

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

wnagaru · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs


Arriety sat on the bed and watched the prince who was lying on bed as he opened his eyes. He was getting better fast and she was glad. She helped him sit up as he looked at her. It was only almost a fortnight to their wedding. the guest were already arriving and his parents would be arriving the coming week. She called for a maid who brought him breakfast. She ordered her to leave as she took the bowl and started feeding him. He ate reluctantly but finally he gave in and in a while it was empty. He pulled her that she lay on his chest. She stared into his eyes and she felt his hands on her face and he brushed her hair as she felt his fingers on her lips. She saw him come closer and she felt him brush his lips on her's. She took a while to comprehend what was happening. She stood up and looked away.

"I think its better we wait for our marriage its only a matter of two weeks and you will have me all you want," she said and stared into his lusty eyes. "Slain's chase has been halted due to the wedding but the trackers are still on him and we will have a report on his whereabouts soon. We will have to wait till the wedding is over so that we can too join in the hunt and kill him ourselves. You deserve that," She said. He sat on the bed feet on the ground and looked at her.

"Promise that you are not going to mention his name until the wedding is over when we start hunting him down," he said holding her hand. She nodded and he stood up and they walked outside the room together. She held his hand and the guards behind her few steps Calixta leading them. They heard murmurs from the maids who were peeking from the closed doors and also as they giggled. She felt unusually happy and calm Slain left her side. She kept glancing at the prince and she called him by his name.

"Ramiel," she whispered as he looked at her "How do you think of me? Am I just a locked up princess who is just supposed to get married one day?" He stopped and looked at her as she looked into is eyes.

"You know, I only said those words in a moment of anger. You know how offended I felt when that knight acted like your lover. Do really think that I could just let it go, you mean a lot to me and soon you will find out how important you are to me. I just won't let you go without a fight, that I promise you. I will be leaving today just make sure you stay strong and stay beautiful for our wedding. I will come for you. Be ready for me," he said and he was really changed. All that was because of Slain. She felt glad that he acknowledged her. They walked to the royal store where she chose a robe for him. She waited as he came out. He was going to be the future king and already he looked like one. She rushed to him and made his color. She also fixed his sword on his waist and they walked outside the palace where there were almost a hundred soldiers and two generals waiting for him. She stood at the top of the stairs as he walked down alone. He reached the soldiers and he got on a brown horse as the procession begun. He glanced at her as she waved at him. He smiled as he looked forward and she watched as they walked outside the palace.

She turned and came face to face with Calixta.

"What with that look?" she asked as she proceeded inside the palace. Calixta followed her.

"Are we really going after Slain?" she asked disappointment written on her face.

"He is a traitor and we do not deal with traitors. We must find him and restore our name. Now that both kingdoms will be involved he will have nowhere to run to."


"Come on Jake, we finally found him and we will prove our worth to Indjj after we capture him," Said Jane. She was closest to him and she had green trimmed hair after joining Indjj. The other girl was Claire and she too had her hair trimmed and hers was red. Jake agreed as they walked into the portal as it closed behind them. They stood on top of the hill and far beyond they could see a village hidden between the trees. Looking beyond was an endless sea. What place was this?


The chief and his wife stood in the temple. They stared at the new words which had just appeared.

" The chaos al start after the blue sky and the blue sea meet in the horizon." This was a hard one. they had to fathom what the prophecy talked about. This one was far more different from the others which talked about a savior. What the sky and the sea meant was a mystery. They then walked to the basement where they had the intruder captured. They had him tied his hands raised his shirt removed. They planned of torturing him. They threw a bucket of water on him as he woke up.

"Who sent you to spy on us and how did you find us?" the lady asked. He stared at them and then smiled. His smile was evil and that of relief.

"What is there to smile about?" the chief asked as his expression changed he now was serious.

"the main reason I came here was because I knew that in this place I would find the answers to the questions that have been bothering me," he said opening his grey eyes as the two looked at each other.

"What questions do you have and why do you think we could answer them?" the lady asked looking away.

"first its because you know who I am and why I came to this land after dying. And also why you seem to be scared of me and why I was able to open your pathway when I know no magic."

"We are going to leave you here and if you are ready to answer us if you are a follower of Idjj we are going to consider your punishment." the chief said as they walked out for they had no answers to his questions. Now it was time to go and deal with their daughter who was under lockdown.

She woke up on her bed. she kicked the white sheets and jumped from her bed. Her feet stumped the ground as she stood. She removed the hair from her face and marched for the door. She held the knob but the door was locked. Her chest swelled with anger as she shouted on top of her voice.

"Mother!" she knew this was all her doing. She banged the door and kicked it. She heard a guard talk to her from the outside telling her that she was not to leave the room. They really did not want to test her wrath . Her parents never did this to her in her life. She then remembered about Slain. They had been captured and her parents must be torturing him. She rushed to the door and started banging it. She then drifted to the ground and leaned on her knees her hair covering her face. She was frustrated as she let out a heavy sigh.

The chief and his wife were in the living room with three other guests who were priest. They talked about the new prophecy and they were trying to find ways to understand it. It usually took a year or two to come up with a clear meaning. Suddenly heard a scream and a shout of the word mother. They stopped sipping the tea as continuous banging on the door.

"Just let her be, she will be silent after a few struggle." the chief's wife said as she sipped her tea. And after a while there was silence and they all looked at her.

"You really know your daughter well," one of the ladies said. She smiled and ushered them to continue with the tea. The chief was about to speak when the unexpected happened.

"you really know your daughter." another lady said after what happened.

She stood up and took deep breath. So it was time to do the things that they never did. She had to avenge to her mother and also had to save him from torture. She took another deep breath and face the door. She closed her eyes and as she opened them they turned blue. Something that never happened. She raised her hand and pointed her palm to the door and a loud bang led the door flying she was excited as she rushed to the balcony and saw the door fly above her parents who were busy drinking tea. How dare they enjoy after locking her up. She saw them face towards her. she smiled and walked down.

"What happened to your eyes? They turned blue," one of the ladies asked. She stared as her eyes turned to brown again.

"Nothing happened." she said then she faced her mother, "Where is he. Did you torture him? You must let him go.... He means no harm. He is loved by the people you must let him go." She said

"We can't let him go just yet. We do not know what threat he poses to us and the world. He must stay locked up." her father said.

"A threat? You dare call him the savior a threat? I must release him," she walked out and rushed out to the temple leaving her mother calling her name. she ran to the basement and found him tied up. Thank god he was not hurt. Her first instinct was to run and hug him. This woke him up as he opened his eye and looked at her.

"Are just going to watch me hang here or will you untie me?"

"Ooh" she looked at him and quickly let him go and stared away as if she just realized he had no shirt on him. She looked up and the stared at the chains binding him. Now that she thought about it, how was she going to untie them when she could not even reach them. She stared at him hoping that he would understand her situation. He smiled and let out a soft chuckle.

"And here you are wanting to help," he teased. First she untied his feet and she tried to figure out how to untie his hand. He climbed the chain and reached the top where he hung with his legs as he comfortably untied his hand. He then let go as he landed next to her rendering her help useless.

"Am I now free?" he asked as she gave him his shirt.

"About that, am freeing you without my parents consent," she said shying off "but am not going to let them keep you here that's why. So you must follow what I say or you will end up here again." She teased.

"As if you were of much help," he started "Are you going to lead the way out or should we just keep staying here?" He asked as she stumbled walking ahead of him. She was sure she saw him smile as she also tried to hide her smile. She led the way out and they stopped at the door of the temple. He started walking towards it as she walked ahead only to realize that he was not following. She followed him inside and dragged him out.

"You just can't enter every door you come across," she said pulling him out by the hand.

"Isn't the temple a public place?" he asked smiling.

She stopped and glared at him.

Slain looked at her glare and in her eyes she saw them flash blue then brown. Those blue eyes were very familiar and in them he felt something burn inside maybe anger, he thought. He then listened to her eat the air around.

"The temple is public but not for everyone especially you who does not believe," She said and started pulling him again. He stumbled stunned by her sudden strength. He stopped abruptly causing her to come to him stumbling into him. She tried not to look at his magnetic eyes but they pulled her as she stared into them sinking into him. She saw his lips moving but she could not hear what he was talking about. His lip moved again but she heard nothing. He brushed her cheek and it burned. He then winked at her bringing her to her senses. "What?" she asked. She knew she saw him smile as he asked again.

"I asked where my horse is."

"Ooh... your horse... your horse... Ahh your horse... where is you horse... Where is your horse?" she asked. He surely laughed.

" I asked you where my horse is," Slain chuckled. Just how much was she confused.

"Yes you did... Ooh its in the stables," she finally gave him an answer where had her words run to?

You know you were supposed to show me the land." he said letting go of her. She rubbed her chin and then looked at him.

" I know where exactly we should go," she said.

"And where is that?" he asked.

"That's my favorite place and I hope you will be happy," she said leading him.


The two sat at the sand on the coast. The water came closer to them and then drifted away almost in every second. She sat next to him with little distance between them. Sea gull flew above them as a bird carrying a fish flew above them. The sun shone on the sand as the shiny pebbles reflected the light. He saw her stand and rush into the water and ran on the wet sand. He saw her stop and bend as she picked up a sea shell. She placed it in her ear as she listened. She laughed and came to him and gave it to him. She then took it and placed it in his ear.

"Do you hear the ocean speak?" she asked smiling as bright as the sun above them. He smiled and asked what the ocean was saying. " The oceans says that she is glad to finally meet you after a long moment. She also says thankyou for keeping your promise to come back again. The creatures inside are also celebrating," she said smiling. That smile... why did she have to keep smiling. He the stood in front of the ocean and confronted it. She came and stood next to him.

"What does the old ocean know about me? Who am I?" he asked. The ocean stood still as a single wave came and hit them causing them to stumble. she held on tightly to him as something like this flushed in his mind. They sat together and watched the birds.

"What is you name..." Slain asked