiting time. When he saw me in the door he ran after me but I had already gone too far as I was confused and didn't want to deal with that at the time . Today was the day I accepted to have a conversation with him and hear what he had to say . It was even worse for him to say it to my face but it had to be done." She sniffles and then blows her nose. Poor Sheila , why does this have to happen? And what is wrong with that boyfriend of hers!

"Okay that's it. Tomorrow I am going to see that dumbass and tell him a word or two" I say determined, Sheila looks at me and shakes her head "No you won't. Avery it's okay , I can handle this , you don't need to fight a man for me let alone one who is your goddam professor who might I add is your major lecturer who is the one grading you" she scolds but I know she is just worried.

"I know that . But I don't care , you are my friend before he is my professor " I say and hug her close to me , this one is for me , I need to calm down.

"Just don't do anything stupid okay?" She says and I agree with her.

"How does ice cream and pizza sound right now?" I ask because she definitely needs comfort food right now and I might also kind of be craving unhealthy food right now . No shame at all.

"How can I say no to that?" She says but then flicks my forehead and adds "You sneaky girl , you think I don't know you are taking advantage of my situation to eat junks . What happened to the diet?"

"Tomorrow. I will start over tomorrow" I answer sheepishly and Sheila ruffles my hair and laughs , at least she seems less sad.

I am definitely doing delivery though , I'm too lazy to go to the restaurant.

Right now we are cuddling on the couch watching grey's anatomy while eating our junk food , perfect combo. I missed spending this type of quality time with her , I realize that I have given some people more of my time than her , you know who especially (Eric) *chuckle.

"May I know what is taking your attention from the tv show or rather who" Sheila asks moving her eyebrow up teasingly. Ugh caught.

"What nonsense are you sprouting out now? It's is nothing , I just spaced out , you know , that thing every normal person does time to time?" I reply sarcastically and laugh at her facial expression.

"What? You started it" I say still chuckling and she reaches out to choke me ,

"Why you" She launches at me and we start a pillow fight laughing our asses off. Ah , how I love us like this.

"But on a serious note though , I know you were thinking of dearest Eric , I have always told you , the man is a real charmer , look at you space out because of him." I blush at her words.

"But tell me how is everything evolving between you two" she sits up and now we are facing each other .

"Everything is as it should be , he is an amazing fun person and companion and we are great friends , that is it" That is what I hope we could be .

"Why do I feel like there is more going on here?" She asks

"There is nothing going on , Sheila . If there was I would tell you" I take a sip of my drink and lay back down.

"Well you better hurry up and secure the man because he is not going to wait on you forever. Any girl he chooses will surely take him happily and he will for sure make a great husband one day" she says and she excuses herself to her room .

I am left here alone in the living room.

"I really wish there was just friendship between us though. I don't want to loose him too" I whisper in the silence of the room and I close my eyes for a bit.