

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

wnagaru · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs


"Sorry we had to go through all this," he said hugging her. After they were discovered for theft they had done. The police sirens wailed behind them as they stared at their car.

"We have to run," she said and took his hand "There is no way we are going to prison." They ignored the police order to stop. He removed a gun from his back and shot at the police. They ran across the streets jumping over cars and caused an accident. The police cars stopped and they ran but just right above them was a helicopter. The torch shone on them as they ran between the houses across the streets not letting go of each others hand. The chopper was right above them not losing them. They stopped and at the end of the building were police cars parked guns aiming at them.

They turned back but there was nowhere to go. The light from the chopper showed their faces.

"Jake, we are doomed," she said but he smiled at her and cupped her face.

"Kate, we said no prison," jake said.

"Drop your weapon and surrender peacefully..." A police officer holding a megaphone standing behind a police car shouted at them. The two held each others hand and started walking towards the police "don't move or we are going to open fire." This was it. Their final day. They kept walking as Jake started removing his jacket. He dropped the gun and threw the jacket aside. Kate almost fainted at the next sight. Jake had a bomb vest. On his hand was a remote. He pressed the timer and set it three minutes. Kate had a black bag in her left hand carrying all the money.

"Its either you give us a free passage or i will press this remote kill all of us," Jake shouted as they started walking towards the police. The timer had its reading as thirty second less. The police tried to warn them as they got closer. Out of desperation to save their lives the police stepped aside and allowed them to pass.

"Sir i think they scammed us," an officer said to the one holding the megaphone.

"Why so"

"I took a closer look at their remote detonator and i saw a battery missing." The sheriff saw them turn right ordered his men to follow them.

Jake and Kate ran and stopped at a bin where they left the fake bomb. They saw a parked car and got inside. They kissed as jake took the wheel. "We are rich!!" They shouted and drove off. They hit the highway and drove fast overtaking other vehicles. This was fun and easy. Just as they were celebrating their victory, three choppers shone on them. Two on the sides and one on the top. Now there was no escaping. Around ten police cars were behind them and ahead were more sirens coming towards them. This was their day. They stopped as the police surrounded them completely. "You have nowhere to go step from the or we will open fire" came a faint voice. There was no way this was over. Jake opened the bag and removed a gun. Then he asked her to stay behind him. He got out and started firing. She was behind him as he fired from all sides. The police hid below the cars. Jake watched as one officer aimed at her then fired. He watched the bullet as it pierced through her chest and came out from the back. Jake shot the officer as he dropped his guns and held kate before she fell.

"Close fire" the sheriff shouted. Jake looked at the sheriff and an officer next to him shot at him in the back. He kneeled and looked at Kate. He touched her face and wiped the blood from her mouth and tried to listen to her muffled words.she touched his face and the only word she said was meet you on the other side in weakly voice then her hand fell to the ground closed her eyes. He shook her as she opened her eyes but weakly.

"You can't die on me," jake cried.

"Death is a bridge to our next life. I will be waiting for you." She pulled him closer and kissed him and this time she was gone for good. Jake hugged her tightly and screamed. Anger boiled inside him as he closed his eyes trying to process what had happened. She was dead and without her his life was no more. He took the guns and started firing at the cops. The police opened fire and they rained him with bullets. He fell on the ground and lay lifeless next to his girlfriend. He pushed the words from his mouth and said meet you on the other side before he died. That seemed to be the end but it was just the beginning. Death was no more.