

A story on how a girl named Oriana who made Eleodoro annoyed with her presence at the beginning but became a person he adores a lot later on. How this can happen? Read the episodes to know about their hatred turn love story...

R_Pavi · Urban
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New semester began, Eleo and Oriana went to school as usual. When they entered their classroom, it became quiet suddenly and some of their classmates were whispering among themselves. Both of them weren't sure about the situation and went to their respective tables. Their sitting position was like in the previous semester where Oriana sat with her friend, Lily while Eleo sat at the table next to Oriana's. However, no one sat with him after Estella's transfer and it was left empty.

During the group assignment, Eleo was worried to join any group as he was still suffering from trust issues due to the kidnap incident and was sitting nervously at his table. Eleo was approached by Oriana and his friend at the same time to join their groups. At that moment Eleo decided to take a step towards facing his trauma and decided to join his friend's group. Oriana who understood the situation left him while patting his shoulder. Eleo took a deep breath; smiled at his friend and thanked him.

Even though Eleo mingled with his own circle of friends and Oriana did the same, Eleo and Oriana always came and left the school together. They attended almost the same home tuitions as well. After a few months into the semester, Oriana and Eleo had been on a hectic schedule to prepare for their upcoming examinations. On a weekend, Oriana had some free time and thought to chill out with Eleo at a nearby shopping mall. She searched for him in his room but he wasn't there. Then, she went downstairs and searched for him at every corner. Lastly, there was only one place left which was the studying room which both of them used for home tuitions. The studying room was located upstairs and Oriana was excited to ask Eleo to go out but at the same time, she wanted to surprise him.

She dashed into the room and shouted, "Eleo!!!! Let's go out!!!" She didn't only startle Eleo but also his tuition teacher who was teaching him.

She was embarrassed with her action and apologized to both of them. The teacher requested Oriana to sit with them as well. Oriana who was feeling guilty went silently to sit beside Eleo.

Then she nudged Eleo and whispered, "Why are you having tuition without me?"

Eleo responded, "Erhmm, this is a Swedish class, Miss Oriana."

Mrs. Gloria, the Swedish language teacher, saw both of them whispering to each other and asked Oriana, "Are you interested in learning Swedish, Miss?"

Oriana surprised and answered, "I never had the thought to learn this language but I can give it a try, teacher."

Subsequently, their midterm examinations were approaching, both of them spent more and more time together to do their revisions and at the same time attended tuitions together. They had a lot of fun during Swedish class because Eleo loved to tease Oriana by teaching her difficult words.

One weekend when both Eleo and Oriana attended Swedish class, Mrs. Gloria informed Eleo that she was running late and requested Eleo to teach Oriana a few vocabulary words. Oriana pleaded to Eleo to give her easy words and Eleo agreed with her. Later, he taught her a few words and before Oriana inquired about the meaning of those words, the teacher arrived. Then, she looked at Oriana's book to read the vocabulary words.

Then, she smirked and asked Oriana, "Are you guys playing while I'm late?"

Eleo, who thought she wouldn't check the words he taught Oriana, was feeling a little nervous and guilty.

On the other hand, Oriana who didn't know the meaning of those words was confused and answered Mrs. Gloria, "No, teacher. I was seriously trying to learn those words just now. I wrote exactly what Eleo told me but I just don't know the meaning of those words."

Mrs. Gloria read out those words and then said, "It means, 'I like you. Do you like me?'"

Oriana dumbfounded for a moment and at the same time blushed.

She softly punched Eleo and shyly said, "I think he is teasing me, teacher."

Mrs. Gloria stated, "Okay, let's focus on the class first."

Throughout the class, Oriana and Eleo didn't look at each other and remained quiet. After the class ended, Eleo followed Mrs. Gloria outside the room. He apologized to her and said he was joking around with Oriana.

However, Mrs. Gloria calmly expressed, "It doesn't matter, Eleo. In the end, Oriana did learn new words today."

When they were discussing, Oriana again dashed out of the room and shouted, "Eleo, the mid-term exam schedule…, " and faintly said, "...is out…," after realizing that Mrs. Gloria was still there talking to Eleo.

Mrs. Gloria smiled and wished, "Good luck to both of you. Do your best in the examinations."

Eleo and Oriana thanked her and went back into the room to continue studying for their examination.

Does Eleo purposely teach Oriana those words to tease her, or he had a different intention?

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