Jim wakes up in a world unfamiliar to him. He lost all his memories and the only person by his side is a demon. Togheter they try to get his memories back and him back to the world he came from. New chapters 3-4 times a week 9pm (GMT+2)
Jim didnt resist when the men came, he saw no point in it. He didnt know what they where planning but he thought that there was no point in acting up. They led him to the infirmary where he got blood taken, after that they brought him to the dojo where he was yesterday.
When he entered, Jim saw that Hiroto was allready there waiting for him.
"the reason why i brought you here today is to tell you a few things about yourself."
Jim felt a big weight drop off his shoulders, he couldnt believe that he was finally going to get answers.
Before Hiroto continued he told his servants to leave them alone.
When they had left he looked at Jim, waiting for him to take the lead with any questions he had on his mind.
"Do you know how i will get my meories back?" When Jim asked the question Hirotos face dropped, revealing the answer before he could even answer.
Hiroto shook his head slightly, confirming what Jim had allready thought.
"Then do you atleast know what this strange power is that i have inside me?"
"This actually is a question i know the answer to but im affraid you wouldnt like what i have to say.
Let me ask you this Jim, do you know about the war that had taken place between the Demons and the other race?" Jim didnt like where this was going but he needed to know. So he replied with a slight nod.
"I cant tell you much only that i think that you may be the last surviving member of this species. I dont know how but i can also tell you that i think that you are at least partially human. I didnt know that it was possible and i dont know what you are doing in this world, neither do i know what your intentions where prior to loosing your memories. But i can help you find out."
This news shocked Jim, he thought that he maybe had turned into a demon because Morticia gave him his power or that he stayed here to long and was turning into some nightmare, but he surely didnt expect this outcome.
Jim asked Hiroto "So what are you planning to do now that you know that i am an enemy to demon kind? Are you planning to hold me captive here for the rest of time?"
Hiroto answerd Jim, he told Jim that he wasnt planning to hold him here anymore now that he had seen what his intentions where. He exolained that he could see that Jim had a good heart and that he only wanted to keep him here to confirm that he was one of them. He also told Jim that when the time had come that he should return to him and that he would tell him then what the race was that he was part of.
Hiroto told Jim that he shouldnt be affraid of what will happen to him in the demon world nince part of him belonged here.
When Jim heard that his life wasnt on the line by simply saying in this world. He asked if he could stay for a few days at the complex to learn more about this world. Hiroto said that he would let him stay if he promised to not tell anyone what he was. He also offered Jim to teach him how to fight and controll the power.
"The powers of "Them" and the demons are mostly the same. we still have to find out what you specific power is, but when we know that, then i can help you to use it."
After they where finished talking, Jim was sent back to his room, this time without guards.
When he arrived there, Jim told the others what had happened with the exemption of telling them what he was.
There was still time untill food was brought to them, so they decided to go outside for some training.
Jim and the others went back to the dojo, because all of them wanted to get stronger after what had happened to Ophelia.
Hiroto was still in the dojo and agreed to train them in some basic martial arts.
He started with showing them some basic blocks that where usefull against demons and the nightmares that lived in the woods.
After everyone could do the move, he went on to basic attacks.
He showed some basic kicks and punches.
"Now lets do a little sparring, Ophelia against Morticia and me against Jim."
Jim prepared to make the first move, but before he had eves started his hit, he saw a fist come flying to his stomache. He blocked the attack in the last second ba doging to the side. As soon as he was out of the way of the first punch, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and fell to the ground.
"You have to know your surroundings Jim. Be more carefull next time." Hiroto said in a stern voice as he helped Jim back up.
They continued to train untill the sunset.
When they finally went back to their room, Jim had pain in places he didnt even know he had muscles at.