
Meant To Be

"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" he breathes, in a hoarse voice placing a kiss on my lips. "Good morning. And yes I had a lovely sleep. Just a little sore but I'm okay " he excused himself and disappeared into the bathroom, coming out shortly after. "Hey! Put me down! I have two healthy legs! " I screamed and kicked when he came back and took me bridal style walking to the bathroom without saying anything. "I can help you undress" he chuckled when I stood there staring at the water that he had run for me. He held my waist and draw me closer. "I'm still waiting for an answer" he whispered, gentle biting my earlobe. "Ash.." I moaned his name. "Yes love-" he slipped a hand inside the opening of the robe, gently massaging my nipple making me moan harder this time."- answer me " he added, His light green eyes burning with desires. How was I suppose to disagree when only his hand could make me moan like he was inside me. I lowered my gazes from his tantalizing obs to his pink lips. As if he knew my answer from the way I mentally fuck him with my eyes, he crushed his lips with mine and... "Oh my God Ella! You are still in the shower. You are unbelievable." Lena's shouted waking me from my sleep and dream. That was one hell of a dream! Ella Lawrence quit her job. she starts a new job and her boss Ashton Grey wouldn't stop making passes at her. Yet... She dreams of being held by him. What could possibly happen between her player-boss and her? Read the full story to know what happens. See you there! Enjoy! READ VOTE and COMMENT. Thank you.

Lovedtodream · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter Twenty-four--Mummy issues

Disappointed and embarrassed. That was how I felt when I left Ella's place. disappointed because I wasn't expecting my attempt at a hug to end that way and embarrassed because she made me feel like a nobody. She didn't even react like she was affected by me or my hug. And this clearly is not good for my ego. The real question is why did I do it in the first place? Was I trying to be a gentleman to Ella? No way! Cause that is something I don't do, so unlike me. I don't think I need recognition and most definitely not from my personal assistant. Then the question remains, why?

I can't remember the last time I had trouble sleeping until today. I have always gotten all the things I wanted right from childhood though as I grew up I learned to work for them and not have them handed to me on a silver platter, I always do anything possible to get anything I want.