
Mechanical Index: From Magic To The Machine

In a world full of magic and magical beasts that seemed otherworldly to us. A world which thrives of magic, where the creatures inside use magic with their way of living. A planet full of myths and legends, where people can control the laws of the world. [Warning.] [Impact detected.] A machine from beyond has entered the atmosphere and landed on a dense forest, where a peasant boy accidently discovers the principle of all things. And the one who will change the world's balance.

CuriosityCompass · Fantasie
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6 Chs


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-    History of Humanity

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-> {Identified Civilizations}

-    The Angel Project

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[Identified Civilizations has been selected, please select one of the following.]

-> {Universe-00003}

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-    Universe 00005

-    Universe-00000 (Required permission from a member of The Central Advancement for further access)

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-    Current Progress (Incomplete)

-> {Known History}

-    Origin

-    Sighting of Universe-00003

-    Energy Source

[You have selected Known History of Universe-00003, file will now play.]

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In a world that is far, far away from our own. There lies a planet that the people named as "Terra", Terra is an exoplanet that is confirmed to be habitable as evidence of human activities on each part of Terra.

Terra is a vast planet that is similar to the size of Earth but being twice the size. We actually don't know how old the planet is yet, our research and studies about it cannot be comprehended.

Terra, with its vast landscapes and diverse ecosystems, has potential to advance to the next civilization. From observations alone we can infer that the planet has thrived for a long time due to its unique energy source that was found in Terra, the people and the creatures in Terra have evolved to adapt to its energy sources. We do not know what they call them, but we will refer to them as "Mana." Due to its similar properties with our previous world's energy source.

One of Terra's most distinctive features is its abundance of unique features, humanity evolved into different races that are subbranches of humans. They possess powers that are magic-like due to how they use it, the atmosphere has an abundance of mana as well.

There appears to be eight continents that are unfathomably big, Terra is confirmed to be 67% water on the surface. Some parts of Terra appear to be unhabitable by a strange force, we've detected a difference of gravity on the north pole of Terra. The gravity of the north pole is as dense as a quarter of the Earth placed on top of it.

Back in 2503 AD, we sent out our best and most high-tech satellite to monitor Terra's movements as well as observe how the people of Terra lived. Funnily enough, they lived like the medieval era. They fight by using swords and shields, have massive kingdoms that have palaces and castles. With the exception of magic weapons that we still don't understand much…

A hundred years ago, we finally had accepted the proposal of "The Angel Project". The Central Advancement spent nearly most our budget just for this project, it was the costliest project to ever had been accepted. It was more expensive than our "Wormhole Doors" and "Star Creations", To be honest I have no idea why she is so obsessed with angels.

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[End of log.]

[The History Section of Terra is not full discovered, maybe you'll be one of the contributors to humanity's third step?]

(A/N: Hi, I'm CuriosityCompass. I'm a new novel writer, hope you enjoy this novel even though it might be bad. Since Webnovel doesn't have dual tags. It's basically Sci-Fi and Fantasy.)