Jim wakes up in a world unfamiliar to him. He lost all his memories and the only person by his side is a demon. Togheter they try to get his memories back and him back to the world he came from. New chapters 3-4 times a week 9pm (GMT+2)
"Nice to meet you my name's Jim."
He couldnt help but notice the look on the girls face as she noticed what Jim was.
She quickly ran up to him and swung her arms around him. Even though she looked way smaller and weaker than him she almost crushed him in her hug.
"I have never seen a human." She said with her eyes glowing of exitement. "how did you get here?"
Jim and Ophelia told her that she had found Jim in a field sleeping and that thy wanted to go to the elder for help.
While explaining Jim noticed Morticias expression change as they told her that they wanted to meet the elder and ask him for help. He had a bad feeling when seeing the girls face like that.
Jim didnt really know her but she was smiling all up until now. When they where finished Morticia took a few seconds to finally answer.
"I will help you guys. But before we can go we need to do some preparation."
She explained to them that they would need to find a way to make Jim look like a demon. They also needed new clothes for him and a couple of other things.
After they decided that it would be best if only Ophelia and Morticia would go to the market for now to find something to hide Jims humanness they left.
Jim noticed that he hadn't eaten anything since he woke up in this world. So he decided to cook something for when the girls returned. He spent more time searching the kitchen than he had anticipated.
'this mansion is even bigger than it looks from the outside' Jim thought. After some time he finally found it but upon entering he realised that he didnt remember how to cook.
He cussed at himself for forgetting such essential parts of life.
He decided to still try. He thought that maybe if he just starts that some of the memories would come back.
He opened all the cabinets but they didnt have anything familiar in them. He felt like there was no point in trying to cook something if he did neither know a single dish nor the ingredients at hand.
He walked into the spacious dining room and let himself relax in one of the chairs.
After some time he woke up to talking.
He didnt know how long he had slept but it was enough time for the others to return.
"We have some good news." Ophelia said as she held up a beautifully made, black cloak.
Around the bottom, the hood and the end of the sleves there where golden accents.
"But we still have to do something about your eyes" Ophelia said and before they could think of a solution Morticia quickly came up to Jim and pressed her lips against his.
He felt a power enter his body and when he opened his eyes they where gloving purple. "What how did you do that?!" Ophelia asked shocked, she had never seen something like that.
Morticia explained that she had the power to give people a part of her demon energy by kissing them.
Jim asked if all the demons have such powers or if it was something individual.
Ophelia explained how it had something to do to with their family. She explained how all demons are decendans from the elders.
There where 15 different sets of powers related to the 15 elders. She explained that every Demon had one of the 15 powers but the strengh would vary greatly.
"How you can activate it is also different with every demon" Morticia said. For her, she had to kiss the person to transfer her energy. But for some others in her family they had to touch them or could even do it by only looking at them.
Jim asked how long it would last till the energy would run out. Morticia explained that whenever she gives the power to other demons it lasts about five hours but since she had never given a human her energy she didnt know how long it would last.
After some talking Ophelia asked Jim what he was doing here.He told them that he wanted to cook something for them but didnt know how.
"I can show you some basic cooking" Morticia said with a big smile.
While Morticia and Jim where cooking Ophelia went and grabed some Traveling gear like tents, blankets and backpacks from the market.
While Ophelia was away Morticia asked Jim how his life was on earth. "To be honest i dont remember... I lost my memorys when i got here." Jim said sadly.
Ophelia finally arrived at the market after about twenty minutes. The market was crowded so Ophelia didnt stand out.
The market contained some food stands but for most clothes, jewerly and other things where sold.
The market was infront the talles building in the whole city. It was the building of the elders, 14 of them lived there and it was the building where importand political decisions where made.
After she had bought everything they needed she started to walk home.
When she arrived there it smelt like food.
'I wonder what they cooked' Ophelia thought. The scent made her even hungrier.
When she got to the dining room there where candles lit.
It looked like an old palace inside the mansion wich was a big contrast to the rest of the city wich looked very futuristic.
After they ate they all went to bed.
Jim was laying awake in one of the empty guest rooms as he thought of this day. He got to make many new memorys and he was affraid that if he went to sleep that he would have forgotten everything again in the morning.
Since he couldnt sleep he wanted to explore his temporary home.
He walked through a big hallway as one of the doors suddenly opened and a familiar head peaked out. "What the hell are you doing up so late?" Morticia said still half asleep.
Jim told her that he couldnt sleep and that he wanted to see more of the house.
Morticia rubbed her eyes. "Okay then let me join your little expedition."
They walked together through the big house and started talking.
Jim asked Morticia some questions about the worlds and the different races.
Since she wasn't someone who knew much about it but she didnt know everything about that stuff but she still tried tried to tell him all she knew.
After some time they returned to their rooms and finally went to bed.
3-4 times a week
9pm (GMT+2)