
Adventure In The Elements

At the Owl House, Luz was laying on the couch reading a pamphlet on Hexside, while Cruz was polishing the jewel on his staff. "King, listen to this," Luz said.

"Hey, less read-y, more scratchy!" King complained as he stood up from laying on Luz's stomach. "Sorry! Now that Cruz and I will be students at Hexside, I wanna learn all about it! I've got a new crush, and her name is education!" Luz said in excitement. In response King simply bit the pamphlet. "Nyah!"

Suddenly the door swung open as Eda kicked it open. "Hey, freeloaders! Guess what day it is?"

"Is it your birthday?" asked Luz

"Is it my birthday?" King asked

"You don't know you're own birthday?" Cruz questioned

"It's my birthday" Hooty said.

"No!" Eda said slamming the door closed. "It's human treasure day!" she said throwing the portal door into the air causing it to unfold and open up. Owlbert flew in holding up a large sack. As the sack lands on the ground, it rips as a large pile of garbage spills out.

"Ahh, fresh garbage," Eda says as she hops onto the pile. "Ooh, gimme, gimme, gimme!" King said excitedly as he ran towards the garbage pile before pulling out a grayish-white stuffed bear with blue buttoned eyes. "Yes! Another worthy addition to my army of terror!" he said before pulling the string on the back.

"I love cuddles and kisses!" said the bear

"Truly horrifying!"

"Yo, kid. Your trash pile's getting cold. While mine's getting hot!" Eda called out to Luz who was still reading the pamphlet before she pulled out a coat hanger. "I have never seen such an extravagant earring."

"You can have my trash," Luz said as Cruz walked over to the pile before pulling out a computer flash drive. "Ooh, I wonder if there's anything on this?"

"Whoa! Did you know that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school? One it literarily conquered!" Luz said, holding up the pamphlet showing a picture of a younger Bump standing on a pile of students while the old school building was on fire.

"And our old school called me destructive," Cruz commented looking at the pamphlet

"Yes, I know all these things, I went there. It was the most harrowing period of my life," Eda said as she admired herself in a hand mirror. "Oh, hello."

"Can you imagine it! Me, in the halls of Hexside, studying with Willow and Gus and maybe even Amity. Amity! Oh cramity!" She exclaimed standing up from the couch. "We're supposed to meet so I can get my Azura book back!"

"Cruz, can you give me a lift on your staff?"

"Alright. Good opportunity to test out how well it handles flying two people," Cruz said as he grabbed his staff before he and Luz headed towards the door closing it, before Luz quickly opened it again and peeked back inside.

"I love you guys!" Luz called out

"And I love you Lu-" Hooty started to say before Luz slammed the door shut interrupting him.

"Eh, who needs them?" Eda said crossing her arms.

"Yeah these bears can be our new Luz and Cruz," King said as he pulled out a second purplish-pink bear before pulling the string on the first.

"Being without you is un-bear-able," said the toy before King threw both bears onto the floor with a grunt. "You're unbearable!"

At the market Cruz and Luz landed in the middle of multiple stalls. "Looks like it can handle two people pretty well, but I should still tinker with it to make it more stable," Cruz said, putting his staff away. "Now let's find Amity so you can get your book back."

"You're right…race ya!" Luz called out as she began to run ahead.

"No fair you cheater!" Cruz said running after her with a smile.

"Amity, Amity, Amity, Amity," Luz said as she looked around. "Gotta find that-oh!" Luz managed to spot Amity standing in the middle of the street wearing a black dress and purple leggings. "There she is. Hey Amity! Luz is finally here!"

As she was running towards Amity, Edric and Emira suddenly popped up in front of the Noceda siblings. "Hi you two," they both said startling Luz as she stumbled back into Cruz knocking them both onto the ground.

"Edric! Emira! Stop bothering them!" Amity said to her siblings as they were laughing, before extending her hand to them, helping the two up. "Sorry, you two. They insisted on coming for some reason."

"Because we love you, baby sister!" Emira said as she squished Amity's face. Amity pushed her away before fixing her hair. "They've been extra protective and nice towards me to make up for the library incident."

"And we still apologize everyday," said Edric leaning in before Amity shoved him away.

"I would hope they apologized considering what they pulled," Cruz grumbled, still feeling rather angry at them wanting to spread Amity's diary for the school to read.

"In any case, here's you're book," Amity said as she pulled the Azura book out of her bag.

"So….what'd you think?" Luz asked as she took the book back.

"It was….fine."

"So fine you drew yourself with Malingale the Mysterious Soothsayer?" Luz asked as she pulled out a drawing from the book. Amity blushed in embarrassment before drawing a small spell circle turning the drawing into ash.

"This is great! Maybe we could even start an Azura club at school when we're classmates!" Luz said enthusiastically

"When we're what?" Amity asked confused

"Surprise! We're enrolling in Hexside!" Luz said as she pulled out the pamphlet for Hexside. "That's great. And you two should be all set for the placement exam," said Amity with a small smile.

"Placement exam?" Luz questioned

"You didn't finish reading the whole pamphlet, did you?" Cruz asked as Amity grabbed the pamphlet from Luz and showed her the back.

On the paper it read

"Advanced Requirements:

-Two spells minimum

-Basic runes"

"But like I said, you two should be fine. I know you've got your light thing, and that fire spell. So passing the exam shouldn't be a problem," Amity explained.

"You're right, but wouldn't we get a better score with a third spell?" Cruz asked

"Well, I'm sure you would. But, do you really need to?" Emira asked

"Yeah hermano, we don't really have a reason to use a third spell right now," Luz said

"Maybe not, but it would still be better. I mean think about it, if we both go and show off our spells after each other, all we'd be doing was using the same spells. It'd be pretty boring for whoever is watching. Plus, I've tried out every combo I could think of for our light and fire glyphs. We need something new, to dazzle them with," Cruz explained.

"I see what you mean. We should go and see if we can't find something new before the exam," Luz said after a small pause before turning to look at Amity and her siblings. "We've gotta go and train. We'll see you Amity," Luz said as she and Cruz began to head back towards the Owl House.

Back at the Owl House, Eda's hand was detached holding up a book that said, "Bending Ingredients to Your Will".

"Wow, a surprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When will it be ruined?" she asked herself.

"Eda!" Luz cried out from the front of the house as she slammed the door open.

"There it is."

"Eda, Eda! Eda!" Luz said running into the kitchen as she fell onto the floor as Cruz followed close behind into the kitchen. "You have to teach us a new spell right now!"

"Sorry, Luz. These vegetables won't cook themselves….yet," Eda said as she poured a green potion over a group of vegetable causing them to come to life. "Alright, everybody in the pot." The vegetables simply screamed and ran off in response. "Why do I always think that's going to work," Eda deadpanned.

"Doubt anyone would just jump into a pot when they know what's going to happen," Cruz said with a small chuckle.

"Why do you need two spells, anyway? You two have the two spells you'll need to get in just fine. Besides I'm much too busy right now," Eda said.

"True, but we still need another spell. I've already used every combo I could think of to make glyph combos but I haven't come up with much else. A new spell could be just what we need to make some great combos," Cruz pointed out.

"And besides, you're the most power witch on the Boiling Isles. How would it look if your two students didn't show up everyone else who took the placement exam," Luz said.

"Hmm. Weaponizing my pride Well played. Well, in that case, this looks like a job for magic Boot Camp," Eda said as King opened the back door holding his new stuffed bear.

"Did someone say boot camp? I agree to run it. We'll rise at dawn! You'll carry me on your back as I yell hateful things about your performance!" he said intensely.

"Don't like that idea even a bit," Cruz said shaking his head

"Nope. You'll have no part in this. Luz needs to focus, and I can't have her going all weird when you do something adorable," Eda said

"I am not adorable!" King said stomping his foot on the group.

"Aww, he stamped his little foot," Luz said cooing

"Point proven, buddy," Cruz said with a smile. King squealed in anger before leaving out the back slamming it closed. Before it reopened. He slammed it closed again with the same result. He slammed it closed a third time before the door finally stayed closed.

"Now, no time to waste. You'll have to follow my teachings exactly. We gotta go somewhere special," Eda said

"Yes!" Luz said in anticipation

"A place where magic energy just flows."

"Yes!" Luz said climbing onto the counter

"A place like, the Knee!"

At the Knee, all three were dressed in large coats wearing hats and gloves. Cruz wore a large red jacket with a black beanie and a pair of black gloves, with his goggles still hanging on the top of his head.

"YES!" Luz yelled out in excitement at arriving at their training ground.

"Don't yell too loud Luz. Don't want an avalanche to start out here," Cruz pointed out.

"The earliest witches came to the Knee to develop their magic, drawn to its natural power," Eda said

Luz gasped when she saw what was in front of her. "It's beautiful." In front of the group was what looked like ruins that had been abandoned for a long time.

"You're right, looks like a great place to practice some reckless magic," Cruz said

"Though, it's not without its dangers," Eda said pointing to their side. Luz and Cruz yelped when they saw a large white demon gnawing on a tree trunk. "The Slitherbeast! Don't worry, if you don't mess with him, he won't mess with you."

"Duly noted," Cruz said as he followed after Eda. Luz blew a raspberry at the Slitherbeast who bit through the tree trunk before sniffing at Luz's direction. She yelped and ran off after Eda and Cruz.

"Here's where we'll set up shop," Eda said as they stopped in the ruins. "I'm sure we can find a new glyph around here," Cruz said taking in the sights.

"You're right, how can we not? We've got gorgeous views, magic in the air. And best of all we're completely alone," Luz said before pink hue began to loom over her.

"Duck and cover!" Cruz called out as he and Eda tackled Luz to the ground as a pink fireball hits the wall behind her. Eda and Cruz popped up from behind the rocks with their respective staves drawn. Luz pops up and gasps when she sees who had fired the magic fireball.

"Sorry, whoever's over there!" called out Amity.

"Alright, scratch the alone part," Cruz said.

"Hey, you guys," called out Edric

"Luz! Cruz!" Emira called out

"Hey, it's us!"

"Okay, let's do this," Luz said as she stood up from behind the rock. "Hey, guys!"

"Who are they?" Eda asked

"It's Amity and her siblings," Luz explained

"The same two siblings that left us to fend for ourselves in the library," Cruz chimed in.

"I didn't know you two were coming up here to train," Amity said as she approached the Noceda twins. "What are you doing here?" Luz asked as she slid off of the rock she was leaning on landing on the snow.

"I'm here to train too. I'm trying to beat Ed and Em's highest score on the exam," Amity said.

"Aw, Mittens. That's impossible!" Emira said popping up from behind her

"She still needs to use a training wand to learn new spells. So what are you working on? Something powerful?" Edric asked

"Yep! Powerful spells! We're working on one that's so crazy! Eda's a pretty incredible teacher," Luz said proudly.

"Luz! Cruz! I shall now teach you how to identify different types of snow….by taste!" Eda said holding a basket full of snow before holding up a snowball and shoving it in Luz's face. "Go on, eat the snow."

The Blight twins looked confused, while Cruz looked baffled at Eda's idea of learning. "Is this some kind of….special magic?" Emira asked.

"Ahem. I don't think the Owl Lady wants to show us any of her powerful spells," Amity said as they all looked towards Eda who had shoved a bunch of snowballs into her mouth. She then swallowed the snowballs while Luz rubbed her forehead using her fingers. "Oooh. Brain freeze! Brain freeze!"

"See you around humans! Good luck with your, uh, training," Emira said as she began to walk away. Edric held up a snowball and was going to kick it before Emira knocked it out of his hand.

"Aw" Edric said sadly before waving to Luz and Cruz.

"Eda! Can you please take this seriously?" Luz asked, slightly annoyed. "You need to take me seriously. Go taste snow without my guidance, see where it gets you," Eda said as Luz gained a downcast look. Cruz looked at Luz giving her a sad look.

"Oh, don't worry kid. If you listen to me, soon you'll be doing stuff like that," Eda said as she pointed towards the Blights. Amity was reading from a "Magic 101" book before she drew a magic circle using her training wand and fired a fireball that destroyed the tree she was aiming at, before the battery life on the training wand blinked and drained a bit.

"And it won't be with some wack training wand, it'll be the real deal. But you have to trust me, okay?" Eda asked looking down at Luz and Cruz with a smile.

Luz and Cruz both gave her a nod. "Okay. I trust you," Luz said

"Yeah, I trust you too," Cruz added in

"We've covered snow, so now it's onto smelling moss," Eda said as she pulled out a piece of green moss before ripping it in half. "Now the trick is, you really gotta get it up in there," she said as she shoved the piece for moss onto her nose. Luz's expression fell, feeling disappointed.

"I think I'm going to try and practice a bit more Lightning magic with my staff," Cruz said as he walked away holding his staff.

Back at the camp, a few hours had passed as Eda was sitting in front of their tent drinking out of a mug while sitting in front of a fire. Luz walked towards her coming from the woods.

"Ugh. Okay. I've identified the smells of three different rocks, sorted all the twigs from big to small, and found your glove…and your hand," Luz said as she pulled the red glove from Eda's detached hand.

"Ah, I was wondering where that thing went," Eda said as she screwed her hand back into place.

"So, what now?" Luz asked before looking ahead to see Amity training with Emira and Edric. Amity sent a jet of flame at Edric as he dodged it. Emira summoned an arm of snow, which Amity blocks and destroys using a shield. Amity dispelled the shield before waving towards Luz. Edric used the distraction to make Amity sink into the snow so only her hand was showing.

Luz giggled when she saw this. "Hey. I know my lessons seem weird but this is what wild magic is all about. Making a connection with nature. The earliest witches understood that. Human witches need to understand it, too. Just look at your brother," Eda said as she pointed towards Cruz who was spinning his staff with bits of electricity flowing from the green jewel.

As the electricity was dancing from the staff, he stopped its spin before shooting off the lightning into the air.

Luz looked on in amazement at Cruz's advancement with the lightning glyph. "Now, that staff might be cheating a bit like the training wand. But, he still understood the connection to be able to handle that lightning. You want to learn another spell?" Eda asked

"With all of my heart," Luz responded confidently

"Then you have to learn from the island," Eda said as she guided Luz towards a rock and having her sit on it. "Now, look."

From the rock, Luz could see the Titan. Its ribs nearly as high as the knee, and the skull is towering even from the other side of the island. Luz stares in awe at the beauty of the isles as the wind passes by her.

"And think about what the island is trying to tell you," Eda says as she leaves.

Luz takes a deep breath as she's left alone. "Alright, Luz. Look. Look with everything you've got. Focus," she said before raising her right hand.

"Focus? On what? On how you won't get another spell?" said Luz's right hand

"No! Don't think like that!" Luz protested before she raised her left hand

"Face it, you'll never learn a new spell following Eda's lessons."

"Silence, hands!"

A sudden crash grabs Luz's attention, as she turns she sees Amity destroying a pillar using her training wand.

"Amity! Dinners ready!" Emira called

"I caught a bat!" Edric said

"Edric, don't eat that," Amity said exasperated as she put her wand and book into her tent.

"If I wanna be in the same class as Amity, I'm gonna need to learn magic like Amity," Luz said as her left hand rose.

"Great work, Luz!" said the left hand. "Shh! I don't need your validation," Luz said putting her hands down.

"Hold on a second," Cruz called out as Luz was about to head towards Amity's tent. "Oh hey, Cruz. How'd your training go?" Luz asked trying to distract him.

"It went well, but you're not dodging my question. What are you planning to do?"

"Eda's training isn't working for me. So I was going to….borrow Amity's wand." Cruz let out a sigh as he shook his head. "Come one Luz, you know that using her wand won't help you out in the long run for learning spells."

"You say that, but you're using your staff to do spells. How is it any different?"

"It's true that I'm using my staff to use magic, but when it comes to learning the glyph combo I didn't use the staff at all. Like Eda said, we have to make a connection to the island so that we can learn the glyphs." Cruz sat down at the same rock that Luz was sitting down and looked towards the island.

"You say that like it's so easy, but I've been sitting here and I've got nothing. Maybe connecting to nature just doesn't work for me like it does for you," Luz said looking downcast.

After a short pause, Cruz said, "Look, I'm not exactly sure why I was able to find the fire glyph so quickly. I just know that I figured out the glyph combos by looking at the glyphs in my own way. Just like how you found the glyph in your own unique way. So you're right, our two ways to connect to the isles aren't the same. I look at them the same way I would look at a problem on a computer. But you look at the glyphs in a way that's more in tune with magic."

Cruz pulled out a light glyph that he had in his pocket. "This light glyph is proof that you have a connection to the isles. You found a way for us humans to use magic, something that no one, not even Eda, thought was possible. You found a way to make your dream of being a witch come true. That's something I can admit is absolutely amazing." He activated the light glyph and they both watched as the glyph floated into the air with the stars shining down on them.

As they watched the light glyph disappear, Luz noticed something in the stars. "Wait a second….Cruz! Do you see that in the stars?" Luz asked pointed upward

"What do you mean?" Cruz asked as he looked towards the stars before he sees the same thing. "Hold on, is that what I think it is?"

Among the stars, they form the pattern to look like the same light glyph that Luz and Cruz had discovered and used so many times.

"It's a light glyph. But what does that mean?" Luz asked before snowflakes began to fall down. As one snowflake lands on her gloves it melts to reveal a pattern. The glyph looks like a kite with a line down its center, with a line near the bottom of the circle with a bowstring line at the center of it.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Cruz asked. "I think so," Luz said as she grabbed a small stick and began to trace the pattern she'd seen on a second snowflake that landed on her hand. "It means magic is a gift from the island. It means…." she began after drawing the glyph and adding a small diamond pattern to the bottom of the kite, she tapped it creating a small pillar of ice.

"….magic is everywhere," Luz said in absolute amazement. "You see, I knew you would be able to connect with the island just fine," Cruz said looking at his sister proudly.

As Luz and Cruz were reveling in the discovery of the ice glyph, they heard a roar coming from the direction of their tent. "Eda!" they both cried out before running towards their tent.

As they arrived at the campsite they spotted the Slitherbeast running in a rampage as the Blight twins were trying to hold it down using magic rope. While Amity used snow to hold it back. Eda stood back as she was about to preparing to use a magic circle before she noticed Luz and Cruz.

"Kids! You're alright!" Eda exclaimed

"What happened? Who made the Slitherbeast angry?" Cruz asked

"Uhh…it was an accident I swear," Edric said

"Ed! Not really the time for this! Concentrate on holding it back!" Emira exclaimed. "Luz! Cruz! Can you help us out here?"

"We're on it," Luz said as she was preparing to get out her ice glyph. Before she had a chance to draw up the glyph, the Slitherbeast broke free from the bindings.

"No time for the glyph!" Cruz said as he extended his staff before spinning it and activating lightning at the tip of the jewel. After spinning it quickly Cruz shot the lightning forward towards the Slitherbeast knocking it back a few feet. The Slitherbeast quickly shook off the shock before rushing towards Cruz and back handing him towards a tree.

"Cruz!" everyone exclaimed. "That's it! No one hurts my kids and gets away with it," snarled Eda, but before she could, the Slitherbeast hit the ground, disorienting her before grabbing her in its hand. "Eda!" Luz cried out before the Slitherbeast ran toward Amity, Luz, and the twins.

"Mittens, Luz! Look out!" Emira called out as she and Edric pushed Amity and Luz out of the Slitherbeast's path. It grabbed the twins in the same hand holding Eda before turning to leave. Before it could leave a fire ball shot towards it barely missing. When Luz and Amity turned to see where the fireball came from, they saw Cruz standing there holding his staff with smoke coming from the tip.

"Let them go….you big...ugly beast," Cruz said in pants before the Slitherbeast rushed at him knocking Luz and Amity away before head butting Cruz into the tree again and grabbing him in its mouth and rushing off towards its nest.

"Eda! Cruz!" Luz cried out as the Slitherbeast ran off. "What do we do? That thing took Eda, your siblings, and my brother."

"We have to go after it. But it's not going to be easy," Amity said. "Easy or not, we still have to rescue them. We're the only ones who can," Luz said before she and Amity ran off towards the nest.

At the nest of the Slitherbeast, it spit a purple goop at the wall before shoving Eda, Emira, Edric, and Cruz against the wall. The goop closes around them before the Slitherbeast hopped away from them.

"Don't worry. We'll be fine," Emira said trying to reassure them before skeletons fall from the ceiling. "Well…that's not good at all," Cruz said.

"He's right, we're gonna die," Edric said before a skull pops up from next to them. "That's right. Death is here," said the skull before Luz lifts the skull reveling its her. "Just kidding, Luz is here!" she said happily.

"Kid, get out of here! I'm just gonna sneak away with Cruz when the things starts eating the twins," Eda said

"Wait, what!" Emira said as Edric let out an offended gasp

"Eda! That's not funny!" Cruz said

"Don't worry, Eda. Me and Amity have a plan to save you all. Just sit tight until then," Luz said as she walked away from the group.

"Well, at least I got to see her misplaced confidence one last time," Eda said

"Not sure if it's misplaced or not, but we don't really have much of a choice. I can't do anything with us pinned like this," Cruz said leaving everything to Luz and Amity.

Around the corner in the cave, Amity peaked towards the Slitherbeast as it sprinkled garlic on the group with Eda letting out a sneeze.

"Ugh, I hate garlic," she said annoyed.

"Hey! You big idiot!" Luz said waving her arms gaining the Slitherbeast's attention. "Over here!" The Slitherbeast growls at her before jumping at her. Luz ran out of the cave as the Slitherbeast chases after her.

"You know. I might have put too much confidence that Luz would make a plan that didn't involve putting herself in danger," Cruz said

Amity takes the opportunity Luz gave her to climb up to the trapped group. "Amity!" Edric says happy to see his sister.

"Use that fire spell we taught you!" Emira suggests

"But I can't do it without the wand! And it's completely out of battery!" Amity protests.

"Yes, you can. Just focus," Emira says reassuring her

"Okay," Amity said as she drew a spell circle. At first it was shaky for a bit before it stabilized itself. Amity looks at the newly formed fireball proudly.

"Cool. I didn't actually think you could actually do it," Emira says offhandedly as Amity begins to melt the goop around them. As the four landed on the ground they heard Luz scream from outside of the cave.

"Luz!" Amity yelled out

Cruz got onto his feet before jumping off of the rock and activating his rocket boots to follow after Luz and the Slitherbeast.

As Luz runs from the Slitherbeast, she makes it to the open forest outside of the cave until she stops in front of a tree. The Slitherbeast stops in front of her, roaring at her. "Gotcha!" Luz said grinning as she steps on a large ice glyph in the snow. The glyph makes a large pillar of ice sending the Slitherbeast flying into the air making it land hard on its back as everyone exits out of the cave.

The Slitherbeast rights itself before screeching at the witches and Cruz before running towards them. "You want me to teach you kids something cool?" Eda asks

"Yes!" Amity and Emira yell out

"Yes, please!" Edric says

Eda runs forward towards the Slitherbeast before drawing a complicated spell circle and shooting it towards the Slitherbeast. "Sleep spell!"

As the spell circle passes around the Slitherbeast it immediately falls asleep falling onto the ground snoring.

"Now that's my mentor! Did you see that? I learned a third spell! I made the connection!" Luz said happily running up towards Eda and the rest.

"I saw. Nice work, kiddo," Eda said ruffling Luz's hair.

"You did great Luz. I'm real proud of you," Cruz said

"Cruz! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Nothing I can't recover from with some good rest."

"You showed some real bravery in there, sis," Emira said proudly to Amity

"Yeah, nice work, kiddo," Edric said ruffling Amity's hair

"Stop!" Amity said angrily before fixing her hair and walking toward Luz. "Well, looks like you won't have any trouble with the placement exam at school now."

"Azura book club? Azura book club?!" Luz asked in excitement

"As long as it's a secret club, okay?" Amity said quietly with a visible blush.

"It's not a secret!" Edric called out

"We're gonna tell everyone!" Emira casing Amity to sigh. "Don't worry, you two. I'll make sure they don't try anything," Cruz said to them.

Eda sneezed between the two girls making them jump. "Alright, your adorable banter is literally making me sick. Let's go home already," Eda said.

"On it, teach!" Luz said as she draws an ice glyph underneath herself, Eda, and Cruz.

"Is this going to be safe?" Cruz asked

"Only one way to find out," Luz said to which Cruz simply shrugged at. Luz activated the glyph sending the three of them flying as they cheered.

"I think we can go the normal way," Emira said as the three walk off.

Back at the Owl House, the three open the door to see stuffing lining the walls as multiple stuffed toys are laying around, with Hooty and King standing in the middle of the carnage.

"Private…." King began "our hearts have been touched by fire, and-"

"Ahem!" Eda cleared her throat gaining their attention as she stood in the door with Luz and Cruz. "What the heck did you two get into?"

"You know what? I don't even want to bother finding out what happened here," Cruz said as he headed towards his room.

"Um, excuse me? We're having a moment here!" King said angrily

"You'll never understand what we've been through together! Never! Never!" Hooty said

"Ugh, moment ruined," King said as he walked away

"I will be haunted by my actions forever. Hoot hoot!"