
Meanest Mob

This is a hidden gem, and the author means it with his heart and soul. ~~~ How much do you know about transmigration? Are our awareness of such a word, what allows us an understanding of it, or is it just our own delusion that allows us comprehension of what it truly is? It is something that I, the author himself want answers to... Alfir, my alter ego and persona, the very penname I wield shall be the protagonist of our own little story~ a story within a story. Let's watch him struggle against his fate as he plunges himself into a world that he himself wrote. We shall immerse ourselves in his manic perspective. From the third person, we shall observe what he shall become. Until he realizes the reality of I, of me, of a first perspective. When he does, will he break? Or will it be rebirth? I don't know... What I do know, is that he'll just get meaner the longer he remains ignorant of the truth. *** POWER LEVELS by Potentai Grade. 100% Potential Grade is Champion. It is the pinnacle of mutation powers. This is when an individual is able to manifest the absoluteness of their powers, changing topographies would be a cinch for mutants at this grade. These mutants are generally called the ‘evolved’. 99% Potential Grade is Peak. This is the ‘peak’ of mortal abilities. Strength, agility, intelligence, etcetera… the Peak-grade is when a mutant reaches their maximum humanly attributes. 98% to 80% Potential Grade is Destructive. Also known as city-destroyers. They can deal significant damage. This is the starting point of the truly strong mutants. 79% to 50% Potential Grade is Magical. This is when mutant abilities start to look magical in the eyes of an ordinary person. They represent competency. 41% to 49% Potential Grade is Ability. Mutants in this grade are those who have overcome their talent. 40% to 6% Potential Grade is Talent. The starting point of any mutant ability. 5% and below are Human, and these people are unqualified to attend the academy. *** The cover photo is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it. This novel is not generating any money. Take this warning very seriously... MC is crazy as fuck, and the author is very high with 'depression' when he wrote this particular work. It will be dark, gory, bloody, and mashed up with lots of familiar genres that may not seem to fit in... yet they perfectly do... Isekai? Check. Medieval fantasy? Check. Sci-fi tech? Check. Mutants? Check. Battle Academies? Check. Dungeons? Check. Fantasy monsters? Check. Heroes and Villains? CHECK! Outdated governments? Check... Romance? Fucked up, but it will be fine... no harem though. Is MC OP? I am not sure. As long as he has prep time, he is invincible... Would he still have character progression? Yes, he will, in the form of recovering from his insanity. MC's superpower is a kind of mental suggestion with 'very interesting' applications. This is my first original work, a kind of unique self-insert using my penname as the story's protagonist. Definitely not a Self-Wish Fulfilment, more like a Self-Curse Venting. The only problem in this novel is the shifting of tenses. It is like a damn curse. Writing other novels, I was able to maintain fluid tenses in the whole chapter, but this? It is not that bad, really... It is readable and has those adrenaline-pumping moments too. I know, cause even though I am its author, I can similarly feel this adrenaline pumping when I read this 'trash' that I treasure greatly.

Alfir · Fantasie
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64 Chs

The Critic

I was surprised by Bonbon's reveal. Leneya, the masked woman, was really an enemy. I know that I can't take Bon's words for granted, but I can't help but believe him or her, context-wise, as she even shared with me quite an appalling secret related to my Mental World.

Apparently, the Dreamers, the organization the transmigrators formed originated from my Mental World. These people have one desire, to free the chained fallen god inside me. Through Bon, I learned that many of these transmigrators were already walking in this world.


Bonbon was actually a woman!! The shock was just too much. What was next? You'll tell me Prof Merrick was actually gay? But there were more.

The most daunting of all— in the predicted next three months, the academy won't just be fighting a war. The academy would face certain destruction. From Bon's lips, she confidently claimed that all of the known villains in the novel will appear on that fateful day.

This predicted three months, there would be a conjoined attack of several nefarious organizations. Their goals range from abducting certain students, assassinating a few teachers, and making a phony war in decorative boastfulness. That should've been it, but with the Dreamers on top, that changes the whole situation.

With awakening the fallen god added to the agenda, this has gone beyond a full-blown war. All too chaotic to be even deservedly called war, you might as well call it a doomsday event. Clearly, there weren't any sides, which will make this war all more chaotic.

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask Bon, my hand suddenly went for her small squirrel body. I'll only need a second to squish the life out of her.

Bon with her squeaky voice protested my violent act. "Stop this, it's your brother. He sent me for this!!"

So many revelations in one day. In the end, I parted with Bon. Literally, I threw her with a merciless fastball. Midair, she transformed into a sparrow, what an ass. I'd love to see her splash some blood, but I left her be.

If this does really include my brother, then I don't know anymore. I perched on a tree waiting for the exercise, Dog's Death, to end.

I contemplated what my next steps should be. Can Bonbon be trusted? How many times this world will be rewritten?

First, I have to verify the facts. In order to do that, I have to get a certain someone on my side. This was too much of a gamble, but given that my enemies were in the shadows and I am not, it was necessary that I take this risk.

The exercise uneventfully ended. All of the students of Class-A returned to their camp with Prof Lockheed waiting. I look at my classmates with faked sympathy.

"Hey, how was everyone doing?" I approached Pedro.

"Terrible," He succinctly replied. "I almost got Hitch killed. Luckily, I was able to return him to the dorm. I kind of used my ability to cross that distance though. The sophomores are ruthless, they are literally killing pups to get their dog tags."

Unbelievable. I am flummoxed. Really? Did you name your dog Hitch? And most of all, you used your Special Ability without my permission.

Aware of my death stare, Pedro sweated. "I… am sorry, I won't do it again."

"This was my only warning to you. I swear…" I warned him, while exasperated.

Only Deron was able to protect his little pup. Lorie also was able to bring her pup to the camp, however, the terrier didn't still make it as it bled to death.

Most of the students didn't return with their dogs. Not even a collar. Pierre came out of the thickets and was carrying several bloody dog tags. The other students looked at Pierre with hostility.

If it were jealousy, I'd understand. But judging from the prickling gazes and the bloody dog tags, Pierre must've gotten them by attacking his fellow classmates.

From the same thickets, Cain alighted. He was carrying one sole bloody dog tag. Oh, I know this story… This was where Cain's emotional growth started. Looking at Cain's murderous face, I could tell that emotional growth won't be coming soon.

There was then Sheila who mysteriously was carrying several clean dog tags. A look of admiration from our classmates was directed at her. I looked then at Jana who for some reason still holding her little puppy, but none of the dog tag.

Class-A-Year-1 has been beaten to the curb. This was the day when the novel's characters first met their greatest difficulty yet.

I didn't return to the dorms immediately. I strolled around the East Sector's plaza for some time. I saw a fountain adorned with fancy angels and all kinds of scriptures. I saw a figure idly sitting by the fountain's side, she was Eliya Endshire.

I'd love to approach her, but not today. I surveyed the surroundings, and finally, my eyes landed on a peculiar bust of the first principal of Heromaker Academy. I see that it's missing an ear. I can't tell if it's Pedro's doing, but that guy was definitely doing a good job.

Yesterday, I saw him attaching a penis to a maiden's statue, which was laugh-worthy by all means. I did not ask him to vandalize for my amusement. This vandalism would help us find secret passageways in the academy which by all means will help me for my benefit.

Pedro's vandalism was technically a type of scouting mission. If you break enough stuff, you'll be surprised by how secretive some places here in the academy were. Pedro doesn't know that though.

Now, on with the peculiar bust in front of me.

Under the bust's chin was a trigger. No one was around to see it including the blind Eliya, so I went for it. I pressed the button, and a contraption was activated underground. Stairs were suddenly presented to me. Without dallying, I immediately descended.

There was no light underground like how I described this place in the novel. So, it will be a little difficult for me to navigate around. Luckily, I prepared beforehand.

I lighted a torch in my hand with a matchstick. This world does have flashlights, but unlike the luxury items such as ballpens and whiteboards, a flashlight was classified equipment. So, I have to make use of this stupid torch.

Reminded that this world was actually far from the 21st century I was so used to, I suck it up, and move on. Ugh. I fucking hate staying in this tunnel every minute of it.

Out of nowhere, a voice called to me. "Come here," it says.

It's finally time. I tried to fix my hair, and despite being dark, I believe I did quite a good job of it. The truth though was that nothing really changed. I followed the voice that told me to come.

"Come here, you stupid student." The voice repeated. I continued walking forwards without a care for the world. Suddenly, the floor opened up swallowing me whole.

Gravity claimed me and I let it be. Before I even knew it, I was sliding into a dark tunnel already. Five minutes later, I saw light.

Exiting the dark tunnel, I dropped on a rather comfy chair.

Because of the sudden lights, it took me some time to adjust. Taking over my bearings, I saw Zren, the 5th head professor coldly staring at me.

"Hello there, I love your hair cut bro." I don't know if he took it positively, but he's clearly not smiling.

No longer was Zren awkward, instead, I feel an invisible pressure weighing over me. Though he was considered to be the weakest among Peak-grade heroes, I still can't underestimate this man in front of me.

"I come in peace. I am aware that this place of yours was bugged with lots of bombs. I won't take any risk so please calmly remove your thumb from the dangerous red button under your desk." I calmly told him.

Zren, he's my purpose for coming here. I don't have any bad intentions for him, but I can't tell it as good either as what I am about to do comes from selfish reasons.

Because he was remaining too silent about it, I am left with no choice but to talk it out. "You see, I am here to recruit you. I really want you on my team though you are weak and scrawny… uuugh…" That came out wrongly.

Thankfully, Zren was super stoic today and was not showing me any expression.

"Ahem… ahem… It's like this… I am an alien…like I am not from this world." Still, no reaction so I continued.

"And it's like there's an entity inside me that have a god-complex and there are like fanatics out there hiding in the shadows… It's super scary, so I can understand if you don't want to jump on my ship."

Zren emotionlessly soundly nodded. "Hmmm…" It was just a silent hum, but that means at least something, right? So, I continued.

"It's like, you see, my cognition tampered, memories manipulated… Stuff like that. Now, I can't trust myself with my decisions anymore. I am in dire need of a critic right now, you know, a person who will tell me what 'not' to do. Maaan, I am just super stressed about these things."

I acted as if I were super chill about it, but I am getting tired of it. The debacle after the enrollment arc, the self-proclaimed fallen god inside me, the two parallel memories of different versions of me, and now… I have an army of dangerous otherworlders like me who were planning to turn the academy upside down.

Was this even the novel I know? It might as well be only about me. Wait, it's about me! The title was Meanest Mob, right? However, where was the meanest in that? I am more like a tortured mob right now.

"Fine, I understand. I'll join you." He abruptly said.

"Yeah, I know right? Sorry for wasting your time… I am going no— wait, what did you say?"